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1 wk
Test Coverage
package dispatcher

import (

    gogotypes ""

const (
    // DefaultHeartBeatPeriod is used for setting default value in cluster config
    // and in case if cluster config is missing.
    DefaultHeartBeatPeriod       = 5 * time.Second
    defaultHeartBeatEpsilon      = 500 * time.Millisecond
    defaultGracePeriodMultiplier = 3
    defaultRateLimitPeriod       = 8 * time.Second

    // maxBatchItems is the threshold of queued writes that should
    // trigger an actual transaction to commit them to the shared store.
    maxBatchItems = 10000

    // maxBatchInterval needs to strike a balance between keeping
    // latency low, and realizing opportunities to combine many writes
    // into a single transaction. A fraction of a second feels about
    // right.
    maxBatchInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond

    modificationBatchLimit = 100
    batchingWaitTime       = 100 * time.Millisecond

    // defaultNodeDownPeriod specifies the default time period we
    // wait before moving tasks assigned to down nodes to ORPHANED
    // state.
    defaultNodeDownPeriod = 24 * time.Hour

var (
    // ErrNodeAlreadyRegistered returned if node with same ID was already
    // registered with this dispatcher.
    ErrNodeAlreadyRegistered = errors.New("node already registered")
    // ErrNodeNotRegistered returned if node with such ID wasn't registered
    // with this dispatcher.
    ErrNodeNotRegistered = errors.New("node not registered")
    // ErrSessionInvalid returned when the session in use is no longer valid.
    // The node should re-register and start a new session.
    ErrSessionInvalid = errors.New("session invalid")
    // ErrNodeNotFound returned when the Node doesn't exist in raft.
    ErrNodeNotFound = errors.New("node not found")

    // Scheduling delay timer.
    schedulingDelayTimer metrics.Timer

func init() {
    ns := metrics.NewNamespace("swarm", "dispatcher", nil)
    schedulingDelayTimer = ns.NewTimer("scheduling_delay",
        "Scheduling delay is the time a task takes to go from NEW to RUNNING state.")

// Config is configuration for Dispatcher. For default you should use
// DefaultConfig.
type Config struct {
    HeartbeatPeriod  time.Duration
    HeartbeatEpsilon time.Duration
    // RateLimitPeriod specifies how often node with same ID can try to register
    // new session.
    RateLimitPeriod       time.Duration
    GracePeriodMultiplier int

// DefaultConfig returns default config for Dispatcher.
func DefaultConfig() *Config {
    return &Config{
        HeartbeatPeriod:       DefaultHeartBeatPeriod,
        HeartbeatEpsilon:      defaultHeartBeatEpsilon,
        RateLimitPeriod:       defaultRateLimitPeriod,
        GracePeriodMultiplier: defaultGracePeriodMultiplier,

// Cluster is interface which represent raft cluster. manager/state/raft.Node
// is implements it. This interface needed only for easier unit-testing.
type Cluster interface {
    GetMemberlist() map[uint64]*api.RaftMember
    SubscribePeers() (chan events.Event, func())
    MemoryStore() *store.MemoryStore

// nodeUpdate provides a new status and/or description to apply to a node
// object.
type nodeUpdate struct {
    status      *api.NodeStatus
    description *api.NodeDescription

// clusterUpdate is an object that stores an update to the cluster that should trigger
// a new session message.  These are pointers to indicate the difference between
// "there is no update" and "update this to nil"
type clusterUpdate struct {
    managerUpdate      *[]*api.WeightedPeer
    bootstrapKeyUpdate *[]*api.EncryptionKey
    rootCAUpdate       *[]byte

// Dispatcher is responsible for dispatching tasks and tracking agent health.
type Dispatcher struct {
    // Mutex to synchronize access to dispatcher shared state e.g. nodes,
    // lastSeenManagers, networkBootstrapKeys etc.
    // TODO(anshul): This can potentially be removed and rpcRW used in its place.
    mu sync.Mutex
    // WaitGroup to handle the case when Stop() gets called before Run()
    // has finished initializing the dispatcher.
    wg sync.WaitGroup
    // This RWMutex synchronizes RPC handlers and the dispatcher stop().
    // The RPC handlers use the read lock while stop() uses the write lock
    // and acts as a barrier to shutdown.
    rpcRW                sync.RWMutex
    nodes                *nodeStore
    store                *store.MemoryStore
    lastSeenManagers     []*api.WeightedPeer
    networkBootstrapKeys []*api.EncryptionKey
    lastSeenRootCert     []byte
    config               *Config
    cluster              Cluster
    ctx                  context.Context
    cancel               context.CancelFunc
    clusterUpdateQueue   *watch.Queue
    dp                   *drivers.DriverProvider
    securityConfig       *ca.SecurityConfig

    taskUpdates     map[string]*api.TaskStatus // indexed by task ID
    taskUpdatesLock sync.Mutex

    nodeUpdates     map[string]nodeUpdate // indexed by node ID
    nodeUpdatesLock sync.Mutex

    // unpublishedVolumes keeps track of Volumes that Nodes have reported as
    // unpublished. it maps the volume ID to a list of nodes it has been
    // unpublished on.
    unpublishedVolumes     map[string][]string
    unpublishedVolumesLock sync.Mutex

    downNodes *nodeStore

    processUpdatesTrigger chan struct{}

    // for waiting for the next task/node batch update
    processUpdatesLock sync.Mutex
    processUpdatesCond *sync.Cond

// New returns Dispatcher with cluster interface(usually raft.Node).
func New() *Dispatcher {
    d := &Dispatcher{
        downNodes:             newNodeStore(defaultNodeDownPeriod, 0, 1, 0),
        processUpdatesTrigger: make(chan struct{}, 1),

    d.processUpdatesCond = sync.NewCond(&d.processUpdatesLock)

    return d

// Init is used to initialize the dispatcher and
// is typically called before starting the dispatcher
// when a manager becomes a leader.
// The dispatcher is a grpc server, and unlike other components,
// it can't simply be recreated on becoming a leader.
// This function ensures the dispatcher restarts with a clean slate.
func (d *Dispatcher) Init(cluster Cluster, c *Config, dp *drivers.DriverProvider, securityConfig *ca.SecurityConfig) {
    d.cluster = cluster
    d.config = c
    d.securityConfig = securityConfig
    d.dp = dp = cluster.MemoryStore()
    d.nodes = newNodeStore(c.HeartbeatPeriod, c.HeartbeatEpsilon, c.GracePeriodMultiplier, c.RateLimitPeriod)

func getWeightedPeers(cluster Cluster) []*api.WeightedPeer {
    members := cluster.GetMemberlist()
    var mgrs []*api.WeightedPeer
    for _, m := range members {
        mgrs = append(mgrs, &api.WeightedPeer{
            Peer: &api.Peer{
                NodeID: m.NodeID,
                Addr:   m.Addr,

            // TODO(stevvooe): Calculate weight of manager selection based on
            // cluster-level observations, such as number of connections and
            // load.
            Weight: remotes.DefaultObservationWeight,
    return mgrs

// Run runs dispatcher tasks which should be run on leader dispatcher.
// Dispatcher can be stopped with cancelling ctx or calling Stop().
func (d *Dispatcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
    ctx = log.WithModule(ctx, "dispatcher")
    log.G(ctx).Info("dispatcher starting")

    d.taskUpdates = make(map[string]*api.TaskStatus)

    d.nodeUpdates = make(map[string]nodeUpdate)

    d.unpublishedVolumes = make(map[string][]string)
    if d.isRunning() {
        return errors.New("dispatcher is already running")
    if err := d.markNodesUnknown(ctx); err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).Errorf(`failed to move all nodes to "unknown" state: %v`, err)
    configWatcher, cancel, err := store.ViewAndWatch(,
        func(readTx store.ReadTx) error {
            clusters, err := store.FindClusters(readTx, store.ByName(store.DefaultClusterName))
            if err != nil {
                return err
            if len(clusters) == 1 {
                heartbeatPeriod, err := gogotypes.DurationFromProto(clusters[0].Spec.Dispatcher.HeartbeatPeriod)
                if err == nil && heartbeatPeriod > 0 {
                    d.config.HeartbeatPeriod = heartbeatPeriod
                if clusters[0].NetworkBootstrapKeys != nil {
                    d.networkBootstrapKeys = clusters[0].NetworkBootstrapKeys
                d.lastSeenRootCert = clusters[0].RootCA.CACert
            return nil
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // set queue here to guarantee that Close will close it
    d.clusterUpdateQueue = watch.NewQueue()

    peerWatcher, peerCancel := d.cluster.SubscribePeers()
    defer peerCancel()
    d.lastSeenManagers = getWeightedPeers(d.cluster)

    defer cancel()
    d.ctx, d.cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
    ctx = d.ctx
    defer d.wg.Done()

    publishManagers := func(peers []*api.Peer) {
        var mgrs []*api.WeightedPeer
        for _, p := range peers {
            mgrs = append(mgrs, &api.WeightedPeer{
                Peer:   p,
                Weight: remotes.DefaultObservationWeight,
        d.lastSeenManagers = mgrs
        d.clusterUpdateQueue.Publish(clusterUpdate{managerUpdate: &mgrs})

    batchTimer := time.NewTimer(maxBatchInterval)
    defer batchTimer.Stop()

    for {
        select {
        case ev := <-peerWatcher:
        case <-d.processUpdatesTrigger:
            // drain the timer, if it has already expired
            select {
            case <-batchTimer.C:
        case <-batchTimer.C:
            // batch timer has already expired, so no need to drain
        case v := <-configWatcher:
            // TODO(dperny): remove extraneous log message
            log.G(ctx).Info("cluster update event")
            cluster := v.(api.EventUpdateCluster)
            if cluster.Cluster.Spec.Dispatcher.HeartbeatPeriod != nil {
                // ignore error, since Spec has passed validation before
                heartbeatPeriod, _ := gogotypes.DurationFromProto(cluster.Cluster.Spec.Dispatcher.HeartbeatPeriod)
                if heartbeatPeriod != d.config.HeartbeatPeriod {
                    // only call d.nodes.updatePeriod when heartbeatPeriod changes
                    d.config.HeartbeatPeriod = heartbeatPeriod
                    d.nodes.updatePeriod(d.config.HeartbeatPeriod, d.config.HeartbeatEpsilon, d.config.GracePeriodMultiplier)
            d.lastSeenRootCert = cluster.Cluster.RootCA.CACert
            d.networkBootstrapKeys = cluster.Cluster.NetworkBootstrapKeys
                bootstrapKeyUpdate: &cluster.Cluster.NetworkBootstrapKeys,
                rootCAUpdate:       &cluster.Cluster.RootCA.CACert,
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return nil

// Stop stops dispatcher and closes all grpc streams.
func (d *Dispatcher) Stop() error {
    if !d.isRunning() {
        return errors.New("dispatcher is already stopped")

    log := log.G(d.ctx).WithField("method", "(*Dispatcher).Stop")
    log.Info("dispatcher stopping")

    // when we called d.cancel(), there may be routines, servicing RPC calls to
    // the (*Dispatcher).Session endpoint, currently waiting at
    // d.processUpdatesCond.Wait() inside of (*Dispatcher).markNodeReady().
    // these routines are typically woken by a call to
    // d.processUpdatesCond.Broadcast() at the end of
    // (*Dispatcher).processUpdates() as part of the main Run loop. However,
    // when d.cancel() is called, the main Run loop is stopped, and there are
    // no more opportunties for processUpdates to be called. Any calls to
    // Session would be stuck waiting on a call to Broadcast that will never
    // come.
    // Further, because the rpcRW write lock cannot be obtained until every RPC
    // has exited and released its read lock, then Stop would be stuck forever.
    // To avoid this case, we acquire the processUpdatesLock (so that no new
    // waits can start) and then do a Broadcast to wake all of the waiting
    // routines. Further, if any routines are waiting in markNodeReady to
    // acquire this lock, but not yet waiting, those routines will check the
    // context cancelation, see the context is canceled, and exit before doing
    // the Wait.
    // This call to Broadcast must occur here. If we called Broadcast before
    // context cancelation, then some new routines could enter the wait. If we
    // call Broadcast after attempting to acquire the rpcRW lock, we will be
    // deadlocked. If we do this Broadcast without obtaining this lock (as is
    // done in the processUpdates method), then it would be possible for that
    // broadcast to come after the context cancelation check in markNodeReady,
    // but before the call to Wait.

    // The active nodes list can be cleaned out only when all
    // existing RPCs have finished.
    // RPCs that start after rpcRW.Unlock() should find the context
    // cancelled and should fail organically.


    // TODO(anshul): This use of Wait() could be unsafe.
    // According to go's documentation on WaitGroup,
    // Add() with a positive delta that occur when the counter is zero
    // must happen before a Wait().
    // As is, dispatcher Stop() can race with Run().

    return nil

func (d *Dispatcher) isRunningLocked() (context.Context, error) {
    if !d.isRunning() {
        return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Aborted, "dispatcher is stopped")
    ctx := d.ctx
    return ctx, nil

func (d *Dispatcher) markNodesUnknown(ctx context.Context) error {
    log := log.G(ctx).WithField("method", "(*Dispatcher).markNodesUnknown")
    var nodes []*api.Node
    var err error store.ReadTx) {
        nodes, err = store.FindNodes(tx, store.All)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get list of nodes")
    err = *store.Batch) error {
        for _, n := range nodes {
            err := batch.Update(func(tx store.Tx) error {
                // check if node is still here
                node := store.GetNode(tx, n.ID)
                if node == nil {
                    return nil
                // do not try to resurrect down nodes
                if node.Status.State == api.NodeStatus_DOWN {
                    nodeCopy := node
                    expireFunc := func() {
                        log.Infof("moving tasks to orphaned state for node: %s", nodeCopy.ID)
                        if err := d.moveTasksToOrphaned(nodeCopy.ID); err != nil {
                            log.WithError(err).Errorf(`failed to move all tasks for node %s to "ORPHANED" state`, node.ID)


                    log.Infof(`node %s was found to be down when marking unknown on dispatcher start`, node.ID)
                    d.downNodes.Add(nodeCopy, expireFunc)
                    return nil

                node.Status.State = api.NodeStatus_UNKNOWN
                node.Status.Message = `Node moved to "unknown" state due to leadership change in cluster`

                nodeID := node.ID

                expireFunc := func() {
                    log := log.WithField("node", nodeID)
                    log.Infof(`heartbeat expiration for node %s in state "unknown"`, nodeID)
                    if err := d.markNodeNotReady(nodeID, api.NodeStatus_DOWN, `heartbeat failure for node in "unknown" state`); err != nil {
                        log.WithError(err).Error(`failed deregistering node after heartbeat expiration for node in "unknown" state`)
                if err := d.nodes.AddUnknown(node, expireFunc); err != nil {
                    return errors.Wrapf(err, `adding node %s in "unknown" state to node store failed`, nodeID)
                if err := store.UpdateNode(tx, node); err != nil {
                    return errors.Wrapf(err, "update for node %s failed", nodeID)
                return nil
            if err != nil {
                log.WithField("node", n.ID).WithError(err).Error(`failed to move node to "unknown" state`)
        return nil
    return err

func (d *Dispatcher) isRunning() bool {
    if d.ctx == nil {
        return false
    select {
    case <-d.ctx.Done():
        return false
    return true

// markNodeReady updates the description of a node, updates its address, and sets status to READY
// this is used during registration when a new node description is provided
// and during node updates when the node description changes
func (d *Dispatcher) markNodeReady(ctx context.Context, nodeID string, description *api.NodeDescription, addr string) error {
    d.nodeUpdates[nodeID] = nodeUpdate{
        status: &api.NodeStatus{
            State: api.NodeStatus_READY,
            Addr:  addr,
        description: description,
    numUpdates := len(d.nodeUpdates)

    // Node is marked ready. Remove the node from down nodes if it
    // is there.

    if numUpdates >= maxBatchItems {
        select {
        case d.processUpdatesTrigger <- struct{}{}:
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return ctx.Err()


    // Wait until the node update batch happens before unblocking register.
    defer d.processUpdatesLock.Unlock()

    select {
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()

    return nil

// gets the node IP from the context of a grpc call
func nodeIPFromContext(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
    nodeInfo, err := ca.RemoteNode(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    addr, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(nodeInfo.RemoteAddr)
    if err != nil {
        return "", errors.Wrap(err, "unable to get ip from addr:port")
    return addr, nil

// register is used for registration of node with particular dispatcher.
func (d *Dispatcher) register(ctx context.Context, nodeID string, description *api.NodeDescription) (string, error) {
    logLocal := log.G(ctx).WithField("method", "(*Dispatcher).register")
    // prevent register until we're ready to accept it
    dctx, err := d.isRunningLocked()
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    if err := d.nodes.CheckRateLimit(nodeID); err != nil {
        return "", err

    // TODO(stevvooe): Validate node specification.
    var node *api.Node store.ReadTx) {
        node = store.GetNode(tx, nodeID)
    if node == nil {
        return "", ErrNodeNotFound

    addr, err := nodeIPFromContext(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        logLocal.WithError(err).Debug("failed to get remote node IP")

    if err := d.markNodeReady(dctx, nodeID, description, addr); err != nil {
        return "", err

    expireFunc := func() {
        log.G(ctx).Debugf("heartbeat expiration for worker %s, setting worker status to NodeStatus_DOWN ", nodeID)
        if err := d.markNodeNotReady(nodeID, api.NodeStatus_DOWN, "heartbeat failure"); err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("failed deregistering node after heartbeat expiration")

    rn := d.nodes.Add(node, expireFunc)
    logLocal.Infof("worker %s was successfully registered", nodeID)

    // NOTE(stevvooe): We need be a little careful with re-registration. The
    // current implementation just matches the node id and then gives away the
    // sessionID. If we ever want to use sessionID as a secret, which we may
    // want to, this is giving away the keys to the kitchen.
    // The right behavior is going to be informed by identity. Basically, each
    // time a node registers, we invalidate the session and issue a new
    // session, once identity is proven. This will cause misbehaved agents to
    // be kicked when multiple connections are made.
    return rn.SessionID, nil

// UpdateTaskStatus updates status of task. Node should send such updates
// on every status change of its tasks.
func (d *Dispatcher) UpdateTaskStatus(ctx context.Context, r *api.UpdateTaskStatusRequest) (*api.UpdateTaskStatusResponse, error) {
    defer d.rpcRW.RUnlock()

    dctx, err := d.isRunningLocked()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    nodeInfo, err := ca.RemoteNode(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    nodeID := nodeInfo.NodeID
    fields := log.Fields{
        "":      nodeID,
        "node.session": r.SessionID,
        "method":       "(*Dispatcher).UpdateTaskStatus",
    if nodeInfo.ForwardedBy != nil {
        fields[""] = nodeInfo.ForwardedBy.NodeID
    log := log.G(ctx).WithFields(fields)

    if _, err := d.nodes.GetWithSession(nodeID, r.SessionID); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    validTaskUpdates := make([]*api.UpdateTaskStatusRequest_TaskStatusUpdate, 0, len(r.Updates))

    // Validate task updates
    for _, u := range r.Updates {
        if u.Status == nil {
            log.WithField("", u.TaskID).Warn("task report has nil status")

        var t *api.Task store.ReadTx) {
            t = store.GetTask(tx, u.TaskID)
        if t == nil {
            // Task may have been deleted
            log.WithField("", u.TaskID).Debug("cannot find target task in store")

        if t.NodeID != nodeID {
            err := status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "cannot update a task not assigned this node")
            log.WithField("", u.TaskID).Error(err)
            return nil, err

        validTaskUpdates = append(validTaskUpdates, u)

    // Enqueue task updates
    for _, u := range validTaskUpdates {
        d.taskUpdates[u.TaskID] = u.Status

    numUpdates := len(d.taskUpdates)

    if numUpdates >= maxBatchItems {
        select {
        case d.processUpdatesTrigger <- struct{}{}:
        case <-dctx.Done():

    return &api.UpdateTaskStatusResponse{}, nil

func (d *Dispatcher) UpdateVolumeStatus(ctx context.Context, r *api.UpdateVolumeStatusRequest) (*api.UpdateVolumeStatusResponse, error) {
    defer d.rpcRW.RUnlock()

    _, err := d.isRunningLocked()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    nodeInfo, err := ca.RemoteNode(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    nodeID := nodeInfo.NodeID
    fields := log.Fields{
        "":      nodeID,
        "node.session": r.SessionID,
        "method":       "(*Dispatcher).UpdateVolumeStatus",
    if nodeInfo.ForwardedBy != nil {
        fields[""] = nodeInfo.ForwardedBy.NodeID
    logger := log.G(ctx).WithFields(fields)

    if _, err := d.nodes.GetWithSession(nodeID, r.SessionID); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    for _, volumeStatus := range r.Updates {
        if volumeStatus.Unpublished {
            // it's ok if nodes is nil, because append works on a nil slice.
            nodes := append(d.unpublishedVolumes[volumeStatus.ID], nodeID)
            d.unpublishedVolumes[volumeStatus.ID] = nodes
            logger.Debugf("volume %s unpublished on node %s", volumeStatus.ID, nodeID)

    // we won't kick off a batch here, we'll just wait for the timer.
    return &api.UpdateVolumeStatusResponse{}, nil

func (d *Dispatcher) processUpdates(ctx context.Context) {
    var (
        taskUpdates        map[string]*api.TaskStatus
        nodeUpdates        map[string]nodeUpdate
        unpublishedVolumes map[string][]string

    if len(d.taskUpdates) != 0 {
        taskUpdates = d.taskUpdates
        d.taskUpdates = make(map[string]*api.TaskStatus)

    if len(d.nodeUpdates) != 0 {
        nodeUpdates = d.nodeUpdates
        d.nodeUpdates = make(map[string]nodeUpdate)

    if len(d.unpublishedVolumes) != 0 {
        unpublishedVolumes = d.unpublishedVolumes
        d.unpublishedVolumes = make(map[string][]string)

    if len(taskUpdates) == 0 && len(nodeUpdates) == 0 && len(unpublishedVolumes) == 0 {

    logr := log.G(ctx).WithFields(log.Fields{
        "method": "(*Dispatcher).processUpdates",

    err := *store.Batch) error {
        for taskID, taskStatus := range taskUpdates {
            err := batch.Update(func(tx store.Tx) error {
                logger := logr.WithField("", taskID)
                task := store.GetTask(tx, taskID)
                if task == nil {
                    // Task may have been deleted
                    logger.Debug("cannot find target task in store")
                    return nil

                logger = logger.WithField("state.transition", fmt.Sprintf("%v->%v", task.Status.State, taskStatus.State))

                if task.Status == *taskStatus {
                    logger.Debug("task status identical, ignoring")
                    return nil

                if task.Status.State > taskStatus.State {
                    logger.Debug("task status invalid transition")
                    return nil

                // Update scheduling delay metric for running tasks.
                // We use the status update time on the leader to calculate the scheduling delay.
                // Because of this, the recorded scheduling delay will be an overestimate and include
                // the network delay between the worker and the leader.
                // This is not ideal, but its a known overestimation, rather than using the status update time
                // from the worker node, which may cause unknown incorrect results due to possible clock skew.
                if taskStatus.State == api.TaskStateRunning {
                    start := time.Unix(taskStatus.AppliedAt.GetSeconds(), int64(taskStatus.AppliedAt.GetNanos()))

                task.Status = *taskStatus
                task.Status.AppliedBy = d.securityConfig.ClientTLSCreds.NodeID()
                task.Status.AppliedAt = ptypes.MustTimestampProto(time.Now())
                logger.Debugf("state for task %v updated to %v", task.GetID(), task.Status.State)
                if err := store.UpdateTask(tx, task); err != nil {
                    logger.WithError(err).Error("failed to update task status")
                    return nil
                logger.Debug("dispatcher committed status update to store")
                return nil
            if err != nil {
                logr.WithError(err).Error("dispatcher task update transaction failed")

        for nodeID, nodeUpdate := range nodeUpdates {
            err := batch.Update(func(tx store.Tx) error {
                logger := logr.WithField("", nodeID)
                node := store.GetNode(tx, nodeID)
                if node == nil {
                    logger.Error("node unavailable")
                    return nil

                if nodeUpdate.status != nil {
                    node.Status.State = nodeUpdate.status.State
                    node.Status.Message = nodeUpdate.status.Message
                    if nodeUpdate.status.Addr != "" {
                        node.Status.Addr = nodeUpdate.status.Addr
                if nodeUpdate.description != nil {
                    node.Description = nodeUpdate.description

                if err := store.UpdateNode(tx, node); err != nil {
                    logger.WithError(err).Error("failed to update node status")
                    return nil
                logger.Debug("node status updated")
                return nil
            if err != nil {
                logr.WithError(err).Error("dispatcher node update transaction failed")

        for volumeID, nodes := range unpublishedVolumes {
            err := batch.Update(func(tx store.Tx) error {
                logger := logr.WithField("", volumeID)
                volume := store.GetVolume(tx, volumeID)
                if volume == nil {
                    logger.Error("volume unavailable")

                // buckle your seatbelts, we're going quadratic.
                for _, nodeID := range nodes {
                    for _, status := range volume.PublishStatus {
                        if status.NodeID == nodeID {
                            status.State = api.VolumePublishStatus_PENDING_UNPUBLISH
                            continue nodesLoop

                if err := store.UpdateVolume(tx, volume); err != nil {
                    logger.WithError(err).Error("failed to update volume")
                    return nil
                return nil

            if err != nil {
                logr.WithError(err).Error("dispatcher volume update transaction failed")

        return nil
    if err != nil {
        logr.WithError(err).Error("dispatcher batch failed")


// Tasks is a stream of tasks state for node. Each message contains full list
// of tasks which should be run on node, if task is not present in that list,
// it should be terminated.
func (d *Dispatcher) Tasks(r *api.TasksRequest, stream api.Dispatcher_TasksServer) error {
    defer d.rpcRW.RUnlock()

    dctx, err := d.isRunningLocked()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    nodeInfo, err := ca.RemoteNode(stream.Context())
    if err != nil {
        return err
    nodeID := nodeInfo.NodeID

    fields := log.Fields{
        "":      nodeID,
        "node.session": r.SessionID,
        "method":       "(*Dispatcher).Tasks",
    if nodeInfo.ForwardedBy != nil {
        fields[""] = nodeInfo.ForwardedBy.NodeID

    if _, err = d.nodes.GetWithSession(nodeID, r.SessionID); err != nil {
        return err

    tasksMap := make(map[string]*api.Task)
    nodeTasks, cancel, err := store.ViewAndWatch(,
        func(readTx store.ReadTx) error {
            tasks, err := store.FindTasks(readTx, store.ByNodeID(nodeID))
            if err != nil {
                return err
            for _, t := range tasks {
                tasksMap[t.ID] = t
            return nil
        api.EventCreateTask{Task: &api.Task{NodeID: nodeID},
            Checks: []api.TaskCheckFunc{api.TaskCheckNodeID}},
        api.EventUpdateTask{Task: &api.Task{NodeID: nodeID},
            Checks: []api.TaskCheckFunc{api.TaskCheckNodeID}},
        api.EventDeleteTask{Task: &api.Task{NodeID: nodeID},
            Checks: []api.TaskCheckFunc{api.TaskCheckNodeID}},
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer cancel()

    for {
        if _, err := d.nodes.GetWithSession(nodeID, r.SessionID); err != nil {
            return err

        var tasks []*api.Task
        for _, t := range tasksMap {
            // dispatcher only sends tasks that have been assigned to a node
            if t != nil && t.Status.State >= api.TaskStateAssigned {
                tasks = append(tasks, t)

        if err := stream.Send(&api.TasksMessage{Tasks: tasks}); err != nil {
            return err

        // bursty events should be processed in batches and sent out snapshot
        var (
            modificationCnt int
            batchingTimer   *time.Timer
            batchingTimeout <-chan time.Time

        for modificationCnt < modificationBatchLimit {
            select {
            case event := <-nodeTasks:
                switch v := event.(type) {
                case api.EventCreateTask:
                    tasksMap[v.Task.ID] = v.Task
                case api.EventUpdateTask:
                    if oldTask, exists := tasksMap[v.Task.ID]; exists {
                        // States ASSIGNED and below are set by the orchestrator/scheduler,
                        // not the agent, so tasks in these states need to be sent to the
                        // agent even if nothing else has changed.
                        if equality.TasksEqualStable(oldTask, v.Task) && v.Task.Status.State > api.TaskStateAssigned {
                            // this update should not trigger action at agent
                            tasksMap[v.Task.ID] = v.Task
                    tasksMap[v.Task.ID] = v.Task
                case api.EventDeleteTask:
                    delete(tasksMap, v.Task.ID)
                if batchingTimer != nil {
                } else {
                    batchingTimer = time.NewTimer(batchingWaitTime)
                    batchingTimeout = batchingTimer.C
            case <-batchingTimeout:
                break batchingLoop
            case <-stream.Context().Done():
                return stream.Context().Err()
            case <-dctx.Done():
                return dctx.Err()

        if batchingTimer != nil {

// Assignments is a stream of assignments for a node. Each message contains
// either full list of tasks and secrets for the node, or an incremental update.
func (d *Dispatcher) Assignments(r *api.AssignmentsRequest, stream api.Dispatcher_AssignmentsServer) error {
    defer d.rpcRW.RUnlock()

    dctx, err := d.isRunningLocked()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    nodeInfo, err := ca.RemoteNode(stream.Context())
    if err != nil {
        return err
    nodeID := nodeInfo.NodeID

    fields := log.Fields{
        "":      nodeID,
        "node.session": r.SessionID,
        "method":       "(*Dispatcher).Assignments",
    if nodeInfo.ForwardedBy != nil {
        fields[""] = nodeInfo.ForwardedBy.NodeID
    log := log.G(stream.Context()).WithFields(fields)

    if _, err = d.nodes.GetWithSession(nodeID, r.SessionID); err != nil {
        return err

    var (
        sequence    int64
        appliesTo   string
        assignments = newAssignmentSet(nodeID, log, d.dp)

    sendMessage := func(msg api.AssignmentsMessage, assignmentType api.AssignmentsMessage_Type) error {
        msg.AppliesTo = appliesTo
        msg.ResultsIn = strconv.FormatInt(sequence, 10)
        appliesTo = msg.ResultsIn
        msg.Type = assignmentType

        return stream.Send(&msg)

    // TODO(aaronl): Also send node secrets that should be exposed to
    // this node.
    nodeTasks, cancel, err := store.ViewAndWatch(,
        func(readTx store.ReadTx) error {
            tasks, err := store.FindTasks(readTx, store.ByNodeID(nodeID))
            if err != nil {
                return err

            for _, t := range tasks {
                assignments.addOrUpdateTask(readTx, t)

            // there is no quick index for which nodes are using a volume, but
            // there should not be thousands of volumes in a typical
            // deployment, so this should be ok
            volumes, err := store.FindVolumes(readTx, store.All)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            for _, v := range volumes {
                for _, status := range v.PublishStatus {
                    if status.NodeID == nodeID {
                        assignments.addOrUpdateVolume(readTx, v)

            return nil
        api.EventUpdateTask{Task: &api.Task{NodeID: nodeID},
            Checks: []api.TaskCheckFunc{api.TaskCheckNodeID}},
        api.EventDeleteTask{Task: &api.Task{NodeID: nodeID},
            Checks: []api.TaskCheckFunc{api.TaskCheckNodeID}},
            // typically, a check function takes an object from this
            // prototypical event and compares it to the object from the
            // incoming event. However, because this is a bespoke, in-line
            // matcher, we can discard the first argument (the prototype) and
            // instead pass the desired node ID in as part of a closure.
            Checks: []api.VolumeCheckFunc{
                func(v1, v2 *api.Volume) bool {
                    for _, status := range v2.PublishStatus {
                        if status.NodeID == nodeID {
                            return true
                    return false
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer cancel()

    if err := sendMessage(assignments.message(), api.AssignmentsMessage_COMPLETE); err != nil {
        return err

    for {
        // Check for session expiration
        if _, err := d.nodes.GetWithSession(nodeID, r.SessionID); err != nil {
            return err

        // bursty events should be processed in batches and sent out together
        var (
            modificationCnt int
            batchingTimer   *time.Timer
            batchingTimeout <-chan time.Time

        oneModification := func() {

            if batchingTimer != nil {
            } else {
                batchingTimer = time.NewTimer(batchingWaitTime)
                batchingTimeout = batchingTimer.C

        // The batching loop waits for 50 ms after the most recent
        // change, or until modificationBatchLimit is reached. The
        // worst case latency is modificationBatchLimit * batchingWaitTime,
        // which is 10 seconds.
        for modificationCnt < modificationBatchLimit {
            select {
            case event := <-nodeTasks:
                switch v := event.(type) {
                // We don't monitor EventCreateTask because tasks are
                // never created in the ASSIGNED state. First tasks are
                // created by the orchestrator, then the scheduler moves
                // them to ASSIGNED. If this ever changes, we will need
                // to monitor task creations as well.
                case api.EventUpdateTask:
           store.ReadTx) {
                        if assignments.addOrUpdateTask(readTx, v.Task) {
                case api.EventDeleteTask:
           store.ReadTx) {
                        if assignments.removeTask(readTx, v.Task) {
                    // TODO(aaronl): For node secrets, we'll need to handle
                    // EventCreateSecret.
                case api.EventUpdateVolume:
           store.ReadTx) {
                        vol := store.GetVolume(readTx, v.Volume.ID)
                        // check through the PublishStatus to see if there is
                        // one for this node.
                        for _, status := range vol.PublishStatus {
                            if status.NodeID == nodeID {
                                if assignments.addOrUpdateVolume(readTx, vol) {
            case <-batchingTimeout:
                break batchingLoop
            case <-stream.Context().Done():
                return stream.Context().Err()
            case <-dctx.Done():
                return dctx.Err()

        if batchingTimer != nil {

        if modificationCnt > 0 {
            if err := sendMessage(assignments.message(), api.AssignmentsMessage_INCREMENTAL); err != nil {
                return err

func (d *Dispatcher) moveTasksToOrphaned(nodeID string) error {
    err := *store.Batch) error {
        var (
            tasks []*api.Task
            err   error
        ) store.ReadTx) {
            tasks, err = store.FindTasks(tx, store.ByNodeID(nodeID))
        if err != nil {
            return err

        for _, task := range tasks {
            // Tasks running on an unreachable node need to be marked as
            // orphaned since we have no idea whether the task is still running
            // or not.
            // This only applies for tasks that could have made progress since
            // the agent became unreachable (assigned<->running)
            // Tasks in a final state (e.g. rejected) *cannot* have made
            // progress, therefore there's no point in marking them as orphaned
            if task.Status.State >= api.TaskStateAssigned && task.Status.State <= api.TaskStateRunning {
                task.Status.State = api.TaskStateOrphaned

            err := batch.Update(func(tx store.Tx) error {
                return store.UpdateTask(tx, task)
            if err != nil {
                return err


        return nil

    return err

// markNodeNotReady sets the node state to some state other than READY
func (d *Dispatcher) markNodeNotReady(id string, state api.NodeStatus_State, message string) error {
    logLocal := log.G(d.ctx).WithField("method", "(*Dispatcher).markNodeNotReady")

    dctx, err := d.isRunningLocked()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Node is down. Add it to down nodes so that we can keep
    // track of tasks assigned to the node.
    var node *api.Node store.ReadTx) {
        node = store.GetNode(readTx, id)
        if node == nil {
            err = fmt.Errorf("could not find node %s while trying to add to down nodes store", id)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    expireFunc := func() {
        log.G(dctx).Debugf(`worker timed-out %s in "down" state, moving all tasks to "ORPHANED" state`, id)
        if err := d.moveTasksToOrphaned(id); err != nil {
            log.G(dctx).WithError(err).Error(`failed to move all tasks to "ORPHANED" state`)


    d.downNodes.Add(node, expireFunc)
    logLocal.Debugf("added node %s to down nodes list", node.ID)

    status := &api.NodeStatus{
        State:   state,
        Message: message,

    // pluck the description out of nodeUpdates. this protects against a case
    // where a node is marked ready and a description is added, but then the
    // node is immediately marked not ready. this preserves that description
    d.nodeUpdates[id] = nodeUpdate{status: status, description: d.nodeUpdates[id].description}
    numUpdates := len(d.nodeUpdates)

    if numUpdates >= maxBatchItems {
        select {
        case d.processUpdatesTrigger <- struct{}{}:
        case <-dctx.Done():

    if rn := d.nodes.Delete(id); rn == nil {
        return errors.Errorf("node %s is not found in local storage", id)
    logLocal.Debugf("deleted node %s from node store", node.ID)

    return nil

// Heartbeat is heartbeat method for nodes. It returns new TTL in response.
// Node should send new heartbeat earlier than now + TTL, otherwise it will
// be deregistered from dispatcher and its status will be updated to NodeStatus_DOWN
func (d *Dispatcher) Heartbeat(ctx context.Context, r *api.HeartbeatRequest) (*api.HeartbeatResponse, error) {
    defer d.rpcRW.RUnlock()

    // TODO(anshul) Explore if its possible to check context here without locking.
    if _, err := d.isRunningLocked(); err != nil {
        return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Aborted, "dispatcher is stopped")

    nodeInfo, err := ca.RemoteNode(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    period, err := d.nodes.Heartbeat(nodeInfo.NodeID, r.SessionID)

    log.G(ctx).WithField("method", "(*Dispatcher).Heartbeat").Debugf("received heartbeat from worker %v, expect next heartbeat in %v", nodeInfo, period)
    return &api.HeartbeatResponse{Period: period}, err

func (d *Dispatcher) getManagers() []*api.WeightedPeer {
    return d.lastSeenManagers

func (d *Dispatcher) getNetworkBootstrapKeys() []*api.EncryptionKey {
    return d.networkBootstrapKeys

func (d *Dispatcher) getRootCACert() []byte {
    return d.lastSeenRootCert

// Session is a stream which controls agent connection.
// Each message contains list of backup Managers with weights. Also there is
// a special boolean field Disconnect which if true indicates that node should
// reconnect to another Manager immediately.
func (d *Dispatcher) Session(r *api.SessionRequest, stream api.Dispatcher_SessionServer) error {
    defer d.rpcRW.RUnlock()

    dctx, err := d.isRunningLocked()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    ctx := stream.Context()

    nodeInfo, err := ca.RemoteNode(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    nodeID := nodeInfo.NodeID

    var sessionID string
    if _, err := d.nodes.GetWithSession(nodeID, r.SessionID); err != nil {
        // register the node.
        sessionID, err = d.register(ctx, nodeID, r.Description)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    } else {
        sessionID = r.SessionID
        // get the node IP addr
        addr, err := nodeIPFromContext(stream.Context())
        if err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Debug("failed to get remote node IP")
        // update the node description
        if err := d.markNodeReady(dctx, nodeID, r.Description, addr); err != nil {
            return err

    fields := log.Fields{
        "":      nodeID,
        "node.session": sessionID,
        "method":       "(*Dispatcher).Session",
    if nodeInfo.ForwardedBy != nil {
        fields[""] = nodeInfo.ForwardedBy.NodeID
    logger := log.G(ctx).WithFields(fields)

    var nodeObj *api.Node
    nodeUpdates, cancel, err := store.ViewAndWatch(, func(readTx store.ReadTx) error {
        nodeObj = store.GetNode(readTx, nodeID)
        return nil
    }, api.EventUpdateNode{Node: &api.Node{ID: nodeID},
        Checks: []api.NodeCheckFunc{api.NodeCheckID}},
    if cancel != nil {
        defer cancel()

    if err != nil {
        logger.WithError(err).Error("ViewAndWatch Node failed")

    if _, err = d.nodes.GetWithSession(nodeID, sessionID); err != nil {
        return err

    clusterUpdatesCh, clusterCancel := d.clusterUpdateQueue.Watch()
    defer clusterCancel()

    if err := stream.Send(&api.SessionMessage{
        SessionID:            sessionID,
        Node:                 nodeObj,
        Managers:             d.getManagers(),
        NetworkBootstrapKeys: d.getNetworkBootstrapKeys(),
        RootCA:               d.getRootCACert(),
    }); err != nil {
        return err

    // disconnectNode is a helper forcibly shutdown connection
    disconnectNode := func() error {
        logger.Infof("dispatcher session dropped, marking node %s down", nodeID)
        if err := d.markNodeNotReady(nodeID, api.NodeStatus_DISCONNECTED, "node is currently trying to find new manager"); err != nil {
            logger.WithError(err).Error("failed to remove node")
        // still return an abort if the transport closure was ineffective.
        return status.Errorf(codes.Aborted, "node must disconnect")

    for {
        // After each message send, we need to check the nodes sessionID hasn't
        // changed. If it has, we will shut down the stream and make the node
        // re-register.
        node, err := d.nodes.GetWithSession(nodeID, sessionID)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        var (
            disconnect bool
            mgrs       []*api.WeightedPeer
            netKeys    []*api.EncryptionKey
            rootCert   []byte

        select {
        case ev := <-clusterUpdatesCh:
            update := ev.(clusterUpdate)
            if update.managerUpdate != nil {
                mgrs = *update.managerUpdate
            if update.bootstrapKeyUpdate != nil {
                netKeys = *update.bootstrapKeyUpdate
            if update.rootCAUpdate != nil {
                rootCert = *update.rootCAUpdate
        case ev := <-nodeUpdates:
            nodeObj = ev.(api.EventUpdateNode).Node
        case <-stream.Context().Done():
            return stream.Context().Err()
        case <-node.Disconnect:
            disconnect = true
        case <-dctx.Done():
            disconnect = true
        if mgrs == nil {
            mgrs = d.getManagers()
        if netKeys == nil {
            netKeys = d.getNetworkBootstrapKeys()
        if rootCert == nil {
            rootCert = d.getRootCACert()

        if err := stream.Send(&api.SessionMessage{
            SessionID:            sessionID,
            Node:                 nodeObj,
            Managers:             mgrs,
            NetworkBootstrapKeys: netKeys,
            RootCA:               rootCert,
        }); err != nil {
            return err
        if disconnect {
            return disconnectNode()