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package ca

import (
    cryptorand "crypto/rand"

    cfconfig ""
    events ""

const (
    rootCACertFilename  = "swarm-root-ca.crt"
    rootCAKeyFilename   = "swarm-root-ca.key"
    nodeTLSCertFilename = "swarm-node.crt"
    nodeTLSKeyFilename  = "swarm-node.key"

    // DefaultRootCN represents the root CN that we should create roots CAs with by default
    DefaultRootCN = "swarm-ca"
    // ManagerRole represents the Manager node type, and is used for authorization to endpoints
    ManagerRole = "swarm-manager"
    // WorkerRole represents the Worker node type, and is used for authorization to endpoints
    WorkerRole = "swarm-worker"
    // CARole represents the CA node type, and is used for clients attempting to get new certificates issued
    CARole = "swarm-ca"

    generatedSecretEntropyBytes = 16
    joinTokenBase               = 36
    // ceil(log(2^128-1, 36))
    maxGeneratedSecretLength = 25
    // ceil(log(2^256-1, 36))
    base36DigestLen = 50

var (
    // GetCertRetryInterval is how long to wait before retrying a node
    // certificate or root certificate request.
    GetCertRetryInterval = 2 * time.Second

    // errInvalidJoinToken is returned when attempting to parse an invalid join
    // token (e.g. when attempting to get the version, fipsness, or the root ca
    // digest)
    errInvalidJoinToken = errors.New("invalid join token")

// SecurityConfig is used to represent a node's security configuration. It includes information about
// the RootCA and ServerTLSCreds/ClientTLSCreds transport authenticators to be used for MTLS
type SecurityConfig struct {
    // mu protects against concurrent access to fields inside the structure.
    mu sync.Mutex

    // renewalMu makes sure only one certificate renewal attempt happens at
    // a time. It should never be locked after mu is already locked.
    renewalMu sync.Mutex

    rootCA        *RootCA
    keyReadWriter *KeyReadWriter

    certificate *tls.Certificate
    issuerInfo  *IssuerInfo

    ServerTLSCreds *MutableTLSCreds
    ClientTLSCreds *MutableTLSCreds

    // An optional queue for anyone interested in subscribing to SecurityConfig updates
    queue *watch.Queue

// CertificateUpdate represents a change in the underlying TLS configuration being returned by
// a certificate renewal event.
type CertificateUpdate struct {
    Role string
    Err  error

// ParsedJoinToken is the data from a join token, once parsed
type ParsedJoinToken struct {
    // Version is the version of the join token that is being parsed
    Version int

    // RootDigest is the digest of the root CA certificate of the cluster, which
    // is always part of the join token so that the root CA can be verified
    // upon initial node join
    RootDigest digest.Digest

    // Secret is the randomly-generated secret part of the join token - when
    // rotating a join token, this is the value that is changed unless some other
    // property of the cluster (like the root CA) is changed.
    Secret string

    // FIPS indicates whether the join token specifies that the cluster mandates
    // that all nodes must have FIPS mode enabled.
    FIPS bool

// ParseJoinToken parses a join token.  Current format is v2, but this is currently used only if the cluster requires
// mandatory FIPS, in order to facilitate mixed version clusters.
// v1: SWMTKN-1-<SHA256 digest of root CA cert in base 36, 0-left-padded to 50 chars>-<16-byte secret in base 36 0-left-padded to 25 chars>
// v2: SWMTKN-2-<0/1 whether its FIPS or not>-<same rest of data as v1>
func ParseJoinToken(token string) (*ParsedJoinToken, error) {
    split := strings.Split(token, "-")
    numParts := len(split)

    // v1 has 4, v2 has 5
    if numParts < 4 || split[0] != "SWMTKN" {
        return nil, errInvalidJoinToken

    var (
        version int
        fips    bool

    switch split[1] {
    case "1":
        if numParts != 4 {
            return nil, errInvalidJoinToken
        version = 1
    case "2":
        if numParts != 5 || (split[2] != "0" && split[2] != "1") {
            return nil, errInvalidJoinToken
        version = 2
        fips = split[2] == "1"
        return nil, errInvalidJoinToken

    secret := split[numParts-1]
    rootDigest := split[numParts-2]
    if len(rootDigest) != base36DigestLen || len(secret) != maxGeneratedSecretLength {
        return nil, errInvalidJoinToken

    var digestInt big.Int
    digestInt.SetString(rootDigest, joinTokenBase)

    d, err := digest.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("sha256:%0[1]*s", 64, digestInt.Text(16)))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &ParsedJoinToken{
        Version:    version,
        RootDigest: d,
        Secret:     secret,
        FIPS:       fips,
    }, nil

func validateRootCAAndTLSCert(rootCA *RootCA, tlsKeyPair *tls.Certificate) error {
    var (
        leafCert         *x509.Certificate
        intermediatePool *x509.CertPool
    for i, derBytes := range tlsKeyPair.Certificate {
        parsed, err := x509.ParseCertificate(derBytes)
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "could not validate new root certificates due to parse error")
        if i == 0 {
            leafCert = parsed
        } else {
            if intermediatePool == nil {
                intermediatePool = x509.NewCertPool()
    opts := x509.VerifyOptions{
        Roots:         rootCA.Pool,
        Intermediates: intermediatePool,
    if _, err := leafCert.Verify(opts); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "new root CA does not match existing TLS credentials")
    return nil

// NewSecurityConfig initializes and returns a new SecurityConfig.
func NewSecurityConfig(rootCA *RootCA, krw *KeyReadWriter, tlsKeyPair *tls.Certificate, issuerInfo *IssuerInfo) (*SecurityConfig, func() error, error) {
    // Create the Server TLS Credentials for this node. These will not be used by workers.
    serverTLSCreds, err := rootCA.NewServerTLSCredentials(tlsKeyPair)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // Create a TLSConfig to be used when this node connects as a client to another remote node.
    // We're using ManagerRole as remote serverName for TLS host verification because both workers
    // and managers always connect to remote managers.
    clientTLSCreds, err := rootCA.NewClientTLSCredentials(tlsKeyPair, ManagerRole)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    q := watch.NewQueue()
    return &SecurityConfig{
        rootCA:        rootCA,
        keyReadWriter: krw,

        certificate: tlsKeyPair,
        issuerInfo:  issuerInfo,
        queue:       q,

        ClientTLSCreds: clientTLSCreds,
        ServerTLSCreds: serverTLSCreds,
    }, q.Close, nil

// RootCA returns the root CA.
func (s *SecurityConfig) RootCA() *RootCA {

    return s.rootCA

// KeyWriter returns the object that can write keys to disk
func (s *SecurityConfig) KeyWriter() KeyWriter {
    return s.keyReadWriter

// KeyReader returns the object that can read keys from disk
func (s *SecurityConfig) KeyReader() KeyReader {
    return s.keyReadWriter

// UpdateRootCA replaces the root CA with a new root CA
func (s *SecurityConfig) UpdateRootCA(rootCA *RootCA) error {

    // refuse to update the root CA if the current TLS credentials do not validate against it
    if err := validateRootCAAndTLSCert(rootCA, s.certificate); err != nil {
        return err

    s.rootCA = rootCA
    return s.updateTLSCredentials(s.certificate, s.issuerInfo)

// Watch allows you to set a watch on the security config, in order to be notified of any changes
func (s *SecurityConfig) Watch() (chan events.Event, func()) {
    return s.queue.Watch()

// IssuerInfo returns the issuer subject and issuer public key
func (s *SecurityConfig) IssuerInfo() *IssuerInfo {
    return s.issuerInfo

// This function expects something else to have taken out a lock on the SecurityConfig.
func (s *SecurityConfig) updateTLSCredentials(certificate *tls.Certificate, issuerInfo *IssuerInfo) error {
    certs := []tls.Certificate{*certificate}
    clientConfig, err := NewClientTLSConfig(certs, s.rootCA.Pool, ManagerRole)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create a new client config using the new root CA")

    serverConfig, err := NewServerTLSConfig(certs, s.rootCA.Pool)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create a new server config using the new root CA")

    if err := s.ClientTLSCreds.loadNewTLSConfig(clientConfig); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to update the client credentials")

    if err := s.ServerTLSCreds.loadNewTLSConfig(serverConfig); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to update the server TLS credentials")

    s.certificate = certificate
    s.issuerInfo = issuerInfo
    if s.queue != nil {
            TrustRoot:           s.rootCA.Certs,
            CertIssuerPublicKey: s.issuerInfo.PublicKey,
            CertIssuerSubject:   s.issuerInfo.Subject,
    return nil

// UpdateTLSCredentials updates the security config with an updated TLS certificate and issuer info
func (s *SecurityConfig) UpdateTLSCredentials(certificate *tls.Certificate, issuerInfo *IssuerInfo) error {
    return s.updateTLSCredentials(certificate, issuerInfo)

// SigningPolicy creates a policy used by the signer to ensure that the only fields
// from the remote CSRs we trust are: PublicKey, PublicKeyAlgorithm and SignatureAlgorithm.
// It receives the duration a certificate will be valid for
func SigningPolicy(certExpiry time.Duration) *cfconfig.Signing {
    // Force the minimum Certificate expiration to be fifteen minutes
    if certExpiry < MinNodeCertExpiration {
        certExpiry = DefaultNodeCertExpiration

    // Add the backdate
    certExpiry = certExpiry + CertBackdate

    return &cfconfig.Signing{
        Default: &cfconfig.SigningProfile{
            Usage:    []string{"signing", "key encipherment", "server auth", "client auth"},
            Expiry:   certExpiry,
            Backdate: CertBackdate,
            // Only trust the key components from the CSR. Everything else should
            // come directly from API call params.
            CSRWhitelist: &cfconfig.CSRWhitelist{
                PublicKey:          true,
                PublicKeyAlgorithm: true,
                SignatureAlgorithm: true,

// SecurityConfigPaths is used as a helper to hold all the paths of security relevant files
type SecurityConfigPaths struct {
    Node, RootCA CertPaths

// NewConfigPaths returns the absolute paths to all of the different types of files
func NewConfigPaths(baseCertDir string) *SecurityConfigPaths {
    return &SecurityConfigPaths{
        Node: CertPaths{
            Cert: filepath.Join(baseCertDir, nodeTLSCertFilename),
            Key:  filepath.Join(baseCertDir, nodeTLSKeyFilename)},
        RootCA: CertPaths{
            Cert: filepath.Join(baseCertDir, rootCACertFilename),
            Key:  filepath.Join(baseCertDir, rootCAKeyFilename)},

// GenerateJoinToken creates a new join token. Current format is v2, but this is
// currently used only if the cluster requires mandatory FIPS, in order to
// facilitate mixed version clusters (the `fips` parameter is set to true).
// Otherwise, v1 is used so as to maintain compatibility in mixed version
// non-FIPS clusters.
// v1: SWMTKN-1-<SHA256 digest of root CA cert in base 36, 0-left-padded to 50 chars>-<16-byte secret in base 36 0-left-padded to 25 chars>
// v2: SWMTKN-2-<0/1 whether its FIPS or not>-<same rest of data as v1>
func GenerateJoinToken(rootCA *RootCA, fips bool) string {
    var secretBytes [generatedSecretEntropyBytes]byte

    if _, err := cryptorand.Read(secretBytes[:]); err != nil {
        panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to read random bytes: %v", err))

    var nn, dgst big.Int
    dgst.SetString(rootCA.Digest.Encoded(), 16)

    fmtString := "SWMTKN-1-%0[1]*s-%0[3]*s"
    if fips {
        fmtString = "SWMTKN-2-1-%0[1]*s-%0[3]*s"
    return fmt.Sprintf(fmtString, base36DigestLen,
        dgst.Text(joinTokenBase), maxGeneratedSecretLength, nn.Text(joinTokenBase))

// DownloadRootCA tries to retrieve a remote root CA and matches the digest against the provided token.
func DownloadRootCA(ctx context.Context, paths CertPaths, token string, connBroker *connectionbroker.Broker) (RootCA, error) {
    var rootCA RootCA
    // Get a digest for the optional CA hash string that we've been provided
    // If we were provided a non-empty string, and it is an invalid hash, return
    // otherwise, allow the invalid digest through.
    var (
        d   digest.Digest
        err error
    if token != "" {
        parsed, err := ParseJoinToken(token)
        if err != nil {
            return RootCA{}, err
        d = parsed.RootDigest
    // Get the remote CA certificate, verify integrity with the
    // hash provided. Retry up to 5 times, in case the manager we
    // first try to contact is not responding properly (it may have
    // just been demoted, for example).

    for i := 0; i != 5; i++ {
        rootCA, err = GetRemoteCA(ctx, d, connBroker)
        if err == nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("failed to retrieve remote root CA certificate")

        select {
        case <-time.After(GetCertRetryInterval):
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return RootCA{}, ctx.Err()
    if err != nil {
        return RootCA{}, err

    // Save root CA certificate to disk
    if err = SaveRootCA(rootCA, paths); err != nil {
        return RootCA{}, err

    log.G(ctx).Debugf("retrieved remote CA certificate: %s", paths.Cert)
    return rootCA, nil

// LoadSecurityConfig loads TLS credentials from disk, or returns an error if
// these credentials do not exist or are unusable.
func LoadSecurityConfig(ctx context.Context, rootCA RootCA, krw *KeyReadWriter, allowExpired bool) (*SecurityConfig, func() error, error) {
    ctx = log.WithModule(ctx, "tls")

    // At this point we've successfully loaded the CA details from disk, or
    // successfully downloaded them remotely. The next step is to try to
    // load our certificates.

    // Read both the Cert and Key from disk
    cert, key, err := krw.Read()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // Check to see if this certificate was signed by our CA, and isn't expired
    _, chains, err := ValidateCertChain(rootCA.Pool, cert, allowExpired)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    // ValidateChain, if successful, will always return at least 1 chain containing
    // at least 2 certificates:  the leaf and the root.
    issuer := chains[0][1]

    // Now that we know this certificate is valid, create a TLS Certificate for our
    // credentials
    keyPair, err := tls.X509KeyPair(cert, key)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    secConfig, cleanup, err := NewSecurityConfig(&rootCA, krw, &keyPair, &IssuerInfo{
        Subject:   issuer.RawSubject,
        PublicKey: issuer.RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo,
    if err == nil {
            "":   secConfig.ClientTLSCreds.NodeID(),
            "node.role": secConfig.ClientTLSCreds.Role(),
        }).Debug("loaded node credentials")
    return secConfig, cleanup, err

// CertificateRequestConfig contains the information needed to request a
// certificate from a remote CA.
type CertificateRequestConfig struct {
    // Token is the join token that authenticates us with the CA.
    Token string
    // Availability allows a user to control the current scheduling status of a node
    Availability api.NodeSpec_Availability
    // ConnBroker provides connections to CAs.
    ConnBroker *connectionbroker.Broker
    // Credentials provides transport credentials for communicating with the
    // remote server.
    Credentials credentials.TransportCredentials
    // ForceRemote specifies that only a remote (TCP) connection should
    // be used to request the certificate. This may be necessary in cases
    // where the local node is running a manager, but is in the process of
    // being demoted.
    ForceRemote bool
    // NodeCertificateStatusRequestTimeout determines how long to wait for a node
    // status RPC result.  If not provided (zero value), will default to 5 seconds.
    NodeCertificateStatusRequestTimeout time.Duration
    // RetryInterval specifies how long to delay between retries, if non-zero.
    RetryInterval time.Duration
    // Organization is the organization to use for a TLS certificate when creating
    // a security config from scratch.  If not provided, a random ID is generated.
    // For swarm certificates, the organization is the cluster ID.
    Organization string

// CreateSecurityConfig creates a new key and cert for this node, either locally
// or via a remote CA.
func (rootCA RootCA) CreateSecurityConfig(ctx context.Context, krw *KeyReadWriter, config CertificateRequestConfig) (*SecurityConfig, func() error, error) {
    ctx = log.WithModule(ctx, "tls")

    // Create a new random ID for this certificate
    cn := identity.NewID()
    org := config.Organization
    if config.Organization == "" {
        org = identity.NewID()

    proposedRole := ManagerRole
    tlsKeyPair, issuerInfo, err := rootCA.IssueAndSaveNewCertificates(krw, cn, proposedRole, org)
    switch errors.Cause(err) {
    case ErrNoValidSigner:
        config.RetryInterval = GetCertRetryInterval
        // Request certificate issuance from a remote CA.
        // Last argument is nil because at this point we don't have any valid TLS creds
        tlsKeyPair, issuerInfo, err = rootCA.RequestAndSaveNewCertificates(ctx, krw, config)
        if err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("failed to request and save new certificate")
            return nil, nil, err
    case nil:
            "":   cn,
            "node.role": proposedRole,
        }).Debug("issued new TLS certificate")
            "":   cn,
            "node.role": proposedRole,
        }).WithError(err).Errorf("failed to issue and save new certificate")
        return nil, nil, err

    secConfig, cleanup, err := NewSecurityConfig(&rootCA, krw, tlsKeyPair, issuerInfo)
    if err == nil {
            "":   secConfig.ClientTLSCreds.NodeID(),
            "node.role": secConfig.ClientTLSCreds.Role(),
        }).Debugf("new node credentials generated: %s", krw.Target())
    return secConfig, cleanup, err

// TODO(cyli): currently we have to only update if it's a worker role - if we have a single root CA update path for
// both managers and workers, we won't need to check any more.
func updateRootThenUpdateCert(ctx context.Context, s *SecurityConfig, connBroker *connectionbroker.Broker, rootPaths CertPaths, failedCert *x509.Certificate) (*tls.Certificate, *IssuerInfo, error) {
    if len(failedCert.Subject.OrganizationalUnit) == 0 || failedCert.Subject.OrganizationalUnit[0] != WorkerRole {
        return nil, nil, errors.New("cannot update root CA since this is not a worker")
    // try downloading a new root CA if it's an unknown authority issue, in case there was a root rotation completion
    // and we just didn't get the new root
    rootCA, err := GetRemoteCA(ctx, "", connBroker)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    // validate against the existing security config creds
    if err := s.UpdateRootCA(&rootCA); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    if err := SaveRootCA(rootCA, rootPaths); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    return rootCA.RequestAndSaveNewCertificates(ctx, s.KeyWriter(),
            ConnBroker:  connBroker,
            Credentials: s.ClientTLSCreds,

// RenewTLSConfigNow gets a new TLS cert and key, and updates the security config if provided.  This is similar to
// RenewTLSConfig, except while that monitors for expiry, and periodically renews, this renews once and is blocking
func RenewTLSConfigNow(ctx context.Context, s *SecurityConfig, connBroker *connectionbroker.Broker, rootPaths CertPaths) error {
    defer s.renewalMu.Unlock()

    ctx = log.WithModule(ctx, "tls")
    logger := log.G(ctx).WithFields(log.Fields{
        "":   s.ClientTLSCreds.NodeID(),
        "node.role": s.ClientTLSCreds.Role(),

    // Let's request new certs. Renewals don't require a token.
    rootCA := s.RootCA()
    tlsKeyPair, issuerInfo, err := rootCA.RequestAndSaveNewCertificates(ctx,
            ConnBroker:  connBroker,
            Credentials: s.ClientTLSCreds,
    if wrappedError, ok := err.(x509UnknownAuthError); ok {
        var newErr error
        tlsKeyPair, issuerInfo, newErr = updateRootThenUpdateCert(ctx, s, connBroker, rootPaths, wrappedError.failedLeafCert)
        if newErr != nil {
            err = wrappedError.error
        } else {
            err = nil
    if err != nil {
        logger.WithError(err).Errorf("failed to renew the certificate")
        return err

    return s.UpdateTLSCredentials(tlsKeyPair, issuerInfo)

// calculateRandomExpiry returns a random duration between 50% and 80% of the
// original validity period
func calculateRandomExpiry(validFrom, validUntil time.Time) time.Duration {
    duration := validUntil.Sub(validFrom)

    var randomExpiry int
    // Our lower bound of renewal will be half of the total expiration time
    minValidity := int(duration.Minutes() * CertLowerRotationRange)
    // Our upper bound of renewal will be 80% of the total expiration time
    maxValidity := int(duration.Minutes() * CertUpperRotationRange)
    // Let's select a random number of minutes between min and max, and set our retry for that
    // Using randomly selected rotation allows us to avoid certificate thundering herds.
    if maxValidity-minValidity < 1 {
        randomExpiry = minValidity
    } else {
        randomExpiry = rand.Intn(maxValidity-minValidity) + minValidity

    expiry := time.Until(validFrom.Add(time.Duration(randomExpiry) * time.Minute))
    if expiry < 0 {
        return 0
    return expiry

// NewServerTLSConfig returns a tls.Config configured for a TLS Server, given a tls.Certificate
// and the PEM-encoded root CA Certificate
func NewServerTLSConfig(certs []tls.Certificate, rootCAPool *x509.CertPool) (*tls.Config, error) {
    if rootCAPool == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("valid root CA pool required")

    return &tls.Config{
        Certificates: certs,
        // Since we're using the same CA server to issue Certificates to new nodes, we can't
        // use tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
        ClientAuth:               tls.VerifyClientCertIfGiven,
        RootCAs:                  rootCAPool,
        ClientCAs:                rootCAPool,
        PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
        MinVersion:               tls.VersionTLS12,
    }, nil

// NewClientTLSConfig returns a tls.Config configured for a TLS Client, given a tls.Certificate
// the PEM-encoded root CA Certificate, and the name of the remote server the client wants to connect to.
func NewClientTLSConfig(certs []tls.Certificate, rootCAPool *x509.CertPool, serverName string) (*tls.Config, error) {
    if rootCAPool == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("valid root CA pool required")

    return &tls.Config{
        ServerName:   serverName,
        Certificates: certs,
        RootCAs:      rootCAPool,
        MinVersion:   tls.VersionTLS12,
    }, nil

// NewClientTLSCredentials returns GRPC credentials for a TLS GRPC client, given a tls.Certificate
// a PEM-Encoded root CA Certificate, and the name of the remote server the client wants to connect to.
func (rootCA *RootCA) NewClientTLSCredentials(cert *tls.Certificate, serverName string) (*MutableTLSCreds, error) {
    tlsConfig, err := NewClientTLSConfig([]tls.Certificate{*cert}, rootCA.Pool, serverName)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    mtls, err := NewMutableTLS(tlsConfig)

    return mtls, err

// NewServerTLSCredentials returns GRPC credentials for a TLS GRPC client, given a tls.Certificate
// a PEM-Encoded root CA Certificate, and the name of the remote server the client wants to connect to.
func (rootCA *RootCA) NewServerTLSCredentials(cert *tls.Certificate) (*MutableTLSCreds, error) {
    tlsConfig, err := NewServerTLSConfig([]tls.Certificate{*cert}, rootCA.Pool)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    mtls, err := NewMutableTLS(tlsConfig)

    return mtls, err

// ParseRole parses an apiRole into an internal role string
func ParseRole(apiRole api.NodeRole) (string, error) {
    switch apiRole {
    case api.NodeRoleManager:
        return ManagerRole, nil
    case api.NodeRoleWorker:
        return WorkerRole, nil
        return "", errors.Errorf("failed to parse api role: %v", apiRole)

// FormatRole parses an internal role string into an apiRole
func FormatRole(role string) (api.NodeRole, error) {
    switch strings.ToLower(role) {
    case strings.ToLower(ManagerRole):
        return api.NodeRoleManager, nil
    case strings.ToLower(WorkerRole):
        return api.NodeRoleWorker, nil
        return 0, errors.Errorf("failed to parse role: %s", role)