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Test Coverage
package testutils

import (

    cfsslerrors ""

var crossSignPolicy = config.SigningProfile{
    Usage: []string{"cert sign", "crl sign"},
    // we don't want the intermediate to last for very long
    Expiry:       ca.DefaultNodeCertExpiration,
    Backdate:     ca.CertBackdate,
    CAConstraint: config.CAConstraint{IsCA: true},
    ExtensionWhitelist: map[string]bool{
        ca.BasicConstraintsOID.String(): true,

// NewExternalSigningServer creates and runs a new ExternalSigningServer which
// uses the given rootCA to sign node certificates. A server key and cert are
// generated and saved into the given basedir and then a TLS listener is
// started on a random available port. On success, an HTTPS server will be
// running in a separate goroutine. The URL of the singing endpoint is
// available in the returned *ExternalSignerServer value. Calling the Close()
// method will stop the server.
func NewExternalSigningServer(rootCA ca.RootCA, basedir string) (*ExternalSigningServer, error) {
    serverCN := "external-ca-example-server"
    serverOU := "localhost" // Make a valid server cert for localhost.

    s, err := rootCA.Signer()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // create our own copy of the local signer so we don't mutate the rootCA's signer as we enable and disable CA signing
    copiedSigner := *s

    // Create TLS credentials for the external CA server which we will run.
    serverPaths := ca.CertPaths{
        Cert: filepath.Join(basedir, "server.crt"),
        Key:  filepath.Join(basedir, "server.key"),
    serverCert, _, err := rootCA.IssueAndSaveNewCertificates(ca.NewKeyReadWriter(serverPaths, nil, nil), serverCN, serverOU, "")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to get TLS server certificate")

    serverTLSConfig := &tls.Config{
        Certificates: []tls.Certificate{*serverCert},
        ClientAuth:   tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,
        ClientCAs:    rootCA.Pool,

    tlsListener, err := tls.Listen("tcp", "localhost:0", serverTLSConfig)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to create TLS connection listener")

    assignedPort := tlsListener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port

    signURL := url.URL{
        Scheme: "https",
        Host:   net.JoinHostPort("localhost", strconv.Itoa(assignedPort)),
        Path:   "/sign",

    ess := &ExternalSigningServer{
        listener: tlsListener,
        URL:      signURL.String(),

    mux := http.NewServeMux()
    handler := &signHandler{
        numIssued:   &ess.NumIssued,
        localSigner: &copiedSigner,
        origPolicy:  copiedSigner.Policy(),
        flaky:       &ess.flaky,
    mux.Handle(signURL.Path, handler)
    ess.handler = handler

    server := &http.Server{
        Handler: mux,

    go server.Serve(tlsListener)

    return ess, nil

// ExternalSigningServer runs an HTTPS server with an endpoint at a specified
// URL which signs node certificate requests from a swarm manager client.
type ExternalSigningServer struct {
    listener  net.Listener
    NumIssued uint64
    URL       string
    flaky     uint32
    handler   *signHandler

// Stop stops this signing server by closing the underlying TCP/TLS listener.
func (ess *ExternalSigningServer) Stop() error {
    return ess.listener.Close()

// Flake makes the signing server return HTTP 500 errors.
func (ess *ExternalSigningServer) Flake() {
    atomic.StoreUint32(&ess.flaky, 1)

// Deflake restores normal operation after a call to Flake.
func (ess *ExternalSigningServer) Deflake() {
    atomic.StoreUint32(&ess.flaky, 0)

// EnableCASigning updates the root CA signer to be able to sign CAs
func (ess *ExternalSigningServer) EnableCASigning() error {

    copied := *ess.handler.origPolicy
    if copied.Profiles == nil {
        copied.Profiles = make(map[string]*config.SigningProfile)
    copied.Profiles[ca.ExternalCrossSignProfile] = &crossSignPolicy

    return nil

// DisableCASigning prevents the server from being able to sign CA certificates
func (ess *ExternalSigningServer) DisableCASigning() {

type signHandler struct {
    mu          sync.Mutex
    numIssued   *uint64
    flaky       *uint32
    localSigner *ca.LocalSigner
    origPolicy  *config.Signing

func (h *signHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    if atomic.LoadUint32(h.flaky) == 1 {

    // Check client authentication via mutual TLS.
    if r.TLS == nil || len(r.TLS.PeerCertificates) == 0 {
        cfsslErr := cfsslerrors.New(cfsslerrors.APIClientError, cfsslerrors.AuthenticationFailure)
        errResponse := api.NewErrorResponse("must authenticate sign request with mutual TLS", cfsslErr.ErrorCode)

    clientSub := r.TLS.PeerCertificates[0].Subject

    // The client certificate OU should be for a swarm manager.
    if len(clientSub.OrganizationalUnit) == 0 || clientSub.OrganizationalUnit[0] != ca.ManagerRole {
        cfsslErr := cfsslerrors.New(cfsslerrors.APIClientError, cfsslerrors.AuthenticationFailure)
        errResponse := api.NewErrorResponse(fmt.Sprintf("client certificate OU must be %q", ca.ManagerRole), cfsslErr.ErrorCode)

    // The client certificate must have an Org.
    if len(clientSub.Organization) == 0 {
        cfsslErr := cfsslerrors.New(cfsslerrors.APIClientError, cfsslerrors.AuthenticationFailure)
        errResponse := api.NewErrorResponse("client certificate must have an Organization", cfsslErr.ErrorCode)
    clientOrg := clientSub.Organization[0]

    // Decode the certificate signing request.
    var signReq signer.SignRequest
    if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&signReq); err != nil {
        cfsslErr := cfsslerrors.New(cfsslerrors.APIClientError, cfsslerrors.JSONError)
        errResponse := api.NewErrorResponse(fmt.Sprintf("unable to decode sign request: %s", err), cfsslErr.ErrorCode)

    // The signReq should have additional subject info.
    reqSub := signReq.Subject
    if reqSub == nil {
        cfsslErr := cfsslerrors.New(cfsslerrors.CSRError, cfsslerrors.BadRequest)
        errResponse := api.NewErrorResponse("sign request must contain a subject field", cfsslErr.ErrorCode)

    if signReq.Profile != ca.ExternalCrossSignProfile {
        // The client's Org should match the Org in the sign request subject.
        if len(reqSub.Name().Organization) == 0 || reqSub.Name().Organization[0] != clientOrg {
            cfsslErr := cfsslerrors.New(cfsslerrors.CSRError, cfsslerrors.BadRequest)
            errResponse := api.NewErrorResponse("sign request subject org does not match client certificate org", cfsslErr.ErrorCode)

    // Sign the requested certificate.
    certPEM, err := h.localSigner.Sign(signReq)
    if err != nil {
        cfsslErr := cfsslerrors.New(cfsslerrors.APIClientError, cfsslerrors.ServerRequestFailed)
        errResponse := api.NewErrorResponse(fmt.Sprintf("unable to sign requested certificate: %s", err), cfsslErr.ErrorCode)

    result := map[string]string{
        "certificate": string(certPEM),

    // Increment the number of certs issued.
    atomic.AddUint64(h.numIssued, 1)

    // Return a successful JSON response.