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Test Coverage
//go:build windows

package portmapper

import (


type mapping struct {
    proto             string
    stopUserlandProxy func() error
    host              net.Addr
    container         net.Addr

var (
    // ErrUnknownBackendAddressType refers to an unknown container or unsupported address type
    ErrUnknownBackendAddressType = errors.New("unknown container address type not supported")
    // ErrPortMappedForIP refers to a port already mapped to an ip address
    ErrPortMappedForIP = errors.New("port is already mapped to ip")
    // ErrPortNotMapped refers to an unmapped port
    ErrPortNotMapped = errors.New("port is not mapped")
    // ErrSCTPAddrNoIP refers to a SCTP address without IP address.
    ErrSCTPAddrNoIP = errors.New("sctp address does not contain any IP address")

// New returns a new instance of PortMapper
func New() *PortMapper {
    return NewWithPortAllocator(portallocator.Get(), "")

// NewWithPortAllocator returns a new instance of PortMapper which will use the specified PortAllocator
func NewWithPortAllocator(allocator *portallocator.PortAllocator, proxyPath string) *PortMapper {
    return &PortMapper{
        currentMappings: make(map[string]*mapping),
        allocator:       allocator,
        proxyPath:       proxyPath,

// MapRange maps the specified container transport address to the host's network address and transport port range
func (pm *PortMapper) MapRange(container net.Addr, hostIP net.IP, hostPortStart, hostPortEnd int) (host net.Addr, retErr error) {
    defer pm.lock.Unlock()

    var (
        m                 *mapping
        proto             string
        allocatedHostPort int

    switch container.(type) {
    case *net.TCPAddr:
        proto = "tcp"

        var err error
        allocatedHostPort, err = pm.allocator.RequestPortInRange(hostIP, proto, hostPortStart, hostPortEnd)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        defer func() {
            if retErr != nil {
                pm.allocator.ReleasePort(hostIP, proto, allocatedHostPort)

        m = &mapping{
            proto:     proto,
            host:      &net.TCPAddr{IP: hostIP, Port: allocatedHostPort},
            container: container,
    case *net.UDPAddr:
        proto = "udp"

        var err error
        allocatedHostPort, err = pm.allocator.RequestPortInRange(hostIP, proto, hostPortStart, hostPortEnd)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        defer func() {
            if retErr != nil {
                pm.allocator.ReleasePort(hostIP, proto, allocatedHostPort)

        m = &mapping{
            proto:     proto,
            host:      &net.UDPAddr{IP: hostIP, Port: allocatedHostPort},
            container: container,
    case *sctp.SCTPAddr:
        proto = "sctp"

        var err error
        allocatedHostPort, err = pm.allocator.RequestPortInRange(hostIP, proto, hostPortStart, hostPortEnd)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        defer func() {
            if retErr != nil {
                pm.allocator.ReleasePort(hostIP, proto, allocatedHostPort)

        m = &mapping{
            proto:     proto,
            host:      &sctp.SCTPAddr{IPAddrs: []net.IPAddr{{IP: hostIP}}, Port: allocatedHostPort},
            container: container,
        return nil, ErrUnknownBackendAddressType

    key := getKey(
    if _, exists := pm.currentMappings[key]; exists {
        return nil, ErrPortMappedForIP

    containerIP, containerPort := getIPAndPort(m.container)
    if err := pm.AppendForwardingTableEntry(m.proto, hostIP, allocatedHostPort, containerIP.String(), containerPort); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var err error
    m.stopUserlandProxy, err = newDummyProxy(m.proto, hostIP, allocatedHostPort)
    if err != nil {
        // FIXME(thaJeztah): both stopping the proxy and deleting iptables rules can produce an error, and both are not currently handled.
        // need to undo the iptables rules before we return
        pm.DeleteForwardingTableEntry(m.proto, hostIP, allocatedHostPort, containerIP.String(), containerPort)
        return nil, err

    pm.currentMappings[key] = m
    return, nil

// Unmap removes stored mapping for the specified host transport address
func (pm *PortMapper) Unmap(host net.Addr) error {
    defer pm.lock.Unlock()

    key := getKey(host)
    data, exists := pm.currentMappings[key]
    if !exists {
        return ErrPortNotMapped

    if data.stopUserlandProxy != nil {

    delete(pm.currentMappings, key)

    containerIP, containerPort := getIPAndPort(data.container)
    hostIP, hostPort := getIPAndPort(
    if err := pm.DeleteForwardingTableEntry(data.proto, hostIP, hostPort, containerIP.String(), containerPort); err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Errorf("Error on iptables delete: %s", err)

    switch a := host.(type) {
    case *net.TCPAddr:
        pm.allocator.ReleasePort(a.IP, "tcp", a.Port)
    case *net.UDPAddr:
        pm.allocator.ReleasePort(a.IP, "udp", a.Port)
    case *sctp.SCTPAddr:
        if len(a.IPAddrs) == 0 {
            return ErrSCTPAddrNoIP
        pm.allocator.ReleasePort(a.IPAddrs[0].IP, "sctp", a.Port)
        return ErrUnknownBackendAddressType

    return nil

func getKey(a net.Addr) string {
    switch t := a.(type) {
    case *net.TCPAddr:
        return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d/%s", t.IP.String(), t.Port, "tcp")
    case *net.UDPAddr:
        return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d/%s", t.IP.String(), t.Port, "udp")
    case *sctp.SCTPAddr:
        if len(t.IPAddrs) == 0 {
            return ""
        return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d/%s", t.IPAddrs[0].IP.String(), t.Port, "sctp")
    return ""

func getIPAndPort(a net.Addr) (net.IP, int) {
    switch t := a.(type) {
    case *net.TCPAddr:
        return t.IP, t.Port
    case *net.UDPAddr:
        return t.IP, t.Port
    case *sctp.SCTPAddr:
        if len(t.IPAddrs) == 0 {
            return nil, 0
        return t.IPAddrs[0].IP, t.Port
    return nil, 0