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package ca

import (



const (
    // keyPerms are the permissions used to write the TLS keys
    keyPerms = 0o600
    // certPerms are the permissions used to write TLS certificates
    certPerms = 0o644
    // versionHeader is the TLS PEM key header that contains the KEK version
    versionHeader = "kek-version"

// PEMKeyHeaders is an interface for something that needs to know about PEM headers
// when reading or writing TLS keys in order to keep them updated with the latest
// KEK.
type PEMKeyHeaders interface {

    // UnmarshalHeaders loads the headers map given the current KEK
    UnmarshalHeaders(map[string]string, KEKData) (PEMKeyHeaders, error)

    // MarshalHeaders returns a header map given the current KEK
    MarshalHeaders(KEKData) (map[string]string, error)

    // UpdateKEK gets called whenever KeyReadWriter gets a KEK update.  This allows the
    // PEMKeyHeaders to optionally update any internal state.  It should return an
    // updated (if needed) versino of itself.
    UpdateKEK(KEKData, KEKData) PEMKeyHeaders

// KeyReader reads a TLS cert and key from disk
type KeyReader interface {

    // Read reads and returns the certificate and the key PEM bytes that are on disk
    Read() ([]byte, []byte, error)

    // Target returns a string representation of where the cert data is being read from
    Target() string

// KeyWriter writes a TLS key and cert to disk
type KeyWriter interface {

    // Write accepts a certificate and key in PEM format, as well as an optional KEKData object.
    // If there is a current KEK, the key is encrypted using the current KEK.  If the KEKData object
    // is provided (not nil), the key will be encrypted using the new KEK instead, and the current
    // KEK in memory will be replaced by the provided KEKData.  The reason to allow changing key
    // material and KEK in a single step, as opposed to two steps, is to prevent the key material
    // from being written unencrypted or with an old KEK in the first place (when a node gets a
    // certificate from the CA, it will also request the current KEK so it won't have to immediately
    // do a KEK rotation after getting the key).
    Write([]byte, []byte, *KEKData) error

    // ViewAndUpdateHeaders is a function that reads and updates the headers of the key in a single
    // transaction (e.g. within a lock).  It accepts a callback function which will be passed the
    // current header management object, and which must return a new, updated, or same header
    // management object.  KeyReadWriter then performs the following actions:
    //    - uses the old header management object and the current KEK to deserialize/decrypt
    //      the existing PEM headers
    //    - uses the new header management object and the current KEK to to reserialize/encrypt
    //      the PEM headers
    //    - writes the new PEM headers, as well as the key material, unchanged, to disk
    ViewAndUpdateHeaders(func(PEMKeyHeaders) (PEMKeyHeaders, error)) error

    // ViewAndRotateKEK is a function that just re-encrypts the TLS key and headers in a single
    // transaction (e.g. within a lock).  It accepts a callback unction which will be passed the
    // current KEK and the current headers management object, and which should return a new
    // KEK and header management object.  KeyReadWriter then performs the following actions:
    //    - uses the old KEK and header management object to deserialize/decrypt the
    //      TLS key and PEM headers
    //    - uses the new KEK and header management object to serialize/encrypt the TLS key
    //      and PEM headers
    //    - writes the new PEM headers and newly encrypted TLS key to disk
    ViewAndRotateKEK(func(KEKData, PEMKeyHeaders) (KEKData, PEMKeyHeaders, error)) error

    // GetCurrentState returns the current header management object and the current KEK.
    GetCurrentState() (PEMKeyHeaders, KEKData)

    // Target returns a string representation of where the cert data is being read from
    Target() string

// KEKData provides an optional update to the kek when writing.  The structure
// is needed so that we can tell the difference between "do not encrypt anymore"
// and there is "no update".
type KEKData struct {
    KEK     []byte
    Version uint64

// ErrInvalidKEK means that we cannot decrypt the TLS key for some reason
type ErrInvalidKEK struct {
    Wrapped error

func (e ErrInvalidKEK) Error() string {
    return e.Wrapped.Error()

// KeyReadWriter is an object that knows how to read and write TLS keys and certs to disk,
// optionally encrypted and optionally updating PEM headers.  It should be the only object which
// can write the TLS key, to ensure that writes are serialized and that the TLS key, the
// KEK (key encrypting key), and any headers which need to be written are never out of sync.
// It accepts a PEMKeyHeaders object, which is used to serialize/encrypt and deserialize/decrypt
// the PEM headers when given the current headers and the current KEK.
type KeyReadWriter struct {

    // This lock is held whenever a key is read from or written to disk, or whenever the internal
    // state of the KeyReadWriter (such as the KEK, the key formatter, or the PEM header management
    // object changes.)
    mu sync.Mutex

    kekData      KEKData
    paths        CertPaths
    headersObj   PEMKeyHeaders
    keyFormatter keyutils.Formatter

// NewKeyReadWriter creates a new KeyReadWriter
func NewKeyReadWriter(paths CertPaths, kek []byte, headersObj PEMKeyHeaders) *KeyReadWriter {
    return &KeyReadWriter{
        kekData:      KEKData{KEK: kek},
        paths:        paths,
        headersObj:   headersObj,
        keyFormatter: keyutils.Default,

// SetKeyFormatter sets the keyformatter with which to encrypt and decrypt keys
func (k *KeyReadWriter) SetKeyFormatter(kf keyutils.Formatter) {
    k.keyFormatter = kf

// Migrate checks to see if a temporary key file exists.  Older versions of
// swarmkit wrote temporary keys instead of temporary certificates, so
// migrate that temporary key if it exists.  We want to write temporary certificates,
// instead of temporary keys, because we may need to periodically re-encrypt the
// keys and modify the headers, and it's easier to have a single canonical key
// location than two possible key locations.
func (k *KeyReadWriter) Migrate() error {
    tmpPaths := k.genTempPaths()
    keyBytes, err := os.ReadFile(tmpPaths.Key)
    if err != nil {
        return nil // no key?  no migration

    // it does exist - no need to decrypt, because previous versions of swarmkit
    // which supported this temporary key did not support encrypting TLS keys
    cert, err := os.ReadFile(k.paths.Cert)
    if err != nil {
        return os.RemoveAll(tmpPaths.Key) // no cert?  no migration

    // nope, this does not match the cert
    if _, err = tls.X509KeyPair(cert, keyBytes); err != nil {
        return os.RemoveAll(tmpPaths.Key)

    return os.Rename(tmpPaths.Key, k.paths.Key)

// Read will read a TLS cert and key from the given paths
func (k *KeyReadWriter) Read() ([]byte, []byte, error) {
    keyBlock, err := k.readKey()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    if version, ok := keyBlock.Headers[versionHeader]; ok {
        if versionInt, err := strconv.ParseUint(version, 10, 64); err == nil {
            k.kekData.Version = versionInt
    delete(keyBlock.Headers, versionHeader)

    if k.headersObj != nil {
        newHeaders, err := k.headersObj.UnmarshalHeaders(keyBlock.Headers, k.kekData)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read TLS key headers")
        k.headersObj = newHeaders

    keyBytes := pem.EncodeToMemory(keyBlock)
    cert, err := os.ReadFile(k.paths.Cert)
    // The cert is written to a temporary file first, then the key, and then
    // the cert gets renamed - so, if interrupted, it's possible to end up with
    // a cert that only exists in the temporary location.
    switch {
    case err == nil:
        _, err = tls.X509KeyPair(cert, keyBytes)
    case os.IsNotExist(err): //continue to try temp location
        return nil, nil, err

    // either the cert doesn't exist, or it doesn't match the key - try the temp file, if it exists
    if err != nil {
        var tempErr error
        tmpPaths := k.genTempPaths()
        cert, tempErr = os.ReadFile(tmpPaths.Cert)
        if tempErr != nil {
            return nil, nil, err // return the original error
        if _, tempErr := tls.X509KeyPair(cert, keyBytes); tempErr != nil {
            os.RemoveAll(tmpPaths.Cert) // nope, it doesn't match either - remove and return the original error
            return nil, nil, err
        os.Rename(tmpPaths.Cert, k.paths.Cert) // try to move the temp cert back to the regular location


    return cert, keyBytes, nil

// ViewAndRotateKEK re-encrypts the key with a new KEK
func (k *KeyReadWriter) ViewAndRotateKEK(cb func(KEKData, PEMKeyHeaders) (KEKData, PEMKeyHeaders, error)) error {

    updatedKEK, updatedHeaderObj, err := cb(k.kekData, k.headersObj)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    keyBlock, err := k.readKey()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return k.writeKey(keyBlock, updatedKEK, updatedHeaderObj)

// ViewAndUpdateHeaders updates the header manager, and updates any headers on the existing key
func (k *KeyReadWriter) ViewAndUpdateHeaders(cb func(PEMKeyHeaders) (PEMKeyHeaders, error)) error {

    pkh, err := cb(k.headersObj)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    keyBlock, err := k.readKeyblock()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    headers := make(map[string]string)
    if pkh != nil {
        var err error
        headers, err = pkh.MarshalHeaders(k.kekData)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    // we WANT any original encryption headers
    for key, value := range keyBlock.Headers {
        normalizedKey := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(key))
        if normalizedKey == "proc-type" || normalizedKey == "dek-info" {
            headers[key] = value
    headers[versionHeader] = strconv.FormatUint(k.kekData.Version, 10)
    keyBlock.Headers = headers

    if err = ioutils.AtomicWriteFile(k.paths.Key, pem.EncodeToMemory(keyBlock), keyPerms); err != nil {
        return err
    k.headersObj = pkh
    return nil

// GetCurrentState returns the current KEK data, including version
func (k *KeyReadWriter) GetCurrentState() (PEMKeyHeaders, KEKData) {
    return k.headersObj, k.kekData

// Write attempts write a cert and key to text.  This can also optionally update
// the KEK while writing, if an updated KEK is provided.  If the pointer to the
// update KEK is nil, then we don't update. If the updated KEK itself is nil,
// then we update the KEK to be nil (data should be unencrypted).
func (k *KeyReadWriter) Write(certBytes, plaintextKeyBytes []byte, kekData *KEKData) error {

    // current assumption is that the cert and key will be in the same directory
    if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(k.paths.Key), 0o755); err != nil {
        return err

    // Ensure that we will have a keypair on disk at all times by writing the cert to a
    // temp path first.  This is because we want to have only a single copy of the key
    // for rotation and header modification.
    tmpPaths := k.genTempPaths()
    if err := ioutils.AtomicWriteFile(tmpPaths.Cert, certBytes, certPerms); err != nil {
        return err

    keyBlock, _ := pem.Decode(plaintextKeyBytes)
    if keyBlock == nil {
        return errors.New("invalid PEM-encoded private key")

    if kekData == nil {
        kekData = &k.kekData
    pkh := k.headersObj
    if k.headersObj != nil {
        pkh = k.headersObj.UpdateKEK(k.kekData, *kekData)

    if err := k.writeKey(keyBlock, *kekData, pkh); err != nil {
        return err
    return os.Rename(tmpPaths.Cert, k.paths.Cert)

func (k *KeyReadWriter) genTempPaths() CertPaths {
    return CertPaths{
        Key:  filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(k.paths.Key), "."+filepath.Base(k.paths.Key)),
        Cert: filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(k.paths.Cert), "."+filepath.Base(k.paths.Cert)),

// Target returns a string representation of this KeyReadWriter, namely where
// it is writing to
func (k *KeyReadWriter) Target() string {
    return k.paths.Cert

func (k *KeyReadWriter) readKeyblock() (*pem.Block, error) {
    key, err := os.ReadFile(k.paths.Key)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Decode the PEM private key
    keyBlock, _ := pem.Decode(key)
    if keyBlock == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("invalid PEM-encoded private key")

    return keyBlock, nil

// readKey returns the decrypted key pem bytes, and enforces the KEK if applicable
// (writes it back with the correct encryption if it is not correctly encrypted)
func (k *KeyReadWriter) readKey() (*pem.Block, error) {
    keyBlock, err := k.readKeyblock()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if !keyutils.IsEncryptedPEMBlock(keyBlock) {
        return keyBlock, nil

    // If it's encrypted, we can't read without a passphrase (we're assuming
    // empty passphrases are invalid)
    if k.kekData.KEK == nil {
        return nil, ErrInvalidKEK{Wrapped: x509.IncorrectPasswordError}

    derBytes, err := k.keyFormatter.DecryptPEMBlock(keyBlock, k.kekData.KEK)
    if err == keyutils.ErrFIPSUnsupportedKeyFormat {
        return nil, err
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, ErrInvalidKEK{Wrapped: err}

    // change header only if its pkcs8
    if keyBlock.Type == "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY" {
        keyBlock.Type = "PRIVATE KEY"

    // remove encryption PEM headers
    headers := make(map[string]string)
    mergePEMHeaders(headers, keyBlock.Headers)

    return &pem.Block{
        Type:    keyBlock.Type, // the key type doesn't change
        Bytes:   derBytes,
        Headers: headers,
    }, nil

// writeKey takes an unencrypted keyblock and, if the kek is not nil, encrypts it before
// writing it to disk.  If the kek is nil, writes it to disk unencrypted.
func (k *KeyReadWriter) writeKey(keyBlock *pem.Block, kekData KEKData, pkh PEMKeyHeaders) error {
    if kekData.KEK != nil {
        encryptedPEMBlock, err := k.keyFormatter.EncryptPEMBlock(keyBlock.Bytes, kekData.KEK)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if !keyutils.IsEncryptedPEMBlock(encryptedPEMBlock) {
            return errors.New("unable to encrypt key - invalid PEM file produced")
        keyBlock = encryptedPEMBlock

    if pkh != nil {
        headers, err := pkh.MarshalHeaders(kekData)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        mergePEMHeaders(keyBlock.Headers, headers)
    keyBlock.Headers[versionHeader] = strconv.FormatUint(kekData.Version, 10)

    if err := ioutils.AtomicWriteFile(k.paths.Key, pem.EncodeToMemory(keyBlock), keyPerms); err != nil {
        return err
    k.kekData = kekData
    k.headersObj = pkh
    return nil

// DowngradeKey converts the PKCS#8 key to PKCS#1 format and save it
func (k *KeyReadWriter) DowngradeKey() error {
    _, key, err := k.Read()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    oldBlock, _ := pem.Decode(key)
    if oldBlock == nil {
        return errors.New("invalid PEM-encoded private key")

    // stop if the key is already downgraded to pkcs1
    if !keyutils.IsPKCS8(oldBlock.Bytes) {
        return errors.New("key is already downgraded to PKCS#1")

    eckey, err := pkcs8.ConvertToECPrivateKeyPEM(key)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    newBlock, _ := pem.Decode(eckey)
    if newBlock == nil {
        return errors.New("invalid PEM-encoded private key")

    if k.kekData.KEK != nil {
        newBlock, err = k.keyFormatter.EncryptPEMBlock(newBlock.Bytes, k.kekData.KEK)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // add kek-version header back to the new key
    newBlock.Headers[versionHeader] = strconv.FormatUint(k.kekData.Version, 10)
    mergePEMHeaders(newBlock.Headers, oldBlock.Headers)

    // do not use krw.Write as it will convert the key to pkcs8
    return ioutils.AtomicWriteFile(k.paths.Key, pem.EncodeToMemory(newBlock), keyPerms)

// merges one set of PEM headers onto another, excepting for key encryption value
// "proc-type" and "dek-info"
func mergePEMHeaders(original, newSet map[string]string) {
    for key, value := range newSet {
        normalizedKey := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(key))
        if normalizedKey != "proc-type" && normalizedKey != "dek-info" {
            original[key] = value