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Test Coverage
package replicated

import (


// This file provices service-level orchestration. It observes changes to
// services and creates and destroys tasks as necessary to match the service
// specifications. This is different from task-level orchestration, which
// responds to changes in individual tasks (or nodes which run them).

func (r *Orchestrator) initCluster(readTx store.ReadTx) error {
    clusters, err := store.FindClusters(readTx, store.ByName(store.DefaultClusterName))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if len(clusters) != 1 {
        // we'll just pick it when it is created.
        return nil

    r.cluster = clusters[0]
    return nil

func (r *Orchestrator) initServices(readTx store.ReadTx) error {
    services, err := store.FindServices(readTx, store.All)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for _, s := range services {
        if orchestrator.IsReplicatedService(s) {
            r.reconcileServices[s.ID] = s
    return nil

func (r *Orchestrator) handleServiceEvent(ctx context.Context, event events.Event) {
    switch v := event.(type) {
    case api.EventDeleteService:
        if !orchestrator.IsReplicatedService(v.Service) {
        orchestrator.SetServiceTasksRemove(ctx,, v.Service)
        delete(r.reconcileServices, v.Service.ID)
    case api.EventCreateService:
        if !orchestrator.IsReplicatedService(v.Service) {
        r.reconcileServices[v.Service.ID] = v.Service
    case api.EventUpdateService:
        if !orchestrator.IsReplicatedService(v.Service) {
        r.reconcileServices[v.Service.ID] = v.Service

func (r *Orchestrator) tickServices(ctx context.Context) {
    if len(r.reconcileServices) > 0 {
        for _, s := range r.reconcileServices {
            r.reconcile(ctx, s)
        r.reconcileServices = make(map[string]*api.Service)

func (r *Orchestrator) resolveService(ctx context.Context, task *api.Task) *api.Service {
    if task.ServiceID == "" {
        return nil
    var service *api.Service store.ReadTx) {
        service = store.GetService(tx, task.ServiceID)
    return service

// reconcile decides what actions must be taken depending on the number of
// specificed slots and actual running slots. If the actual running slots are
// fewer than what is requested, it creates new tasks. If the actual running
// slots are more than requested, then it decides which slots must be removed
// and sets desired state of those tasks to REMOVE (the actual removal is handled
// by the task reaper, after the agent shuts the tasks down).
func (r *Orchestrator) reconcile(ctx context.Context, service *api.Service) {
    runningSlots, deadSlots, err := r.updatableAndDeadSlots(ctx, service)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("reconcile failed finding tasks")

    numSlots := len(runningSlots)

    slotsSlice := make([]orchestrator.Slot, 0, numSlots)
    for _, slot := range runningSlots {
        slotsSlice = append(slotsSlice, slot)

    deploy := service.Spec.GetMode().(*api.ServiceSpec_Replicated)
    specifiedSlots := deploy.Replicated.Replicas

    switch {
    case specifiedSlots > uint64(numSlots):
        log.G(ctx).Debugf("Service %s was scaled up from %d to %d instances", service.ID, numSlots, specifiedSlots)
        // Update all current tasks then add missing tasks
        r.updater.Update(ctx, r.cluster, service, slotsSlice)
        err = *store.Batch) error {
            r.addTasks(ctx, batch, service, runningSlots, deadSlots, specifiedSlots-uint64(numSlots))
            r.deleteTasksMap(ctx, batch, deadSlots)
            return nil
        if err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("reconcile batch failed")

    case specifiedSlots < uint64(numSlots):
        // Update up to N tasks then remove the extra
        log.G(ctx).Debugf("Service %s was scaled down from %d to %d instances", service.ID, numSlots, specifiedSlots)

        // Preferentially remove tasks on the nodes that have the most
        // copies of this service, to leave a more balanced result.

        // First sort tasks such that tasks which are currently running
        // (in terms of observed state) appear before non-running tasks.
        // This will cause us to prefer to remove non-running tasks, all
        // other things being equal in terms of node balance.


        // Assign each task an index that counts it as the nth copy of
        // of the service on its node (1, 2, 3, ...), and sort the
        // tasks by this counter value.

        slotsByNode := make(map[string]int)
        slotsWithIndices := make(slotsByIndex, 0, numSlots)

        for _, slot := range slotsSlice {
            if len(slot) == 1 && slot[0].NodeID != "" {
                slotsWithIndices = append(slotsWithIndices, slotWithIndex{slot: slot, index: slotsByNode[slot[0].NodeID]})
            } else {
                slotsWithIndices = append(slotsWithIndices, slotWithIndex{slot: slot, index: -1})


        sortedSlots := make([]orchestrator.Slot, 0, numSlots)
        for _, slot := range slotsWithIndices {
            sortedSlots = append(sortedSlots, slot.slot)

        r.updater.Update(ctx, r.cluster, service, sortedSlots[:specifiedSlots])
        err = *store.Batch) error {
            r.deleteTasksMap(ctx, batch, deadSlots)
            // for all slots that we are removing, we set the desired state of those tasks
            // to REMOVE. Then, the agent is responsible for shutting them down, and the
            // task reaper is responsible for actually removing them from the store after
            // shutdown.
            r.setTasksDesiredState(ctx, batch, sortedSlots[specifiedSlots:], api.TaskStateRemove)
            return nil
        if err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("reconcile batch failed")

    case specifiedSlots == uint64(numSlots):
        err = *store.Batch) error {
            r.deleteTasksMap(ctx, batch, deadSlots)
            return nil
        if err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("reconcile batch failed")
        // Simple update, no scaling - update all tasks.
        r.updater.Update(ctx, r.cluster, service, slotsSlice)

func (r *Orchestrator) addTasks(ctx context.Context, batch *store.Batch, service *api.Service, runningSlots map[uint64]orchestrator.Slot, deadSlots map[uint64]orchestrator.Slot, count uint64) {
    slot := uint64(0)
    for i := uint64(0); i < count; i++ {
        // Find a slot number that is missing a running task
        for {
            if _, ok := runningSlots[slot]; !ok {

        delete(deadSlots, slot)
        err := batch.Update(func(tx store.Tx) error {
            return store.CreateTask(tx, orchestrator.NewTask(r.cluster, service, slot, ""))
        if err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).Errorf("Failed to create task: %v", err)

// setTasksDesiredState sets the desired state for all tasks for the given slots to the
// requested state
func (r *Orchestrator) setTasksDesiredState(ctx context.Context, batch *store.Batch, slots []orchestrator.Slot, newDesiredState api.TaskState) {
    for _, slot := range slots {
        for _, t := range slot {
            err := batch.Update(func(tx store.Tx) error {
                // time travel is not allowed. if the current desired state is
                // above the one we're trying to go to we can't go backwards.
                // we have nothing to do and we should skip to the next task
                if t.DesiredState > newDesiredState {
                    // log a warning, though. we shouln't be trying to rewrite
                    // a state to an earlier state
                        "cannot update task %v in desired state %v to an earlier desired state %v",
                        t.ID, t.DesiredState, newDesiredState,
                    return nil
                // update desired state
                t.DesiredState = newDesiredState

                return store.UpdateTask(tx, t)

            // log an error if we get one
            if err != nil {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("failed to update task to %v", newDesiredState.String())

func (r *Orchestrator) deleteTasksMap(ctx context.Context, batch *store.Batch, slots map[uint64]orchestrator.Slot) {
    for _, slot := range slots {
        for _, t := range slot {
            r.deleteTask(ctx, batch, t)

func (r *Orchestrator) deleteTask(ctx context.Context, batch *store.Batch, t *api.Task) {
    err := batch.Update(func(tx store.Tx) error {
        return store.DeleteTask(tx, t.ID)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("deleting task %s failed", t.ID)

// IsRelatedService returns true if the service should be governed by this orchestrator
func (r *Orchestrator) IsRelatedService(service *api.Service) bool {
    return orchestrator.IsReplicatedService(service)