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# Manta Config Engine Documentation

## Table Of Contents
<!-- TOC depthFrom:2 depthTo:3 withLinks:1 updateOnSave:1 orderedList:0 -->

- [Table Of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [User-Interface](#user-interface)
    - [Welcome Screen](#welcome-screen)
    - [Layout Editor](#layout-editor)
    - [Chatwheel Manager](#chatwheel-manager)
    - [Cycle Builder](#cycle-builder)
    - [Preset Viewer](#preset-viewer)
    - [Settings](#settings)
    - [Download Button](#download-button)
- [Internals](#internals)
    - [Web Application](#web-application)

<!-- /TOC -->

## User-Interface

### Welcome Screen

This [Welcome Screen]( shows some basic information about this project.

### Layout Editor

The [Layout Editor]( is the most important section.
It contains the final keyboard layouts, you will be using ingame.

#### Keyboard

![Layout Editor Keyboard][image-user-interface-layout-editor-keyboard]

#### Controls

![Layout Editor Controls][image-user-interface-layout-editor-controls]

With the <span style="background-color: #d58512; padding: 3px; border-radius: 3px; color: black;">orange</span> buttons, you can switch between all your keyboard layouts.
The <span style="background-color: #5cb85c; padding: 3px; border-radius: 3px; color: black;">green</span> add-button allows you to create a new empty layout.
The <span style="background-color: #c9302c; padding: 3px; border-radius: 3px; color: black;">red</span> remove-button removes the currently selected layout.
The <span style="background-color: #e6e6e6; padding: 3px; border-radius: 3px; color: black;">white</span> keyboard-layout button brings you to the manta settings, where you can adjust the keyboard layout.

> Note that after removing or adding layouts you might have to update your layout-keybindings, because the layout numbers may change.

#### Legend

![Layout Editor Legend][image-user-interface-layout-editor-legend]

The Lengend shows what the key-colors mean.

### Chatwheel Manager

![Chatwheel Manager Example][image-user-interface-chatwheel-manager-example]

The [Chatwheel Manager]( allows you to easily customize multiple chatwheels.

### Cycle Builder

The [Cycle Builder]( is a powerful tool to create your own "cycling" keyboard actions.
Generally the first keypress will run `command 1`, the second `command 2`...
When the end of the cycle is reached, it will reset and `command 1` will be ran again.

#### Example - Healthbar Separators

![Healthbar Separator Example][image-user-interface-cycle-builder-example]

This creates a keyboard binding, which you can activate multiple times,
to toggle where the hero healtbars are marked at.
This might be useful to know when you can `Culling Blade` an enemy as `Axe`.

### Preset Viewer

The [Preset Viewer]( shows the generated `preset.json` file,
which contains all information about your customized autoexec file.
This file is compatible to [Manta Config Engine](

### Settings

The [Settings Section]( allows you to customize most of the
Dota 2 Settings, some of which aren't available without using autoexec.

This view is sub-divided into the following categories:

1. The [Gameplay Settings]( contain options, which allow you to customize some features of Dota 2.
They don't affect performance and are subject to your personal preference.

2. The [Performance Settings]( contain all the settings, which do affect performance.
You should therefore decrease some of these, if you're having low FPS.

3. The [Manta Settings]( are only for options, which affect this config engine.
Most notably you can setup your keyboard layout there.

### Download Button

When you finished customizing your very own preset, you can click this button and manta will create a `.zip` archive, containing the config files.
You can then extract the archive and place these files into your Dota 2 Configuration folder.

## Internals

### Web Application

#### Basic Structure

The [Web Application]( is written in `jsx`, which is a superset of `javascript`, that can include `HTML`. This `HTML` gets renderd by [React]( Since browsers do not support `jsx` it needs to be compiled to plain `javascript`. This is done by [Gulp]( and [Browserify](

The App's only purpose is to customize the internal `preset.json` visually. This `preset.json` gets then handed to [Manta]( Manta then compiles the `preset.json` to `autoexec`. The App wrapps Manta's output into a `.zip` archive using [JSZip]( [FileSaver.js]( then offers the `.zip` download.




