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Test Coverage

## Easy vendor signup

Attracting small businesses to government contracting is hard. Don't make it harder by making them navigate an arcane registration form in order to see contracting opportunities.

## Email alerts

Vendors will automatically receive alerts of new opportunities that match their capabilities.

## Powerful search

Dispatch indexes the contents of your RFP documents so that vendors can easily find opportunities that they're interested in.

## Online proposal review

[Insert Screendoor copy here]

## Open-data friendly

[Insert Screendoor copy here]

## Customizable look-and-feel

Dispatch can be configured to match the colors of your existing website. It can even be extended to use an in-house style guide like the [US Web Design Standards](

## Open source

Dispatch is free and open-source software, meaning that you'll never pay a cent in license costs. The fact that Dispatch is open-source also means that you don't have to take our word with regard to its quality: you can see for yourself that Dispatch's code is clean, well-tested, and secure.

Hosting, customization, and service level agreements (SLAs) are available from the Department of Better Technology.