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Test Coverage
## Upcoming Release

* Add debug flags for Thor generator tests.
* Use `minitest/pride`
* Update `es6_module_transpiler-rails ~> 0.4.0`

## 0.5.0

* Update to latest resolver. Removes need for monkey-patch and fixes the Ember Inspector's data panel.
* Update to Ember 1.4 to resolve issue with loading and error substates.
* Add a default value for `window.config` to prevent errors if the environment configuration is not present.
* Ensure that the `config/serializers/` directory is mounted properly by Sprockets.
* Updates `.js.es6` extensions to the preferred  `.es6` file extensions.
* Changes generated Rails controller error responses
* Rails serializers are generated under `config/serializers`.
* Update to Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.6 to resolve adapter/serializer resolution issues.
* Scaffold, put `input` inside `label` instead of having an empty `for` (#a85bde2).
* Scaffold, add default classes to templates.
* Scaffold: use quoted action names (prepare for bound action lookup added [here](
* [fixed] generator error for custom app and config path
* Bootstrap generates all necessary directories when using a custom app-path
* Make sure attributes are camelized in scaffold templates.
* Add Teaspoon integration by default
* Generate test automatically when running scaffold.
* Add option to get custom Ember builds.
* jj-abrams-resolver now lives under the module name ember/resolver per [here](
* Add support for latest serializer alpha

## 0.4.0

* Changed Rails controller to use respond\_with instead of render
* Add commented out history location Router details
* Changed scaffold to pass context rather than doing model lookup in routes
* Make environment js files erb to enable reading values from ENV
* Move config/adapter.js.erb to config/adapters/application.js.es6.erb
  and make it resolvable by the resolver.
* add `lib/` to the asset load path
* Rewrote config/routes.rb walker to properly revoke and invoke
  depending upon generator
* App config settings now exposed in config/environments/\*.js.erb
* Use custom type specific prefixes in preparation for the updated Resolver.
* Centralize resolver namespace configuration into a single place (`config/environments`).
* Force asset prcompile to ignore `assets/javascripts/application.js`
* Fix issue if jquery-rails is not included in application Gemfile
* Improved matching for gem removal from Gemfile during `ember:bootstrap`

## 0.3.1

* Fix bug where non javascript assets in `Rails.root`/app/assets were

## 0.3.0

* Fix issue with asset path ordering. See [#96]( for details.
* Fix component generator to not add \_component suffix
* Bootstrap generator remove jbuilder
* Don't generate views, helpers, or javascript assets with rails
  resource generator
* Removed ember-rails
* Moved config namespace from config.ember.appkit to config.ember
* Don't auto-create modules in app/ for directories that don't contain
  \*.rb files
* Remove local variant `vendor/assets/ember`. It should just go into
* Force model generator to singularize file name
* Ensure correct ember-data is loaded
* Force ember-source, ember-data-source, and handlebars-source to end of
  assets load path
* Replaced default `application.hbs` with Rails-like default page
* Don't remove `app/assets/javascripts` in bootstrap but ignore the path
  in the asset loadpath

## 0.2.0

* Ember-Data setting up - Brian Cardarella
* Rails resource generator only overrides if --ember option is given - Brian Cardarella
* Resource is injected into router during resource generator - Brian Cardarella
* Updated es6\_module\_transpiler-rails gem - Wouter Willaert
* Corrected Title in in Welcome Page - Lin Reid
* Remove jquery\_ujs from application.js on bootstrap - Brian Cardarella
* Bootstrap into top-level `appkit/` directory - Brian Cardarella
* Replaced Rails::WelcomeController with LandingController. Now uses
  the application layout with an empty template. - Brian Cardarella
* Added utils/csrf.js to autoset csrf token in $.ajaxPrefilter - Brian Cardarella
* Added cache buster for in-gem application.hbs for Sprockets - Brian Cardarella & Lin Reid
* Added Scaffold Generator - Brian Cardarella
* Application generates into `app/` and `config/` - Brian Cardarella