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6 hrs
Test Coverage
import dns.resolver
import re

from dnstats.db import models
from dnstats.db import db_session

def safe_query(site: str, type: str):
    Perform the given query. If any errors return None.

    :param site: the domain to query
    :param type: type of query to perform
    r = None
        r = dns.resolver.query(site, type)

    if r:
        results = list()
        for ans in r:
        return results
        return None

def caa_stats(ans):
    has_reporting = False
    has_caa = False
    allows_wildcard = False
    issue_count = 0
    wildcard_count = 0
    if ans:
        for r in ans:
            if ' iodef ' in r:
                has_reporting = True
            if ' issuewild ':
                allows_wildcard = True
                wildcard_count += 1
            if ' issue ' in r:
                has_caa = True
                issue_count += 1
    return {'caa_issue_count': issue_count, 'caa_wildcard_count': wildcard_count, 'caa_has_reporting': has_reporting,
            'caa_allows_wildcard': allows_wildcard, 'caa_exists': has_caa}

def get_dmarc_stats(ans):
    aggregate = False
    forensic = False
    dmarc = False
    policy = ""
    sub_policy = ""
    if ans:
        for r in ans:
            if r.startswith('"v=DMARC1'):
                if dmarc:
                    policy = 'invalid'
                dmarc = True
                dmarc_keys = _parse_dmarc(r)

                if 'rua' in dmarc_keys:
                    aggregate = True
                if "ruf" in dmarc_keys:
                    forensic = True
                if "p" in dmarc_keys:
                    policy = dmarc_keys['p']
                if 'sp' in dmarc_keys:
                    sub_policy = dmarc_keys['sp']

    if policy is '':
        policy = 'no_policy'
    if sub_policy is '':
        sub_policy = 'no_policy'
    return {'dmarc_has_aggregate': aggregate, 'dmarc_has_forensic': forensic, 'dmarc_exists': dmarc,
            'dmarc_policy': policy, 'dmarc_sub_policy': sub_policy}

def _parse_dmarc(record) -> []:
    record = record.replace('"', '')
    if not record.startswith('v=DMARC1'):
        return []
    parts = record.split(';')
    policy = dict()
    for part in parts:
        subs = part.split('=')
        if len(subs) == 2:
            policy[subs[0].strip()] = subs[1].strip()
    return policy

def get_provider_from_ns_records(ans: list, site: str) -> int:
    if ans:
        ns_string = ''.join(ans).lower()
        if ns_string.endswith(site + '.'):
            return db_session.query(models.DnsProvider).filter_by(search_regex='Self-hosted').one().id
        providers = db_session.query(models.DnsProvider).filter_by(is_regex=True).all()
        for provider in providers:
            if provider.search_regex in ns_string:
                return provider.id
        return db_session.query(models.DnsProvider).filter_by(search_regex='Unknown.').one().id

def is_a_msft_dc(domain: str) -> bool:
    ans = safe_query('_msdcs.{}'.format(domain), 'soa')
    if ans and len(ans) > 0:
        rand_ans = safe_query('88DkwqpKw01OP7O.{}'.format(domain), 'soa')
        rand_result = rand_ans and len(rand_ans) > 0
        if not rand_result:
            return True
        return False

def query_name_server(dns_server_ips: list, domain: str, request_type: str) -> []:
    Do a query with a given name server, domain, and request type

    :param dns_server_ips: IP addresses of the name servers to use
    :param domain: domain: to query
    :param request_type: type of record to query
    :return: list of records from the requested query
    if not dns_server_ips or not domain or not request_type:
        return ValueError('All arguments must not be Falsey')

    resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver(configure=False)
    resolver.nameservers = dns_server_ips
    r = None
        r = dns.resolver.query(domain, request_type)
    if r:
        results = list()
        for ans in r:
        return results
        return None

def validate_label(label: str) -> bool:
    if len(label) == 1:
        pattern = re.compile('[a-zA-Z]')
        pattern = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]$')
    return False if pattern.match(label) is None else True

def validate_domain(label: str) -> bool:
    if not str:
        return False
    if label.endswith('.'):
        label = label[:-1]
    parts = label.split('.')
    for part in parts:
        if not validate_label(part):
            return False
    return True