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Test Coverage
## Release 0.0.3

1. Find the way to disable altering the existing cassettes by VCR while launching tests.
2. Add a helper method to generate a collection of factories to avoid such code:

      factory = FactoryGirl.build(:event)

      factories = [factory]

      6.times do |t|
        i = (t + 2).to_s

        factories << FactoryGirl.build(
          id: factory.id + i

which is duplicated in a few builders.
3. Default record which will be used only for inheriting, something:

    Whisperer.define(:default_for_my_api) do

  it won't be used for generating a cassette, only for inheriting.
4. Add DSL which will allow us to define any helper method for the body DSL. It should allow our users to extend functionality of the gem.
5. Add DSL to define the way how we can read attributes from models which are used in factories if it is not `OpenStruct` model.
6. `Whisperer::Serializers::Json#fetch_attrs` method should be extracted to own class since it may be useful for a custom serializers.
7. Move the documentation to the wiki.

## Release 0.1.0

1. Create rake task for generating factories based on Vcr responses.

## Think about possibile features

1. Do we need to expose preprocessors or may be extend their usage (unregister, apply only for a certain cassettes)?
2. We can use factories for building request body, shold we consider this option as a real feature?