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<% content_for(:page_title, 'About this site') %>
<% content_for(:main_container_class, 'container_tiny') %>

<div class='page_header page_header_simple'>
  <h2>About this site</h2>

  <%= DispatchConfiguration.site_title %> is a website that lists contracting opportunities
  from <%= DispatchConfiguration.agency_name %>. If you're a business, you can <a href='<%= opportunities_path %>'>browse opportunities</a> that have been posted. <a href='<%= new_user_registration_path(type: 'vendor') %>'>Creating an account</a> also lets you receive email notifications of new opportunities that are a good fit for your business.

  If you're a government employee, you can <a href='<%= new_user_registration_path(type: 'staff') %>'>create an account</a> to post new opportunities, and approve submitted opportunities.