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package agent

import (

    bolt ""

// Worker implements the core task management logic and persistence. It
// coordinates the set of assignments with the executor.
type Worker interface {
    // Init prepares the worker for task assignment.
    Init(ctx context.Context) error

    // Close performs worker cleanup when no longer needed.
    // It is not safe to call any worker function after that.

    // Assign assigns a complete set of tasks and configs/secrets/volumes to a
    // worker. Any items not included in this set will be removed.
    Assign(ctx context.Context, assignments []*api.AssignmentChange) error

    // Updates updates an incremental set of tasks or configs/secrets/volumes of
    // the worker. Any items not included either in added or removed will
    // remain untouched.
    Update(ctx context.Context, assignments []*api.AssignmentChange) error

    // Listen to updates about tasks controlled by the worker. When first
    // called, the reporter will receive all updates for all tasks controlled
    // by the worker.
    // The listener will be removed if the context is cancelled.
    Listen(ctx context.Context, reporter Reporter)

    // Report resends the status of all tasks controlled by this worker.
    Report(ctx context.Context, reporter StatusReporter)

    // Subscribe to log messages matching the subscription.
    Subscribe(ctx context.Context, subscription *api.SubscriptionMessage) error

    // Wait blocks until all task managers have closed
    Wait(ctx context.Context) error

// statusReporterKey protects removal map from panic.
type statusReporterKey struct {

type worker struct {
    db                *bolt.DB
    executor          exec.Executor
    listeners         map[*statusReporterKey]struct{}
    taskevents        *watch.Queue
    publisherProvider exec.LogPublisherProvider

    taskManagers map[string]*taskManager
    mu           sync.RWMutex

    closed  bool
    closers sync.WaitGroup // keeps track of active closers

func newWorker(db *bolt.DB, executor exec.Executor, publisherProvider exec.LogPublisherProvider) *worker {
    return &worker{
        db:                db,
        executor:          executor,
        publisherProvider: publisherProvider,
        taskevents:        watch.NewQueue(),
        listeners:         make(map[*statusReporterKey]struct{}),
        taskManagers:      make(map[string]*taskManager),

// Init prepares the worker for assignments.
func (w *worker) Init(ctx context.Context) error {

    ctx = log.WithModule(ctx, "worker")

    // TODO(stevvooe): Start task cleanup process.

    // read the tasks from the database and start any task managers that may be needed.
    return w.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
        return WalkTasks(tx, func(task *api.Task) error {
            if !TaskAssigned(tx, task.ID) {
                // NOTE(stevvooe): If tasks can survive worker restart, we need
                // to startup the controller and ensure they are removed. For
                // now, we can simply remove them from the database.
                if err := DeleteTask(tx, task.ID); err != nil {
                    log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("error removing task %v", task.ID)
                return nil

            status, err := GetTaskStatus(tx, task.ID)
            if err != nil {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("unable to read tasks status")
                return nil

            task.Status = *status // merges the status into the task, ensuring we start at the right point.
            return w.startTask(ctx, tx, task)

// Close performs worker cleanup when no longer needed.
func (w *worker) Close() {
    w.closed = true


// Assign assigns a full set of tasks, configs, and secrets to the worker.
// Any tasks not previously known will be started. Any tasks that are in the task set
// and already running will be updated, if possible. Any tasks currently running on
// the worker outside the task set will be terminated.
// Anything not in the set of assignments will be removed.
func (w *worker) Assign(ctx context.Context, assignments []*api.AssignmentChange) error {

    if w.closed {
        return ErrClosed

        "len(assignments)": len(assignments),

    // Need to update dependencies before tasks

    err := reconcileSecrets(ctx, w, assignments, true)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = reconcileConfigs(ctx, w, assignments, true)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = reconcileTaskState(ctx, w, assignments, true)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return reconcileVolumes(ctx, w, assignments)

// Update updates the set of tasks, configs, and secrets for the worker.
// Tasks in the added set will be added to the worker, and tasks in the removed set
// will be removed from the worker
// Secrets in the added set will be added to the worker, and secrets in the removed set
// will be removed from the worker.
// Configs in the added set will be added to the worker, and configs in the removed set
// will be removed from the worker.
func (w *worker) Update(ctx context.Context, assignments []*api.AssignmentChange) error {

    if w.closed {
        return ErrClosed

        "len(assignments)": len(assignments),

    err := reconcileSecrets(ctx, w, assignments, false)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = reconcileConfigs(ctx, w, assignments, false)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = reconcileTaskState(ctx, w, assignments, false)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return reconcileVolumes(ctx, w, assignments)

func reconcileTaskState(ctx context.Context, w *worker, assignments []*api.AssignmentChange, fullSnapshot bool) error {
    var (
        updatedTasks []*api.Task
        removedTasks []*api.Task
    for _, a := range assignments {
        if t := a.Assignment.GetTask(); t != nil {
            switch a.Action {
            case api.AssignmentChange_AssignmentActionUpdate:
                updatedTasks = append(updatedTasks, t)
            case api.AssignmentChange_AssignmentActionRemove:
                removedTasks = append(removedTasks, t)

        "len(updatedTasks)": len(updatedTasks),
        "len(removedTasks)": len(removedTasks),

    tx, err := w.db.Begin(true)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("failed starting transaction against task database")
        return err
    defer tx.Rollback()

    assigned := map[string]struct{}{}

    for _, task := range updatedTasks {
            "":           task.ID,
            "task.desiredstate": task.DesiredState,
        if err := PutTask(tx, task); err != nil {
            return err

        if err := SetTaskAssignment(tx, task.ID, true); err != nil {
            return err

        if mgr, ok := w.taskManagers[task.ID]; ok {
            if err := mgr.Update(ctx, task); err != nil && err != ErrClosed {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("failed updating assigned task")
        } else {
            // we may have still seen the task, let's grab the status from
            // storage and replace it with our status, if we have it.
            status, err := GetTaskStatus(tx, task.ID)
            if err != nil {
                if err != errTaskUnknown {
                    return err

                // never seen before, register the provided status
                if err := PutTaskStatus(tx, task.ID, &task.Status); err != nil {
                    return err
            } else {
                task.Status = *status
            w.startTask(ctx, tx, task)

        assigned[task.ID] = struct{}{}

    closeManager := func(tm *taskManager) {
        go func(tm *taskManager) {
            defer w.closers.Done()
            // when a task is no longer assigned, we shutdown the task manager
            if err := tm.Close(); err != nil {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("error closing task manager")

        // make an attempt at removing. this is best effort. any errors will be
        // retried by the reaper later.
        if err := tm.ctlr.Remove(ctx); err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).WithField("", tm.task.ID).Error("remove task failed")

        if err := tm.ctlr.Close(); err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("error closing controller")

    removeTaskAssignment := func(taskID string) error {
        ctx := log.WithLogger(ctx, log.G(ctx).WithField("", taskID))
        // if a task is no longer assigned, then we do not have to keep track
        // of it. a task will only be unassigned when it is deleted on the
        // manager. instead of SetTaskAssginment to true, we'll just remove the
        // task now.
        if err := DeleteTask(tx, taskID); err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("error removing de-assigned task")
            return err
        return nil

    // If this was a complete set of assignments, we're going to remove all the remaining
    // tasks.
    if fullSnapshot {
        for id, tm := range w.taskManagers {
            if _, ok := assigned[id]; ok {

            err := removeTaskAssignment(id)
            if err == nil {
                delete(w.taskManagers, id)
                go closeManager(tm)
    } else {
        // If this was an incremental set of assignments, we're going to remove only the tasks
        // in the removed set
        for _, task := range removedTasks {
            err := removeTaskAssignment(task.ID)
            if err != nil {

            tm, ok := w.taskManagers[task.ID]
            if ok {
                delete(w.taskManagers, task.ID)
                go closeManager(tm)

    return tx.Commit()

func reconcileSecrets(ctx context.Context, w *worker, assignments []*api.AssignmentChange, fullSnapshot bool) error {
    var (
        updatedSecrets []api.Secret
        removedSecrets []string
    for _, a := range assignments {
        if s := a.Assignment.GetSecret(); s != nil {
            switch a.Action {
            case api.AssignmentChange_AssignmentActionUpdate:
                updatedSecrets = append(updatedSecrets, *s)
            case api.AssignmentChange_AssignmentActionRemove:
                removedSecrets = append(removedSecrets, s.ID)


    secretsProvider, ok := w.executor.(exec.SecretsProvider)
    if !ok {
        if len(updatedSecrets) != 0 || len(removedSecrets) != 0 {
            log.G(ctx).Warn("secrets update ignored; executor does not support secrets")
        return nil

    secrets := secretsProvider.Secrets()

        "len(updatedSecrets)": len(updatedSecrets),
        "len(removedSecrets)": len(removedSecrets),

    // If this was a complete set of secrets, we're going to clear the secrets map and add all of them
    if fullSnapshot {
    } else {

    return nil

func reconcileConfigs(ctx context.Context, w *worker, assignments []*api.AssignmentChange, fullSnapshot bool) error {
    var (
        updatedConfigs []api.Config
        removedConfigs []string
    for _, a := range assignments {
        if r := a.Assignment.GetConfig(); r != nil {
            switch a.Action {
            case api.AssignmentChange_AssignmentActionUpdate:
                updatedConfigs = append(updatedConfigs, *r)
            case api.AssignmentChange_AssignmentActionRemove:
                removedConfigs = append(removedConfigs, r.ID)


    configsProvider, ok := w.executor.(exec.ConfigsProvider)
    if !ok {
        if len(updatedConfigs) != 0 || len(removedConfigs) != 0 {
            log.G(ctx).Warn("configs update ignored; executor does not support configs")
        return nil

    configs := configsProvider.Configs()

        "len(updatedConfigs)": len(updatedConfigs),
        "len(removedConfigs)": len(removedConfigs),

    // If this was a complete set of configs, we're going to clear the configs map and add all of them
    if fullSnapshot {
    } else {

    return nil

// reconcileVolumes reconciles the CSI volumes on this node. It does not need
// fullSnapshot like other reconcile functions because volumes are non-trivial
// and are never reset.
func reconcileVolumes(ctx context.Context, w *worker, assignments []*api.AssignmentChange) error {
    var (
        updatedVolumes []api.VolumeAssignment
        removedVolumes []api.VolumeAssignment
    for _, a := range assignments {
        if r := a.Assignment.GetVolume(); r != nil {
            switch a.Action {
            case api.AssignmentChange_AssignmentActionUpdate:
                updatedVolumes = append(updatedVolumes, *r)
            case api.AssignmentChange_AssignmentActionRemove:
                removedVolumes = append(removedVolumes, *r)


    volumesProvider, ok := w.executor.(exec.VolumesProvider)
    if !ok {
        if len(updatedVolumes) != 0 || len(removedVolumes) != 0 {
            log.G(ctx).Warn("volumes update ignored; executor does not support volumes")
        return nil

    volumes := volumesProvider.Volumes()

        "len(updatedVolumes)": len(updatedVolumes),
        "len(removedVolumes)": len(removedVolumes),

    volumes.Remove(removedVolumes, func(id string) {

        for key := range w.listeners {
            if err := key.Reporter.ReportVolumeUnpublished(ctx, id); err != nil {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("failed reporting volume unpublished for reporter %v", key.Reporter)

    return nil

func (w *worker) Listen(ctx context.Context, reporter Reporter) {

    key := &statusReporterKey{reporter}
    w.listeners[key] = struct{}{}

    go func() {
        delete(w.listeners, key) // remove the listener if the context is closed.

    // report the current statuses to the new listener
    w.reportAllStatuses(ctx, reporter)

func (w *worker) Report(ctx context.Context, reporter StatusReporter) {

    w.reportAllStatuses(ctx, reporter)

func (w *worker) reportAllStatuses(ctx context.Context, reporter StatusReporter) {
    if err := w.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
        return WalkTaskStatus(tx, func(id string, status *api.TaskStatus) error {
            return reporter.UpdateTaskStatus(ctx, id, status)
    }); err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("failed reporting initial statuses")

func (w *worker) startTask(ctx context.Context, tx *bolt.Tx, task *api.Task) error {
    _, err := w.taskManager(ctx, tx, task) // side-effect taskManager creation.

    if err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("failed to start taskManager")
        // we ignore this error: it gets reported in the taskStatus within
        // `newTaskManager`. We log it here and move on. If their is an
        // attempted restart, the lack of taskManager will have this retry
        // again.
        return nil

    // only publish if controller resolution was successful.
    return nil

func (w *worker) taskManager(ctx context.Context, tx *bolt.Tx, task *api.Task) (*taskManager, error) {
    if tm, ok := w.taskManagers[task.ID]; ok {
        return tm, nil

    tm, err := w.newTaskManager(ctx, tx, task)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    w.taskManagers[task.ID] = tm
    // keep track of active tasks
    return tm, nil

func (w *worker) newTaskManager(ctx context.Context, tx *bolt.Tx, task *api.Task) (*taskManager, error) {
    ctx = log.WithLogger(ctx, log.G(ctx).WithFields(log.Fields{
        "":    task.ID,
        "": task.ServiceID,

    ctlr, status, err := exec.Resolve(ctx, task, w.executor)
    if err := w.updateTaskStatus(ctx, tx, task.ID, status); err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("error updating task status after controller resolution")

    if err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("controller resolution failed")
        return nil, err

    return newTaskManager(ctx, task, ctlr, statusReporterFunc(func(ctx context.Context, taskID string, status *api.TaskStatus) error {

        return w.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
            return w.updateTaskStatus(ctx, tx, taskID, status)
    })), nil

// updateTaskStatus reports statuses to listeners, read lock must be held.
func (w *worker) updateTaskStatus(ctx context.Context, tx *bolt.Tx, taskID string, status *api.TaskStatus) error {
    if err := PutTaskStatus(tx, taskID, status); err != nil {
        // we shouldn't fail to put a task status. however, there exists the
        // possibility of a race in which we try to put a task status after the
        // task has been deleted. because this whole contraption is a careful
        // dance of too-tightly-coupled concurrent parts, fixing tht race is
        // fraught with hazards. instead, we'll recognize that it can occur,
        // log the error, and then ignore it.
        if err == errTaskUnknown {
            // log at info level. debug logging in docker is already really
            // verbose, so many people disable it. the race that causes this
            // behavior should be very rare, but if it occurs, we should know
            // about it, because if there is some case where it is _not_ rare,
            // then knowing about it will go a long way toward debugging.
            log.G(ctx).Info("attempted to update status for a task that has been removed")
            return nil
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("failed writing status to disk")
        return err

    // broadcast the task status out.
    for key := range w.listeners {
        if err := key.Reporter.UpdateTaskStatus(ctx, taskID, status); err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("failed updating status for reporter %v", key.Reporter)

    return nil

// Subscribe to log messages matching the subscription.
func (w *worker) Subscribe(ctx context.Context, subscription *api.SubscriptionMessage) error {
    log.G(ctx).Debugf("Received subscription %s (selector: %v)", subscription.ID, subscription.Selector)

    publisher, cancel, err := w.publisherProvider.Publisher(ctx, subscription.ID)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // Send a close once we're done
    defer cancel()

    match := func(t *api.Task) bool {
        // TODO(aluzzardi): Consider using maps to limit the iterations.
        for _, tid := range subscription.Selector.TaskIDs {
            if t.ID == tid {
                return true

        for _, sid := range subscription.Selector.ServiceIDs {
            if t.ServiceID == sid {
                return true

        for _, nid := range subscription.Selector.NodeIDs {
            if t.NodeID == nid {
                return true

        return false

    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
    for _, tm := range w.taskManagers {
        if match(tm.task) {
            go func(tm *taskManager) {
                defer wg.Done()
                tm.Logs(ctx, *subscription.Options, publisher)

    // If follow mode is disabled, wait for the current set of matched tasks
    // to finish publishing logs, then close the subscription by returning.
    if subscription.Options == nil || !subscription.Options.Follow {
        waitCh := make(chan struct{})
        go func() {
            defer close(waitCh)

        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return ctx.Err()
        case <-waitCh:
            return nil

    // In follow mode, watch for new tasks. Don't close the subscription
    // until it's cancelled.
    ch, cancel := w.taskevents.Watch()
    defer cancel()
    for {
        select {
        case v := <-ch:
            task := v.(*api.Task)
            if match(task) {
                tm, ok := w.taskManagers[task.ID]
                if !ok {

                go tm.Logs(ctx, *subscription.Options, publisher)
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return ctx.Err()

func (w *worker) Wait(ctx context.Context) error {
    ch := make(chan struct{})
    go func() {

    select {
    case <-ch:
        return nil
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()