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var ReactTooltip = require('../../../node_modules/react-tooltip/standalone/react-tooltip.min.js');

var manta = require('dota2-manta-config-engine');

var Component = React.createClass({
    render: function () {
        return (
            <div className="home">
                <div className="jumbotron header">
                    <div className="container">
                        <div className="col-sm-3 center">
                            <img src="images/icon.png"/>
                        <div className="col-sm-9">
                            <h1>Thanks, Volvo</h1>
                                Thanks for screwing only the legitimate, non-cheating autoexec users, <a href="">instead of just forbidding to use multiple items or abilities in one autoexec tick</a>. Thanks a lot.<br/>
                                Overnight, you just removed all of my keybinds. I am now back to -2k MMR, because the ingame options don't allow me to bind the keys I'm used to.<br/><br/>
                                <a href="">I hope you realize your mistake and restore autoexec for legitimate uses.</a><br/>
                                If you chose not to do that, please at least make the ingame options as powerful as Manta. I can't play without these features anymore.<br/>
                            <a className="btn btn-success" href="#/layouts">Hope For Resurrection</a>
                <div className="container">
                    <div className="row">
                        <div className="col-sm-4">
                                    <li>Click on the keys you want to customize</li>
                                    <li>Consider customizing additional layouts</li>
                                    <li>Click download</li>
                                        Copy the files in the zip to your autoexec folder <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" data-tip data-for="home-info-autoexec"/>
                                        <ReactTooltip id="home-info-autoexec" place="top" type="light" effect="solid">
                                            See Below
                                    <li>Restart Dota 2 or type <code>exec autoexec.cfg</code> into the console</li>
                                <strong>Tip:</strong> You need to remove conflicting ingame-keybinds <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" data-tip data-for="home-info-keybinds"/>
                                <ReactTooltip id="home-info-keybinds" place="top" type="light" effect="solid">
                                    <div className="center">
                                        Manta <strong>can't use keys bound in the Dota 2 settings</strong>.
                                        To unset a key in Dota, just go to the ingame settings,
                                        click the keybind you need to remove and hit <kbd>PrintScr</kbd>
                                        If you don't have <kbd>PrintScr</kbd> just press <kbd>Any Key</kbd>.
                                        Repeat this for every key you need to unbind.
                            <h3>Default Autoexec Folders</h3>
                            <div className="media">
                                <div className="media-left media-middle">
                                    <img src="images/windows.svg" width="44" style={{margin: '6px'}}/>
                                <div className="media-body">
                                    <h4 className="media-heading">Windows</h4>
                                    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\cfg
                            <div className="media">
                                <div className="media-left media-middle">
                                    <img src="images/osx.svg" width="56"/>
                                <div className="media-body">
                                    <h4 className="media-heading">Mac OS X</h4>
                                    /Users/YourUserName/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/cfg
                            <div className="media">
                                <div className="media-left media-middle">
                                    <img src="images/ubuntu.svg" width="56"/>
                                <div className="media-body">
                                    <h4 className="media-heading">Ubuntu</h4>
                                    /home/YourUserName/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/cfg
                        <div className="col-sm-6">
                            <div className="media">
                                <div className="media-left media-middle">
                                    <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-flash" style={{fontSize: '4em'}}/>
                                <div className="media-body">
                                    <h4 className="media-heading">Awesome QuickCast</h4>
                                    Use QuickCast without losing the ability to SelfCast
                                    by binding <kbd><kbd>Space</kbd> + <kbd>Q</kbd></kbd> to SelfCast and <kbd>Q</kbd> to QuickCast.
                                    Included in the default preset of Manta.
                            <div className="media">
                                <div className="media-left media-middle">
                                    <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-duplicate" style={{fontSize: '4em'}}/>
                                <div className="media-body">
                                    <h4 className="media-heading">Multiple Layouts</h4>
                                    You can create as many <a href="#/editor">layouts</a> as you want. That allows you to use nearly unlimited keyboard shortcuts.
                                    Call <strong><i className="glyphicon glyphicon-play"/> Missing Top</strong> with <kbd><kbd>Space</kbd> + <kbd>1</kbd></kbd> &amp; more.
                            <div className="media">
                                <div className="media-left media-middle">
                                    <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-compressed" style={{fontSize: '4em'}}/>
                                <div className="media-body">
                                    <h4 className="media-heading">Advanced Settings</h4>
                                    The <a href="#/settings/gameplay">Settings</a> section of Manta allows you to customize nearly everything,
                                    including hidden settings and features like <strong>Force Movement Direction</strong> <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" data-tip data-for="home-info-fmd"/>
                                    <ReactTooltip id="home-info-fmd" place="top" type="light" effect="solid">
                                        <div className="center">
                                            Turn your hero before moving when pressing <kbd>Alt</kbd>.
                                            Useful for hitting Shadow Raze or Forcestaff.
                                    </ReactTooltip> or <strong>Auto-Repeat Right Mouse</strong> <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" data-tip data-for="home-info-arm"/>
                                    <ReactTooltip id="home-info-arm" place="top" type="light" effect="solid">
                                        Repeats move and attack commands when you hold your right mouse button.
                            <div className="media">
                                <div className="media-left media-middle">
                                    <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-phone" style={{fontSize: '4em'}}/>
                                <div className="media-body">
                                    <h4 className="media-heading">Portable Configuration</h4>
                                    You can <strong>use the same configuration everywhere you go</strong>, since you only need your autoexec.
                                    It's also possible to <strong>share a computer with multiple players</strong>, while everyone can use their own settings.
                            <div className="media">
                                <div className="media-left media-middle">
                                    <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-user" style={{fontSize: '4em'}}/>
                                <div className="media-body">
                                    <h4 className="media-heading">Customization For Everybody</h4>
                                    Manta attempts to be the <strong>easiest way to get a customized Dota experience</strong>.
                                    Also the configuration files it outputs are designed to be <a href="">human-readable</a>.
                            <div className="media">
                                <div className="media-left media-middle">
                                    <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-cd" style={{fontSize: '4em'}}/>
                                <div className="media-body">
                                    <h4 className="media-heading">Unlimited Chatwheels</h4>
                                    The default layout of Manta has two Chatwheels. One bound to <kbd>Y</kbd> and one bound to <kbd><kbd>Space</kbd> + <kbd>Y</kbd></kbd>.
                                    You can customize them in the <a href="#/chatwheels">Chatwheel Manager</a>.
                        <div className="col-sm-2">
                            <h3>About Manta</h3>
                                <div className="media">
                                    <div className="media-left media-middle">
                                        <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt" style={{fontSize: '3em'}}/>
                                    <div className="media-body">
                                        <h4 className="media-heading">App {window.version}</h4>
                                        <a href="">Documentation</a>
                                        <a href="">GitHub Repo</a>
                                        <a href="">Request Feature</a>
                                <div className="media">
                                    <div className="media-left media-middle">
                                        <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench" style={{fontSize: '3em'}}/>
                                    <div className="media-body">
                                        <h4 className="media-heading">Engine {manta.version}</h4>
                                        <a href="">Documentation</a>
                                        <a href="">GitHub Repo</a>
                                        <a href="">View On NPM</a>
                                <div className="media">
                                    <div className="media-left media-middle">
                                        <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-console" style={{fontSize: '3em'}}/>
                                    <div className="media-body">
                                        <h4 className="media-heading">CLI</h4>
                                        <a href="">Documentation</a>
                                        <a href="">GitHub Repo</a>
                                        <a href="">View On NPM</a>
                                <div className="media">
                                    <div className="media-left media-middle">
                                        <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-link" style={{fontSize: '3em'}}/>
                                    <div className="media-body">
                                        <h4 className="media-heading">Other</h4>
                                        <a href="">Gitter Chatroom</a>
                                        <a href="">Changelog</a>
                                        <a href="">License</a>
module.exports = Component;