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//go:build linux && cgo && !static_build && journald

package journald // import ""

import (


const (
    closedDrainTimeout = 5 * time.Second
    waitInterval       = 250 * time.Millisecond

// Fields which we know are not user-provided attribute fields.
var wellKnownFields = map[string]bool{
    "MESSAGE":             true,
    "MESSAGE_ID":          true,
    "PRIORITY":            true,
    "CODE_FILE":           true,
    "CODE_LINE":           true,
    "CODE_FUNC":           true,
    "ERRNO":               true,
    "SYSLOG_FACILITY":     true,
    fieldSyslogIdentifier: true,
    "SYSLOG_PID":          true,
    fieldSyslogTimestamp:  true,
    fieldContainerName:    true,
    fieldContainerID:      true,
    fieldContainerIDFull:  true,
    fieldContainerTag:     true,
    fieldImageName:        true,
    fieldPLogID:           true,
    fieldPLogOrdinal:      true,
    fieldPLogLast:         true,
    fieldPartialMessage:   true,
    fieldLogEpoch:         true,
    fieldLogOrdinal:       true,

type reader struct {
    s             *journald
    j             *sdjournal.Journal
    logWatcher    *logger.LogWatcher
    config        logger.ReadConfig
    maxOrdinal    uint64
    ready         chan struct{}
    drainDeadline time.Time

func getMessage(d map[string]string) (line []byte, ok bool) {
    m, ok := d["MESSAGE"]
    if ok {
        line = []byte(m)
        if d[fieldPartialMessage] != "true" {
            line = append(line, "\n"...)
    return line, ok

func getPriority(d map[string]string) (journal.Priority, bool) {
    if pri, ok := d["PRIORITY"]; ok {
        i, err := strconv.Atoi(pri)
        return journal.Priority(i), err == nil
    return -1, false

// getSource recovers the stream name from the entry data by mapping from the
// journal priority field back to the stream that we would have assigned that
// value.
func getSource(d map[string]string) string {
    source := ""
    if priority, ok := getPriority(d); ok {
        if priority == journal.PriErr {
            source = "stderr"
        } else if priority == journal.PriInfo {
            source = "stdout"
    return source

func getAttrs(d map[string]string) []backend.LogAttr {
    var attrs []backend.LogAttr
    for k, v := range d {
        if k[0] != '_' && !wellKnownFields[k] {
            attrs = append(attrs, backend.LogAttr{Key: k, Value: v})
    return attrs

// The SeekXYZ() methods all move the journal read pointer to a "conceptual"
// position which does not correspond to any journal entry. A subsequent call to
// Next(), Previous() or similar is necessary to resolve the read pointer to a
// discrete entry.
// But that's not all! If there is no discrete entry to resolve the position to,
// the call to Next() or Previous() will just leave the read pointer in a
// conceptual position, or do something even more bizarre.

// initialSeekHead positions the journal read pointer at the earliest journal
// entry with a timestamp of at least r.config.Since. It returns true if there
// is an entry to read at the read pointer.
func (r *reader) initialSeekHead() (bool, error) {
    var err error
    if r.config.Since.IsZero() {
        err = r.j.SeekHead()
    } else {
        err = r.j.SeekRealtime(r.config.Since)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    return r.j.Next()

// initialSeekTail positions the journal read pointer at a journal entry
// relative to the tail of the journal at the time of the call based on the
// specification in r.config. It returns true if there is an entry to read at
// the read pointer. Otherwise the read pointer is set to a conceptual position
// which will be resolved to the desired entry (once written) by advancing
// forward with r.j.Next() or similar.
func (r *reader) initialSeekTail() (bool, error) {
    var err error
    if r.config.Until.IsZero() {
        err = r.j.SeekTail()
    } else {
        err = r.j.SeekRealtime(r.config.Until)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    var ok bool
    if r.config.Tail == 0 {
        ok, err = r.j.Previous()
    } else {
        var n int
        n, err = r.j.PreviousSkip(uint(r.config.Tail))
        ok = n > 0
    if err != nil {
        return ok, err
    if !ok {
        // The (filtered) journal has no entries. The tail is the head: all new
        // entries which get written into the journal from this point forward
        // should be read from the journal. However the read pointer is
        // positioned at a conceptual position which is not condusive to reading
        // those entries. The tail of the journal is resolved to the last entry
        // in the journal _at the time of the first successful Previous() call_,
        // which means that an arbitrary number of journal entries added in the
        // interim may be skipped: race condition. While the realtime conceptual
        // position is not so racy, it is also unhelpful: it is the timestamp
        // past where reading should stop, so all logs that should be followed
        // would be skipped over.
        // Reset the read pointer position to avoid these problems.
        return r.initialSeekHead()
    } else if r.config.Tail == 0 {
        // The journal read pointer is positioned at the discrete position of
        // the journal entry _before_ the entry to send.
        return r.j.Next()

    // Check if the PreviousSkip went too far back.
    timestamp, err := r.j.Realtime()
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    if timestamp.Before(r.config.Since) {
        if err := r.j.SeekRealtime(r.config.Since); err != nil {
            return false, err
        return r.j.Next()
    return true, nil

// wait blocks until the journal has new data to read, the reader's drain
// deadline is exceeded, or the log reading consumer is gone.
func (r *reader) wait() (bool, error) {
    for {
        dur := waitInterval
        if !r.drainDeadline.IsZero() {
            dur = time.Until(r.drainDeadline)
            if dur < 0 {
                // Container is gone but we haven't found the end of the
                // logs before the deadline. Maybe it was dropped by
                // journald, e.g. due to rate-limiting.
                return false, nil
            } else if dur > waitInterval {
                dur = waitInterval
        status, err := r.j.Wait(dur)
        if err != nil {
            return false, err
        } else if status != sdjournal.StatusNOP {
            return true, nil
        select {
        case <-r.logWatcher.WatchConsumerGone():
            return false, nil
        case <-r.s.closed:
            // Container is gone; don't wait indefinitely for journal entries that will never arrive.
            if r.maxOrdinal >= atomic.LoadUint64(&r.s.ordinal) {
                return false, nil
            if r.drainDeadline.IsZero() {
                r.drainDeadline = time.Now().Add(closedDrainTimeout)

// nextWait blocks until there is a new journal entry to read, and advances the
// journal read pointer to it.
func (r *reader) nextWait() (bool, error) {
    for {
        if ok, err := r.j.Next(); err != nil || ok {
            return ok, err
        if ok, err := r.wait(); err != nil || !ok {
            return false, err

// drainJournal reads and sends log messages from the journal, starting from the
// current read pointer, until the end of the journal or a terminal stopping
// condition is reached.
// It returns false when a terminal stopping condition has been reached:
//   - the watch consumer is gone, or
//   - (if until is nonzero) a log entry is read which has a timestamp after
//     until
func (r *reader) drainJournal() (bool, error) {
    for i := 0; ; i++ {
        // Read the entry's timestamp.
        timestamp, err := r.j.Realtime()
        if err != nil {
            return true, err
        if !r.config.Until.IsZero() && r.config.Until.Before(timestamp) {
            return false, nil

        // Read and send the logged message, if there is one to read.
        data, err := r.j.Data()
        if err != nil {
            return true, err

        if data[fieldLogEpoch] == r.s.epoch {
            seq, err := strconv.ParseUint(data[fieldLogOrdinal], 10, 64)
            if err == nil && seq > r.maxOrdinal {
                r.maxOrdinal = seq

        if line, ok := getMessage(data); ok {
            // Send the log message, unless the consumer is gone
            msg := &logger.Message{
                Line:      line,
                Source:    getSource(data),
                Timestamp: timestamp.In(time.UTC),
                Attrs:     getAttrs(data),
            // The daemon timestamp will differ from the "trusted"
            // timestamp of when the event was received by journald.
            // We can efficiently seek around the journal by the
            // event timestamp, and the event timestamp is what
            // journalctl displays. The daemon timestamp is just an
            // application-supplied field with no special
            // significance; libsystemd won't help us seek to the
            // entry with the closest timestamp.
                if sts := data["SYSLOG_TIMESTAMP"]; sts != "" {
                    if tv, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, sts); err == nil {
                        msg.Timestamp = tv
            select {
            case <-r.logWatcher.WatchConsumerGone():
                return false, nil
            case r.logWatcher.Msg <- msg:

        // Call sd_journal_process() periodically during the processing loop
        // to close any opened file descriptors for rotated (deleted) journal files.
        if i != 0 && i%1024 == 0 {
            if _, err := r.j.Process(); err != nil {
                // log a warning but ignore it for now
                log.G(context.TODO()).WithField("container", r.s.vars[fieldContainerIDFull]).
                    WithField("error", err).
                    Warn("journald: error processing journal")

        if ok, err := r.j.Next(); err != nil || !ok {
            return true, err

func (r *reader) readJournal() error {
    caughtUp := atomic.LoadUint64(&r.s.ordinal)
    if more, err := r.drainJournal(); err != nil || !more {
        return err

    if !r.config.Follow {
        if r.s.readSyncTimeout == 0 {
            return nil
        r.drainDeadline = time.Now().Add(r.s.readSyncTimeout)

    for {
        select {
        case <-r.s.closed:
            // container is gone, drain journal
            lastSeq := atomic.LoadUint64(&r.s.ordinal)
            if r.maxOrdinal >= lastSeq {
                // All caught up with the logger!
                return nil

        if more, err := r.nextWait(); err != nil || !more {
            return err
        if more, err := r.drainJournal(); err != nil || !more {
            return err
        if !r.config.Follow && r.s.readSyncTimeout > 0 && r.maxOrdinal >= caughtUp {
            return nil

func (r *reader) readLogs() {
    defer close(r.logWatcher.Msg)

    // Make sure the ready channel is closed in the event of an early
    // return.
    defer r.signalReady()

    // Quoting
    //     Functions that operate on sd_journal objects are thread
    //     agnostic — given sd_journal pointer may only be used from one
    //     specific thread at all times (and it has to be the very same one
    //     during the entire lifetime of the object), but multiple,
    //     independent threads may use multiple, independent objects safely.
    // sdjournal.Open returns a value which wraps an sd_journal pointer so
    // we need to abide by those rules.
    defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()

    // Get a handle to the journal.
    var err error
    if r.s.journalReadDir != "" {
        r.j, err = sdjournal.OpenDir(r.s.journalReadDir, 0)
    } else {
        r.j, err = sdjournal.Open(0)
    if err != nil {
        r.logWatcher.Err <- err
    defer r.j.Close()

    if r.config.Follow {
        // Initialize library inotify watches early
        if err := r.j.InitializeInotify(); err != nil {
            r.logWatcher.Err <- err

    // Remove limits on the size of data items that we'll retrieve.
    if err := r.j.SetDataThreshold(0); err != nil {
        r.logWatcher.Err <- err
    // Add a match to have the library do the searching for us.
    if err := r.j.AddMatch(fieldContainerIDFull, r.s.vars[fieldContainerIDFull]); err != nil {
        r.logWatcher.Err <- err

    var ok bool
    if r.config.Tail >= 0 {
        ok, err = r.initialSeekTail()
    } else {
        ok, err = r.initialSeekHead()
    if err != nil {
        r.logWatcher.Err <- err
    if !ok {
        if !r.config.Follow {
        // Either the read pointer is positioned at a discrete journal entry, in
        // which case the position will be unaffected by subsequent logging, or
        // the read pointer is in the conceptual position corresponding to the
        // first journal entry to send once it is logged in the future.
        if more, err := r.nextWait(); err != nil || !more {
            if err != nil {
                r.logWatcher.Err <- err

    if err := r.readJournal(); err != nil {
        r.logWatcher.Err <- err

func (r *reader) signalReady() {
    select {
    case <-r.ready:

func (s *journald) ReadLogs(config logger.ReadConfig) *logger.LogWatcher {
    r := &reader{
        s:          s,
        logWatcher: logger.NewLogWatcher(),
        config:     config,
        ready:      make(chan struct{}),
    go r.readLogs()
    // Block until the reader is in position to read from the current config
    // location to prevent race conditions in tests.
    return r.logWatcher

func waitUntilFlushedImpl(s *journald) error {
    if s.readSyncTimeout == 0 {
        return nil

    ordinal := atomic.LoadUint64(&s.ordinal)
    if ordinal == 0 {
        return nil // No logs were sent; nothing to wait for.

    flushed := make(chan error)
    go func() {
        defer close(flushed)
        defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()

        var (
            j   *sdjournal.Journal
            err error
        if s.journalReadDir != "" {
            j, err = sdjournal.OpenDir(s.journalReadDir, 0)
        } else {
            j, err = sdjournal.Open(0)
        if err != nil {
            flushed <- err
        defer j.Close()

        if err := j.AddMatch(fieldContainerIDFull, s.vars[fieldContainerIDFull]); err != nil {
            flushed <- err
        if err := j.AddMatch(fieldLogEpoch, s.epoch); err != nil {
            flushed <- err
        if err := j.AddMatch(fieldLogOrdinal, strconv.FormatUint(ordinal, 10)); err != nil {
            flushed <- err

        deadline := time.Now().Add(s.readSyncTimeout)
        for time.Now().Before(deadline) {
            if ok, err := j.Next(); ok {
                // Found it!
            } else if err != nil {
                flushed <- err
            if _, err := j.Wait(100 * time.Millisecond); err != nil {
                flushed <- err
        log.G(context.TODO()).WithField("container", s.vars[fieldContainerIDFull]).
            Warn("journald: deadline exceeded waiting for logs to be committed to journal")
    return <-flushed

func init() {
    waitUntilFlushed = waitUntilFlushedImpl