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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/bitly_user_app_info.R
\title{Retrieve information for the current authenticated user}
bitly_user_info(showRequestURL = FALSE)
\item{showRequestURL}{- an optional T/F value to whether show URL which has been
build and requested from server. For debug purposes, default FALSE.}
login - the specified bitly login or the login of the authenticated user

name - the user's full/display name

default_group_guid    - a group to which user belongs

created - Timestamp for the moment the user signed up (uses \code{\link[lubridate]{ymd_hms}})

is_active - whether a user profile is active

modified - Timestamp of the last modification to the user profile (uses \code{\link[lubridate]{ymd_hms}})

is_sso_user - is Single-Sign-On enabled for the user (PREMIUM FEATURE)

is_2fa_enabled - is 2 Step verification enabled ?

email - user's emails
Retrieve information for the current authenticated user

User operations such as changing your name or fetching basic user information apply only to the authenticated user.

   ui <- bitly_user_info(showRequestURL = TRUE)
