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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2020-2023, Contributors to pocketutils
# SPDX-PackageHomePage:
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Tools for sorting.

from import Collection, Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import (

from natsort import natsorted, ns
from natsort.ns_enum import ns as ns_enum

__all__ = ["SortUtils", "SortTools"]

_empty_frozenset = frozenset()

T = TypeVar("T")

class NatsortFlagsAndValue(NamedTuple):
    flags: frozenset[str]
    value: int

class SortUtils:
    def natsort(
        self: Self,
        lst: Iterable[T],
        dtype: type[T],
        alg: int | set[str] | frozenset[str] | None = None,
        reverse: bool = False,
    ) -> Sequence[T]:
        Perform a natural sort consistent with the type `dtype`.
        Uses `natsort <>`_.

        See Also:

            lst: A sequence of things to sort
            dtype: The type; must be a subclass of each element in `lst`
            alg: A specific natsort algorithm or set of flags
            reverse: Sort in reverse (e.g. Z to A or 9 to 1)
        if alg is None:
            _, alg = self.get_natsort_alg(dtype)
            _, alg = self.exact_natsort_alg(alg)
        lst = list(lst)
        return natsorted(lst, alg=alg, reverse=reverse)

    def all_natsort_flags(self: Self) -> Mapping[str, int]:
        Returns all flags defined by natsort, including combined and default flags.
        Combined flags are, e.g., `ns_enum.ns.REAL ns_enum.nsFLOAT | ns_enum.ns.SIGNED.`.
        Default flags are, e.g., `ns_enum.ns.UNSIGNED`.

        See Also:

            A mapping from flag name to int value
        return { e.value for e in ns_enum}

    def core_natsort_flags(self: Self) -> Mapping[str, int]:
        Returns natsort flags that are not combinations or defaults.

        See Also:

            A mapping from flag name to int value
        # exclude 0 values -- they're defaults
        # exclude any that are not a power of 2 -- they're combinations
        # len(ns_enum) is more than the number of core vals, but that's fine
        good_vals = {int(2**i) for i in range(len(ns_enum))}
        return { e.value for e in ns_enum if e.value in good_vals}

    def get_natsort_alg(self: Self, dtype: type[T]) -> NatsortFlagsAndValue:
        Guesses a good natsorted flag for the dtype.

        Here are some specifics:
            - integers       ⇒ INT and SIGNED
            - floating-point ⇒ FLOAT and SIGNED
            - strings        ⇒ COMPATIBILITYNORMALIZE and GROUPLETTERS
            - datetime       ⇒ GROUPLETTERS (only affects 'Z' vs. 'z'; shouldn't matter)

            dtype: Probably from `pd.Series.dtype`

            A tuple of (set of flags, int) -- see :meth:`exact_natsort_alg`
        st, x = set(), 0
        if dtype == str:
            x |= ns_enum.COMPATIBILITYNORMALIZE | ns_enum.GROUPLETTERS
        if (
            dtype == int
            or dtype == bool
            or repr(dtype).startswith("<class '")
            or repr(dtype) == "<class 'numpy.bool_'>"
            st.update(["INT", "SIGNED"])
            x |= ns_enum.INT | ns_enum.SIGNED
        if dtype == float or repr(dtype).startswith("<class 'numpy.float"):
            st.update(["FLOAT", "SIGNED"])
            x |= ns_enum.FLOAT | ns_enum.SIGNED  # same as ns_enum.REAL
        return NatsortFlagsAndValue(frozenset(st), x)

    def exact_natsort_alg(self: Self, flags: int | Collection[int | str] | None) -> NatsortFlagsAndValue:
        Gets the flag names and combined `alg=` argument for natsort.

            - `exact_natsort_alg({"REAL"}) == ({"FLOAT", "SIGNED"}, ns.FLOAT | ns.SIGNED)`
            - `exact_natsort_alg({}) == ({}, 0)`
            - `exact_natsort_alg(ns.LOWERCASEFIRST) == ({"LOWERCASEFIRST"}, ns.LOWERCASEFIRST)`
            - `exact_natsort_alg({"localenum", "numafter"})`
              `== ({"LOCALENUM", "NUMAFTER"}, ns.LOCALENUM | ns.NUMAFTER)`

            flags: Can be either:
                   - a single integer `alg` argument
                   - a set of flag ints and/or names in `natsort.ns`

            A tuple of the set of flag names, and the corresponding input to `natsorted`
            Only uses standard flag names, never the "combined" ones.
            (E.g. `exact_natsort_alg({"REAL"})`
            will return `({"FLOAT", "SIGNED"}, ns.FLOAT | ns.SIGNED)`.
        if isinstance(flags, str):
            flags = {flags}
        if (
            flags is None
            or (isinstance(flags, Collection) and len(flags) == 0)
            or (isinstance(flags, int) and flags == 0)
            return NatsortFlagsAndValue(_empty_frozenset, 0)
        if isinstance(flags, int):
            return self._ns_info_from_int_flag(flags)
        if isinstance(flags, Collection):
            x = 0
            for f in flags:
                if isinstance(f, str):
                    x |= getattr(ns, f.upper())
                elif isinstance(f, int):
                    x |= f
                    raise TypeError(f"Unknown type {type(flags)} for {flags}")
            return self._ns_info_from_int_flag(x)
        raise TypeError(f"Unknown type {type(flags)} for {flags}")

    def _ns_info_from_int_flag(self: Self, val: int) -> NatsortFlagsAndValue:
        good = self.core_natsort_flags()
        st = {k for k, v in good.items() if v & val != 0}
        return NatsortFlagsAndValue(frozenset(st), val)

SortTools = SortUtils()