# These settings are synced to GitHub by https://probot.github.io/apps/settings/
# See https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#edit for all available settings.
# The name of the repository. Changing this will rename the repository
name: "tyrannosaurus"
# A short description of the repository that will show up on GitHub
description: "Generate beautifully modern Python projects with seamless, GitHub-based CI/CD and loads of integrations."
homepage: "https://github.com/dmyersturnbull/tyrannosaurus"
has_issues: true
has_projects: false
has_wiki: false
has_downloads: true
default_branch: main
allow_squash_merge: true
allow_merge_commit: false
allow_rebase_merge: true
enable_automated_security_fixes: true
enable_vulnerability_alerts: true
- name: "a notice ♢"
description: "Bulletin; notice me!"
color: "#ffffff"
- name: "breaking ⚙"
description: "Requires a breaking change"
color: "#000000"
- name: "difficulty: easy"
description: "< 30 min"
color: "#bbddbb"
- name: "difficulty: hard"
description: "difficulty: hard"
color: "#009900"
- name: "difficulty: milestone ⚑"
description: "⚑ A milestone referencing other issues"
color: "#00ff00"
- name: "difficulty: severe"
description: "difficulty: severe"
color: "#006600"
- name: "difficulty: typical"
description: "30 min – 4 hours"
color: "#66bb66"
- name: "kind: bug"
description: "Something isn’t working"
color: "#ee5500"
- name: "kind: cleanup"
description: "Simplify or improve code"
color: "#84b6eb"
- name: "kind: documentation"
description: "A feature needs better documentation"
color: "#006b75"
- name: "kind: enhancement"
description: "Improve functionality"
color: "#2060cc"
- name: "kind: infrastructure"
description: "Modify dependencies, installation, tools, etc."
color: "#333788"
- name: "kind: new feature"
description: "Create something new"
color: "#0000ff"
- name: "kind: performance"
description: "Improve speed or resource usage"
color: "#bbbbdd"
- name: "kind: question"
description: "Further information is requested"
color: "#66317c"
- name: "kind: security \U0001F512"
description: "Vulnerability to fix"
color: "#ffbb00"
- name: "kind: tests"
description: "Write or improve tests"
color: "#d08000"
- name: "priority: critical ⚠"
description: "⚠ Must be done NOW"
color: "#ff0000"
- name: "priority: important"
description: "Should be done soon"
color: "#cc0000"
- name: "priority: minor"
description: "Should do, but not important"
color: "#ddaa99"
- name: "priority: pickmeup"
description: "Too minor to bother"
color: "#f0e9e9"
- name: "priority: wontfix"
description: "Should not be fixed"
color: "#fff9f9"
- name: "status: decision"
description: "Whether to fix / how to fix"
color: "#33aaaa"
- name: "status: duplicate"
description: "This issue or pull request already exists"
color: "#cfd3d7"
- name: "status: fixed ✓"
description: "100% done"
color: "#ddffee"
- name: "status: help needed ◉"
description: "◉ More contributors need to be assigned"
color: "#55cccc"
- name: 'status: in progress \U0001F846'
description: "Assigned and in progress"
color: "#aacfbb"
- name: "status: info required ❔"
description: "Can’t be fixed until questions are answered"
color: "#77ccbb"
- name: "status: invalid"
description: "Not a real issue"
color: "#e6e6e6"
- name: "status: unresolvable"
description: "Can’t be fixed: The required info doesn’t exist."
color: "#111111"
- name: "status: in upstream"
description: "Can’t fix until a dependency is fixed"
color: "#fefeee"
- name: "sticky note ☆"
description: "☆ Important for reference even after it’s closed"
color: "#ffee00"
- name: main
required_approving_review_count: 1
dismiss_stale_reviews: true
require_code_owner_reviews: false
strict: true
contexts: []
enforce_admins: false
required_linear_history: true
restrictions: null