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Test Coverage
syntax = "proto3";

package docker.swarmkit.v1;

import "";
import "";
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import "";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";

// Dispatcher is the API provided by a manager group for agents to connect to. Agents
// connect to this service to receive task assignments and report status.
// API methods on this service are used only by agent nodes.
service Dispatcher { // maybe dispatch, al likes this
    // Session starts an agent session with the dispatcher. The session is
    // started after the first SessionMessage is received.
    // Once started, the agent is controlled with a stream of SessionMessage.
    // Agents should list on the stream at all times for instructions.
    rpc Session(SessionRequest) returns (stream SessionMessage) {
        option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-worker" roles: "swarm-manager" };

    // Heartbeat is heartbeat method for nodes. It returns new TTL in response.
    // Node should send new heartbeat earlier than now + TTL, otherwise it will
    // be deregistered from dispatcher and its status will be updated to NodeStatus_DOWN
    rpc Heartbeat(HeartbeatRequest) returns (HeartbeatResponse) {
        option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-worker" roles: "swarm-manager" };

    // UpdateTaskStatus updates status of task. Node should send such updates
    // on every status change of its tasks.
    // Whether receiving batch updates or single status updates, this method
    // should be accepting. Errors should only be returned if the entire update
    // should be retried, due to data loss or other problems.
    // If a task is unknown the dispatcher, the status update should be
    // accepted regardless.
    rpc UpdateTaskStatus(UpdateTaskStatusRequest) returns (UpdateTaskStatusResponse) {
        option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-worker" roles: "swarm-manager" };

    // UpdateVolumeStatus updates the status of a Volume. Like
    // UpdateTaskStatus, the node should send such updates on every status
    // change of its volumes.
    rpc UpdateVolumeStatus(UpdateVolumeStatusRequest) returns (UpdateVolumeStatusResponse) {
        option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-worker" roles: "swarm-manager" };

    // Tasks is a stream of tasks state for node. Each message contains full list
    // of tasks which should be run on node, if task is not present in that list,
    // it should be terminated.
    rpc Tasks(TasksRequest) returns (stream TasksMessage) {
        option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-worker" roles: "swarm-manager" };
        option deprecated = true;

    // Assignments is a stream of assignments such as tasks and secrets for node.
    // The first message in the stream contains all of the tasks and secrets
    // that are relevant to the node. Future messages in the stream are updates to
    // the set of assignments.
    rpc Assignments(AssignmentsRequest) returns (stream AssignmentsMessage) {
        option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-worker" roles: "swarm-manager" };

// SessionRequest starts a session.
message SessionRequest {
    NodeDescription description = 1;
    // SessionID can be provided to attempt resuming an existing session. If the
    // SessionID is empty or invalid, a new SessionID will be assigned.
    // See SessionMessage.SessionID for details.
    string session_id = 2;

// SessionMessage instructs an agent on various actions as part of the current
// session. An agent should act immediately on the contents.
message SessionMessage {
    // SessionID is allocated after a successful registration. It should be
    // used on all RPC calls after registration. A dispatcher may choose to
    // change the SessionID, at which time an agent must re-register and obtain
    // a new one.
    // All Dispatcher calls after register should include the SessionID. If the
    // Dispatcher so chooses, it may reject the call with an InvalidArgument
    // error code, at which time the agent should call Register to start a new
    // session.
    // As a rule, once an agent has a SessionID, it should never save it to
    // disk or try to otherwise reuse. If the agent loses its SessionID, it
    // must start a new session through a call to Register. A Dispatcher may
    // choose to reuse the SessionID, if it sees fit, but it is not advised.
    // The actual implementation of the SessionID is Dispatcher specific and
    // should be treated as opaque by agents.
    // From a Dispatcher perspective, there are many ways to use the SessionID
    // to ensure uniqueness of a set of client RPC calls. One method is to keep
    // the SessionID unique to every call to Register in a single Dispatcher
    // instance. This ensures that the SessionID represents the unique
    // session from a single Agent to Manager. If the Agent restarts, we
    // allocate a new session, since the restarted Agent is not aware of the
    // new SessionID.
    // The most compelling use case is to support duplicate node detection. If
    // one clones a virtual machine, including certificate material, two nodes
    // may end up with the same identity. This can also happen if two identical
    // agent processes are coming from the same node. If the SessionID is
    // replicated through the cluster, we can immediately detect the condition
    // and address it.
    // Extending from the case above, we can actually detect a compromised
    // identity. Coupled with provisions to rebuild node identity, we can ban
    // the compromised node identity and have the nodes re-authenticate and
    // build a new identity. At this time, an administrator can then
    // re-authorize the compromised nodes, if it was a mistake or ensure that a
    // misbehaved node can no longer connect to the cluster.
    // We considered placing this field in a GRPC header. Because this is a
    // critical feature of the protocol, we thought it should be represented
    // directly in the RPC message set.
    string session_id = 1;

    // Node identifies the registering node.
    Node node = 2;

    // Managers provides a weight list of alternative dispatchers
    repeated WeightedPeer managers = 3;

    // Symmetric encryption key distributed by the lead manager. Used by agents
    // for securing network bootstrapping and communication.
    repeated EncryptionKey network_bootstrap_keys = 4;

    // Which root certificates to trust
    bytes RootCA = 5;

// HeartbeatRequest provides identifying properties for a single heartbeat.
message HeartbeatRequest {
    string session_id = 1;

message HeartbeatResponse {
    // Period is the duration to wait before sending the next heartbeat.
    // Well-behaved agents should update this on every heartbeat round trip.
    google.protobuf.Duration period = 1 [(gogoproto.stdduration) = true, (gogoproto.nullable) = false];

message UpdateTaskStatusRequest {
    // Tasks should contain all statuses for running tasks. Only the status
    // field must be set. The spec is not required.
    string session_id = 1;

    message TaskStatusUpdate {
        string task_id = 1;
        TaskStatus status = 2;

    repeated TaskStatusUpdate updates = 3;

message UpdateTaskStatusResponse{
    // void

message UpdateVolumeStatusRequest {
    string session_id = 1;

    message VolumeStatusUpdate {
        // ID is the ID of the volume being updated. This is the Swarmkit ID,
        // not the CSI VolumeID.
        string id = 1;
        // Unpublished is set to true when the volume is affirmatively
        // unpublished on the Node side. We don't need to report that a Volume
        // is published on the the node; as soon as the Volume is assigned to
        // the Node, we must assume that it has been published until informed
        // otherwise.
        // Further, the Node must not send unpublished = true unless it will
        // definitely no longer attempt to call NodePublishVolume.
        bool unpublished = 2;

    repeated VolumeStatusUpdate updates = 2;

message UpdateVolumeStatusResponse {
    // empty on purpose

message TasksRequest {
    string session_id = 1;

message TasksMessage {
    // Tasks is the set of tasks that should be running on the node.
    // Tasks outside of this set running on the node should be terminated.
    repeated Task tasks = 1;

message AssignmentsRequest {
    string session_id = 1;

message Assignment {
    oneof item {
        Task task = 1;
        Secret secret = 2;
        Config config = 3;
        VolumeAssignment volume = 4;

message AssignmentChange {
    enum AssignmentAction {
        UPDATE = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "AssignmentActionUpdate"];
        REMOVE = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "AssignmentActionRemove"];

    Assignment assignment = 1;
    AssignmentAction action = 2;

message AssignmentsMessage {
    // AssignmentType specifies whether this assignment message carries
    // the full state, or is an update to an existing state.
    enum Type {
        COMPLETE = 0;
        INCREMENTAL = 1;

    Type type = 1;

    // AppliesTo references the previous ResultsIn value, to chain
    // incremental updates together. For the first update in a stream,
    // AppliesTo is empty.  If AppliesTo does not match the previously
    // received ResultsIn, the consumer of the stream should start a new
    // Assignments stream to re-sync.
    string applies_to = 2;

    // ResultsIn identifies the result of this assignments message, to
    // match against the next message's AppliesTo value and protect
    // against missed messages.
    string results_in = 3;

    // AssignmentChange is a set of changes to apply on this node.
    repeated AssignmentChange changes = 4;