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package constraintenforcer

import (


// ConstraintEnforcer watches for updates to nodes and shuts down tasks that no
// longer satisfy scheduling constraints or resource limits.
type ConstraintEnforcer struct {
    store    *store.MemoryStore
    stopChan chan struct{}
    doneChan chan struct{}

// New creates a new ConstraintEnforcer.
func New(store *store.MemoryStore) *ConstraintEnforcer {
    return &ConstraintEnforcer{
        store:    store,
        stopChan: make(chan struct{}),
        doneChan: make(chan struct{}),

// Run is the ConstraintEnforcer's main loop.
func (ce *ConstraintEnforcer) Run() {
    defer close(ce.doneChan)

    watcher, cancelWatch := state.Watch(, api.EventUpdateNode{})
    defer cancelWatch()

    var (
        nodes []*api.Node
        err   error
    ) store.ReadTx) {
        nodes, err = store.FindNodes(readTx, store.All)
    if err != nil {
        log.L.WithError(err).Error("failed to check nodes for noncompliant tasks")
    } else {
        for _, node := range nodes {

    for {
        select {
        case event := <-watcher:
            node := event.(api.EventUpdateNode).Node
        case <-ce.stopChan:

func (ce *ConstraintEnforcer) rejectNoncompliantTasks(node *api.Node) {
    // If the availability is "drain", the orchestrator will
    // shut down all tasks.
    // If the availability is "pause", we shouldn't touch
    // the tasks on this node.
    if node.Spec.Availability != api.NodeAvailabilityActive {

    var (
        tasks []*api.Task
        err   error

    services := map[string]*api.Service{} store.ReadTx) {
        tasks, err = store.FindTasks(tx, store.ByNodeID(node.ID))
        if err != nil {

        // Deduplicate service IDs using the services map. It's okay for the
        // values to be nil for now, we will look them up from the store next.
        for _, task := range tasks {
            services[task.ServiceID] = nil

        for serviceID := range services {
            services[serviceID] = store.GetService(tx, serviceID)

    if err != nil {
        log.L.WithError(err).Errorf("failed to list tasks for node ID %s", node.ID)

    available := &api.Resources{}
    var fakeStore []*api.GenericResource

    if node.Description != nil && node.Description.Resources != nil {
        available = node.Description.Resources.Copy()

    removeTasks := make(map[string]*api.Task)

    // TODO(aaronl): The set of tasks removed will be
    // nondeterministic because it depends on the order of
    // the slice returned from FindTasks. We could do
    // a separate pass over the tasks for each type of
    // resource, and sort by the size of the reservation
    // to remove the most resource-intensive tasks.
    for _, t := range tasks {
        if t.DesiredState < api.TaskStateAssigned || t.DesiredState > api.TaskStateCompleted {

        // Ensure that the node still satisfies placement constraints.
        // NOTE: If the task is associacted with a service then we must use the
        // constraints from the current service spec rather than the
        // constraints from the task spec because they may be outdated. This
        // will happen if the service was previously updated in a way which
        // only changes the placement constraints and the node matched the
        // placement constraints both before and after that update. In the case
        // of such updates, the tasks are not considered "dirty" and are not
        // restarted but it will mean that the task spec's placement
        // constraints are outdated. Consider this example:
        // - A service is created with no constraints and a task is scheduled
        //   to a node.
        // - The node is updated to add a label, this doesn't affect the task
        //   on that node because it has no constraints.
        // - The service is updated to add a node label constraint which
        //   matches the label which was just added to the node. The updater
        //   does not shut down the task because the only the constraints have
        //   changed and the node still matches the updated constraints.
        // - The node is updated to remove the node label. The node no longer
        //   satisfies the placement constraints of the service, so the task
        //   should be shutdown. However, the task's spec still has the
        //   original and outdated constraints (that are still satisfied by
        //   the node). If we used those original constraints then the task
        //   would incorrectly not be removed. This is why the constraints
        //   from the service spec should be used instead.
        var placement *api.Placement
        if service := services[t.ServiceID]; service != nil {
            // This task is associated with a service, so we use the service's
            // current placement constraints.
            placement = service.Spec.Task.Placement
        } else {
            // This task is not associated with a service (or the service no
            // longer exists), so we use the placement constraints from the
            // original task spec.
            placement = t.Spec.Placement
        if placement != nil && len(placement.Constraints) > 0 {
            constraints, _ := constraint.Parse(placement.Constraints)
            if !constraint.NodeMatches(constraints, node) {
                removeTasks[t.ID] = t

        // Ensure that the task assigned to the node
        // still satisfies the resource limits.
        if t.Spec.Resources != nil && t.Spec.Resources.Reservations != nil {
            if t.Spec.Resources.Reservations.MemoryBytes > available.MemoryBytes {
                removeTasks[t.ID] = t
            if t.Spec.Resources.Reservations.NanoCPUs > available.NanoCPUs {
                removeTasks[t.ID] = t

            available.MemoryBytes -= t.Spec.Resources.Reservations.MemoryBytes
            available.NanoCPUs -= t.Spec.Resources.Reservations.NanoCPUs

        // Ensure that the task assigned to the node
        // still satisfies the available generic resources
        if t.AssignedGenericResources != nil {
            for _, ta := range t.AssignedGenericResources {
                // Type change or no longer available
                if !genericresource.HasResource(ta, available.Generic) {
                    removeTasks[t.ID] = t
                    break loop

                &fakeStore, t.AssignedGenericResources)

    if len(removeTasks) != 0 {
        err := *store.Batch) error {
            for _, t := range removeTasks {
                err := batch.Update(func(tx store.Tx) error {
                    t = store.GetTask(tx, t.ID)
                    if t == nil || t.DesiredState > api.TaskStateCompleted {
                        return nil

                    // We set the observed state to
                    // REJECTED, rather than the desired
                    // state. Desired state is owned by the
                    // orchestrator, and setting it directly
                    // will bypass actions such as
                    // restarting the task on another node
                    // (if applicable).
                    t.Status.State = api.TaskStateRejected
                    t.Status.Message = "task rejected by constraint enforcer"
                    t.Status.Err = "assigned node no longer meets constraints"
                    t.Status.Timestamp = ptypes.MustTimestampProto(time.Now())
                    return store.UpdateTask(tx, t)
                if err != nil {
                    log.L.WithError(err).Errorf("failed to shut down task %s", t.ID)
            return nil

        if err != nil {
            log.L.WithError(err).Errorf("failed to shut down tasks")

// Stop stops the ConstraintEnforcer and waits for the main loop to exit.
func (ce *ConstraintEnforcer) Stop() {