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3 hrs
Test Coverage
package testutils

import (


// EnsureRuns takes a closure and runs it in a goroutine, blocking until the
// goroutine has had an opportunity to run. It returns a channel which will be
// closed when the provided closure exits.
func EnsureRuns(closure func()) <-chan struct{} {
    started := make(chan struct{})
    stopped := make(chan struct{})
    go func() {

    return stopped

// WatchTaskCreate waits for a task to be created.
func WatchTaskCreate(t *testing.T, watch chan events.Event) *api.Task {
    for {
        select {
        case event := <-watch:
            if task, ok := event.(api.EventCreateTask); ok {
                return task.Task
            if _, ok := event.(api.EventUpdateTask); ok {
                assert.FailNow(t, "got EventUpdateTask when expecting EventCreateTask", fmt.Sprint(event))
        case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
            FatalStack(t, "no task creation")

// WatchTaskUpdate waits for a task to be updated.
func WatchTaskUpdate(t *testing.T, watch chan events.Event) *api.Task {
    for {
        select {
        case event := <-watch:
            if task, ok := event.(api.EventUpdateTask); ok {
                return task.Task
            if _, ok := event.(api.EventCreateTask); ok {
                assert.FailNow(t, "got EventCreateTask when expecting EventUpdateTask", fmt.Sprint(event))
        case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
            FatalStack(t, "no task update")

// WatchTaskDelete waits for a task to be deleted.
func WatchTaskDelete(t *testing.T, watch chan events.Event) *api.Task {
    for {
        select {
        case event := <-watch:
            if task, ok := event.(api.EventDeleteTask); ok {
                return task.Task
        case <-time.After(time.Second):
            FatalStack(t, "no task deletion")

// WatchShutdownTask fails the test if the next event is not a task having its
// desired state changed to Shutdown.
func WatchShutdownTask(t *testing.T, watch chan events.Event) *api.Task {
    for {
        select {
        case event := <-watch:
            if task, ok := event.(api.EventUpdateTask); ok && task.Task.DesiredState == api.TaskStateShutdown {
                return task.Task
            if _, ok := event.(api.EventCreateTask); ok {
                assert.FailNow(t, "got EventCreateTask when expecting EventUpdateTask", fmt.Sprint(event))
        case <-time.After(time.Second):
            FatalStack(t, "no task shutdown")

// Expect fails the test if the next event is not one of the specified events.
func Expect(t *testing.T, watch chan events.Event, specifiers ...api.Event) {
    matcher := state.Matcher(specifiers...)
    for {
        select {
        case event := <-watch:
            if !matcher.Match(event) {
                assert.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected event: %T", event))
        case <-time.After(time.Second):
            FatalStack(t, "no matching event")

// FatalStack logs the stacks of all goroutines and immediately fails the test.
func FatalStack(t *testing.T, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
    stack := make([]byte, 1024*1024)
    stack = stack[:runtime.Stack(stack, true)]
    t.Logf("%s\n", stack)
    assert.FailNow(t, msg, args...)