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package agent

import (


const (
    initialSessionFailureBackoff = 100 * time.Millisecond
    maxSessionFailureBackoff     = 8 * time.Second
    nodeUpdatePeriod             = 20 * time.Second

// Agent implements the primary node functionality for a member of a swarm
// cluster. The primary functionality is to run and report on the status of
// tasks assigned to the node.
type Agent struct {
    config *Config

    // The latest node object state from manager
    // for this node known to the agent.
    node *api.Node

    keys []*api.EncryptionKey

    sessionq chan sessionOperation
    worker   Worker

    started   chan struct{}
    startOnce sync.Once // start only once
    ready     chan struct{}
    leaving   chan struct{}
    leaveOnce sync.Once
    left      chan struct{} // closed after "run" processes "leaving" and will no longer accept new assignments
    stopped   chan struct{} // requests shutdown
    stopOnce  sync.Once     // only allow stop to be called once
    closed    chan struct{} // only closed in run
    err       error         // read only after closed is closed

    nodeUpdatePeriod time.Duration

// New returns a new agent, ready for task dispatch.
func New(config *Config) (*Agent, error) {
    if err := config.validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    a := &Agent{
        config:           config,
        sessionq:         make(chan sessionOperation),
        started:          make(chan struct{}),
        leaving:          make(chan struct{}),
        left:             make(chan struct{}),
        stopped:          make(chan struct{}),
        closed:           make(chan struct{}),
        ready:            make(chan struct{}),
        nodeUpdatePeriod: nodeUpdatePeriod,

    a.worker = newWorker(config.DB, config.Executor, a)
    return a, nil

// Start begins execution of the agent in the provided context, if not already
// started.
// Start returns an error if the agent has already started.
func (a *Agent) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
    err := errAgentStarted

    a.startOnce.Do(func() {
        err = nil // clear error above, only once.

    return err

// Leave instructs the agent to leave the cluster. This method will shutdown
// assignment processing and remove all assignments from the node.
// Leave blocks until worker has finished closing all task managers or agent
// is closed.
func (a *Agent) Leave(ctx context.Context) error {
    select {
    case <-a.started:
        return errAgentNotStarted

    a.leaveOnce.Do(func() {

    // Do not call Wait until we have confirmed that the agent is no longer
    // accepting assignments. Starting a worker might race with Wait.
    select {
    case <-a.left:
    case <-a.closed:
        return ErrClosed
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()

    // agent could be closed while Leave is in progress
    var err error
    ch := make(chan struct{})
    go func() {
        err = a.worker.Wait(ctx)

    select {
    case <-ch:
        return err
    case <-a.closed:
        return ErrClosed

// Stop shuts down the agent, blocking until full shutdown. If the agent is not
// started, Stop will block until the agent has fully shutdown.
func (a *Agent) Stop(ctx context.Context) error {
    select {
    case <-a.started:
        return errAgentNotStarted


    // wait till closed or context cancelled
    select {
    case <-a.closed:
        return nil
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()

// stop signals the agent shutdown process, returning true if this call was the
// first to actually shutdown the agent.
func (a *Agent) stop() bool {
    var stopped bool
    a.stopOnce.Do(func() {
        stopped = true

    return stopped

// Err returns the error that caused the agent to shutdown or nil. Err blocks
// until the agent is fully shutdown.
func (a *Agent) Err(ctx context.Context) error {
    select {
    case <-a.closed:
        return a.err
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()

// Ready returns a channel that will be closed when agent first becomes ready.
func (a *Agent) Ready() <-chan struct{} {
    return a.ready

func (a *Agent) run(ctx context.Context) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    defer cancel()
    defer close(a.closed) // full shutdown.

    ctx = log.WithModule(ctx, "agent")

    defer log.G(ctx).Debug("(*Agent).run exited")

    nodeTLSInfo := a.config.NodeTLSInfo

    // get the node description
    nodeDescription, err := a.nodeDescriptionWithHostname(ctx, nodeTLSInfo)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).WithField("agent", a.config.Executor).Error("agent: node description unavailable")
    // nodeUpdateTicker is used to periodically check for updates to node description
    nodeUpdateTicker := time.NewTicker(a.nodeUpdatePeriod)
    defer nodeUpdateTicker.Stop()

    var (
        backoff       time.Duration
        session       = newSession(ctx, a, backoff, "", nodeDescription) // start the initial session
        registered    = session.registered
        ready         = a.ready // first session ready
        sessionq      chan sessionOperation
        leaving       = a.leaving
        subscriptions = map[string]context.CancelFunc{}
        // subscriptionDone is a channel that allows us to notify ourselves
        // that a lot subscription should be finished. this channel is
        // unbuffered, because it is only written to in a goroutine, and
        // therefore cannot block the main execution path.
        subscriptionDone = make(chan string)
    defer func() {

    if err := a.worker.Init(ctx); err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("worker initialization failed")
        a.err = err
        return // fatal?
    defer a.worker.Close()

    // setup a reliable reporter to call back to us.
    reporter := newStatusReporter(ctx, a)
    defer reporter.Close()

    a.worker.Listen(ctx, reporter)

    updateNode := func() {
        // skip updating if the registration isn't finished
        if registered != nil {
        // get the current node description
        newNodeDescription, err := a.nodeDescriptionWithHostname(ctx, nodeTLSInfo)
        if err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).WithField("agent", a.config.Executor).Error("agent: updated node description unavailable")

        // if newNodeDescription is nil, it will cause a panic when
        // trying to create a session. Typically this can happen
        // if the engine goes down
        if newNodeDescription == nil {

        // if the node description has changed, update it to the new one
        // and close the session. The old session will be stopped and a
        // new one will be created with the updated description
        if !reflect.DeepEqual(nodeDescription, newNodeDescription) {
            nodeDescription = newNodeDescription
            // close the session
            log.G(ctx).Info("agent: found node update")

            if err := session.close(); err != nil {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("agent: closing session failed")
            sessionq = nil
            registered = nil

    for {
        select {
        case operation := <-sessionq:
            operation.response <- operation.fn(session)
        case <-leaving:
            leaving = nil

            // TODO(stevvooe): Signal to the manager that the node is leaving.

            // when leaving we remove all assignments.
            if err := a.worker.Assign(ctx, nil); err != nil {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("failed removing all assignments")

        case msg := <-session.assignments:
            // if we have left, accept no more assignments
            if leaving == nil {

            switch msg.Type {
            case api.AssignmentsMessage_COMPLETE:
                // Need to assign secrets and configs before tasks,
                // because tasks might depend on new secrets or configs
                if err := a.worker.Assign(ctx, msg.Changes); err != nil {
                    log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("failed to synchronize worker assignments")
            case api.AssignmentsMessage_INCREMENTAL:
                if err := a.worker.Update(ctx, msg.Changes); err != nil {
                    log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("failed to update worker assignments")
        case msg := <-session.messages:
            if err := a.handleSessionMessage(ctx, msg, nodeTLSInfo); err != nil {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("session message handler failed")
        case sub := <-session.subscriptions:
            if sub.Close {
                if cancel, ok := subscriptions[sub.ID]; ok {
                delete(subscriptions, sub.ID)

            if _, ok := subscriptions[sub.ID]; ok {
                // Duplicate subscription

            subCtx, subCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
            subscriptions[sub.ID] = subCancel
            // NOTE(dperny): for like 3 years, there has been a to do saying
            // "we're tossing the error here, that seems wrong". this is not a
            // to do anymore. 9/10 of these errors are going to be "context
            // deadline exceeded", and the remaining 1/10 obviously doesn't
            // matter or we'd have missed it by now.
            go func() {
                a.worker.Subscribe(subCtx, sub)
                // when the worker finishes the subscription, we should notify
                // ourselves that this has occurred. We cannot rely on getting
                // a Close message from the manager, as any number of things
                // could go wrong (see
                subscriptionDone <- sub.ID
        case subID := <-subscriptionDone:
            // subscription may already have been removed. If so, no need to
            // take any action.
            if cancel, ok := subscriptions[subID]; ok {
                delete(subscriptions, subID)
        case <-registered:
            log.G(ctx).Debugln("agent: registered")
            if ready != nil {
            if a.config.SessionTracker != nil {
            ready = nil
            registered = nil // we only care about this once per session
            backoff = 0      // reset backoff
            sessionq = a.sessionq
            // re-report all task statuses when re-establishing a session
            go a.worker.Report(ctx, reporter)
        case err := <-session.errs:
            // TODO(stevvooe): This may actually block if a session is closed
            // but no error was sent. This must be the only place
            // session.close is called in response to errors, for this to work.
            if err != nil {
                if a.config.SessionTracker != nil {

                backoff = initialSessionFailureBackoff + 2*backoff
                if backoff > maxSessionFailureBackoff {
                    backoff = maxSessionFailureBackoff
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).WithField("backoff", backoff).Errorf("agent: session failed")

            if err := session.close(); err != nil {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("agent: closing session failed")
            sessionq = nil
            // if we're here before <-registered, do nothing for that event
            registered = nil
        case <-session.closed:
            if a.config.SessionTracker != nil {
                if err := a.config.SessionTracker.SessionClosed(); err != nil {
                    log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("agent: exiting")
                    a.err = err

            log.G(ctx).Debugf("agent: rebuild session")

            // select a session registration delay from backoff range.
            delay := time.Duration(0)
            if backoff > 0 {
                delay = time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(backoff)))
            session = newSession(ctx, a, delay, session.sessionID, nodeDescription)
            registered = session.registered
        case ev := <-a.config.NotifyTLSChange:
            // the TLS info has changed, so force a check to see if we need to restart the session
            if tlsInfo, ok := ev.(*api.NodeTLSInfo); ok {
                nodeTLSInfo = tlsInfo
                nodeUpdateTicker = time.NewTicker(a.nodeUpdatePeriod)
        case <-nodeUpdateTicker.C:
            // periodically check to see whether the node information has changed, and if so, restart the session
        case <-a.stopped:
            // TODO(stevvooe): Wait on shutdown and cleanup. May need to pump
            // this loop a few times.
        case <-ctx.Done():
            if a.err == nil {
                a.err = ctx.Err()

func (a *Agent) handleSessionMessage(ctx context.Context, message *api.SessionMessage, nti *api.NodeTLSInfo) error {
    seen := map[api.Peer]struct{}{}
    for _, manager := range message.Managers {
        if manager.Peer.Addr == "" {

        a.config.ConnBroker.Remotes().Observe(*manager.Peer, int(manager.Weight))
        seen[*manager.Peer] = struct{}{}

    var changes *NodeChanges
    if message.Node != nil && (a.node == nil || !nodesEqual(a.node, message.Node)) {
        if a.config.NotifyNodeChange != nil {
            changes = &NodeChanges{Node: message.Node.Copy()}
        a.node = message.Node.Copy()
        if err := a.config.Executor.Configure(ctx, a.node); err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("node configure failed")
    if len(message.RootCA) > 0 && !bytes.Equal(message.RootCA, nti.TrustRoot) {
        if changes == nil {
            changes = &NodeChanges{RootCert: message.RootCA}
        } else {
            changes.RootCert = message.RootCA

    if changes != nil {
        a.config.NotifyNodeChange <- changes

    // prune managers not in list.
    for peer := range a.config.ConnBroker.Remotes().Weights() {
        if _, ok := seen[peer]; !ok {

    if message.NetworkBootstrapKeys == nil {
        return nil

    for _, key := range message.NetworkBootstrapKeys {
        same := false
        for _, agentKey := range a.keys {
            if agentKey.LamportTime == key.LamportTime {
                same = true
        if !same {
            a.keys = message.NetworkBootstrapKeys
            if err := a.config.Executor.SetNetworkBootstrapKeys(a.keys); err != nil {
                return errors.Wrap(err, "configuring network key failed")

    return nil

type sessionOperation struct {
    fn       func(session *session) error
    response chan error

// withSession runs fn with the current session.
func (a *Agent) withSession(ctx context.Context, fn func(session *session) error) error {
    response := make(chan error, 1)
    select {
    case a.sessionq <- sessionOperation{
        fn:       fn,
        response: response,
        select {
        case err := <-response:
            return err
        case <-a.closed:
            return ErrClosed
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return ctx.Err()
    case <-a.closed:
        return ErrClosed
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()

// UpdateTaskStatus attempts to send a task status update over the current session,
// blocking until the operation is completed.
// If an error is returned, the operation should be retried.
func (a *Agent) UpdateTaskStatus(ctx context.Context, taskID string, status *api.TaskStatus) error {
    log.G(ctx).WithField("", taskID).Debug("(*Agent).UpdateTaskStatus")
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    defer cancel()

    errs := make(chan error, 1)
    if err := a.withSession(ctx, func(session *session) error {
        go func() {
            err := session.sendTaskStatus(ctx, taskID, status)
            if err != nil {
                if err == errTaskUnknown {
                    err = nil // dispatcher no longer cares about this task.
                } else {
                    log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("closing session after fatal error")
            } else {
                log.G(ctx).Debug("task status reported")

            errs <- err

        return nil
    }); err != nil {
        return err

    select {
    case err := <-errs:
        return err
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()

// ReportVolumeUnpublished sends a Volume status update to the manager
// indicating that the provided volume has been successfully unpublished.
func (a *Agent) ReportVolumeUnpublished(ctx context.Context, volumeID string) error {
    l := log.G(ctx).WithField("volume.ID", volumeID)
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    defer cancel()

    errs := make(chan error, 1)
    if err := a.withSession(ctx, func(session *session) error {
        go func() {
            err := session.reportVolumeUnpublished(ctx, []string{volumeID})
            if err != nil {
                l.WithError(err).Error("error reporting volume unpublished")
            } else {
                l.Debug("reported volume unpublished")

            errs <- err

        return nil
    }); err != nil {
        return err

    select {
    case err := <-errs:
        return err
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()

// Publisher returns a LogPublisher for the given subscription
// as well as a cancel function that should be called when the log stream
// is completed.
func (a *Agent) Publisher(ctx context.Context, subscriptionID string) (exec.LogPublisher, func(), error) {
    // TODO(stevvooe): The level of coordination here is WAY too much for logs.
    // These should only be best effort and really just buffer until a session is
    // ready. Ideally, they would use a separate connection completely.

    var (
        err       error
        publisher api.LogBroker_PublishLogsClient

    err = a.withSession(ctx, func(session *session) error {
        publisher, err = api.NewLogBrokerClient(session.conn.ClientConn).PublishLogs(ctx)
        return err
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // make little closure for ending the log stream
    sendCloseMsg := func() {
        // send a close message, to tell the manager our logs are done
            SubscriptionID: subscriptionID,
            Close:          true,
        // close the stream forreal. ignore the return value and the error,
        // because we don't care.

    return exec.LogPublisherFunc(func(ctx context.Context, message api.LogMessage) error {
            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
                return ctx.Err()

            return publisher.Send(&api.PublishLogsMessage{
                SubscriptionID: subscriptionID,
                Messages:       []api.LogMessage{message},
        }), func() {
        }, nil

// nodeDescriptionWithHostname retrieves node description, and overrides hostname if available
func (a *Agent) nodeDescriptionWithHostname(ctx context.Context, tlsInfo *api.NodeTLSInfo) (*api.NodeDescription, error) {
    desc, err := a.config.Executor.Describe(ctx)

    if desc != nil {
        // Override hostname and TLS info
        if a.config.Hostname != "" {
            desc.Hostname = a.config.Hostname
        desc.TLSInfo = tlsInfo
        desc.FIPS = a.config.FIPS
    return desc, err

// nodesEqual returns true if the node states are functionally equal, ignoring status,
// version and other superfluous fields.
// This used to decide whether or not to propagate a node update to executor.
func nodesEqual(a, b *api.Node) bool {
    a, b = a.Copy(), b.Copy()

    a.Status, b.Status = api.NodeStatus{}, api.NodeStatus{}
    a.Meta, b.Meta = api.Meta{}, api.Meta{}

    return reflect.DeepEqual(a, b)