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35 mins
Test Coverage
package network

import (


// GetNetwork tries to query for a network as an ID and if it can't be
// found tries to query as a name. If the name query returns exactly
// one entry then it is returned to the caller. Otherwise an error is
// returned.
func GetNetwork(ctx context.Context, c api.ControlClient, input string) (*api.Network, error) {
    // GetService to match via full ID.
    rg, err := c.GetNetwork(ctx, &api.GetNetworkRequest{NetworkID: input})
    if err != nil {
        // If any error (including NotFound), ListServices to match via full name.
        rl, err := c.ListNetworks(ctx,
                Filters: &api.ListNetworksRequest_Filters{
                    Names: []string{input},
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if len(rl.Networks) == 0 {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("network %s not found", input)

        if l := len(rl.Networks); l > 1 {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("network %s is ambiguous (%d matches found)", input, l)

        return rl.Networks[0], nil

    return rg.Network, nil

// ResolveServiceNetworks takes a service spec and resolves network names to network IDs.
func ResolveServiceNetworks(ctx context.Context, c api.ControlClient, spec *api.ServiceSpec) error {
    if len(spec.Task.Networks) == 0 {
        return nil
    networks := make([]*api.NetworkAttachmentConfig, 0, len(spec.Task.Networks))
    for _, na := range spec.Task.Networks {
        n, err := GetNetwork(ctx, c, na.Target)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        networks = append(networks, &api.NetworkAttachmentConfig{
            Target: n.ID,

    spec.Task.Networks = networks
    return nil