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export default class SqlParser {
    public static getProjectDatasetTableFromSql = (sqlCode: string) => {
        try {
            const FULL_JOB_ID = SqlParser.getFullJobId(sqlCode);
            const DATASET = SqlParser.getDatasetId(FULL_JOB_ID);
            const PROJECT = SqlParser.getProjectIdFromFullId(FULL_JOB_ID);
            const TABLE = SqlParser.getTableId(FULL_JOB_ID);

            return [PROJECT, DATASET, TABLE];
        } catch (e) {
            console.log(`ERROR: getProjectDatasetTableFromSql, error: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
            return [];

    private static getFullJobId = (sqlCode: string) => {
        let fullJobId = ``;
        if (sqlCode) {
            const jobIdRegExp = /from\s{0,}[\S]{1,}|from\s[\S]{2,}/ig;
            let matchId = sqlCode.match(jobIdRegExp);

            if (matchId && Array.isArray(matchId)) { //The from part
                matchId.forEach(match => {
                    fullJobId = match.replace(/from|\n|;/ig, " ").trim(); //remove from, newlines, spaces & ;
                    if (fullJobId.match(/`|\[|\.|:/)) {
                        fullJobId = fullJobId.replace(/`|\[|\]/g, "");
        return fullJobId;

    private static getDatasetId = (fullStringId: string) => {
        const tableIdObj = SqlParser.isStandardSql(fullStringId);
        let datasetId = '';
        if (!tableIdObj.isStandard) {//if is legacy
            let colonSplit = fullStringId.split(':');
            let dotsCount = colonSplit.length;
            datasetId = colonSplit[dotsCount - 1].split('.')[0]
        else {
            let dotsSplit = fullStringId.split('.');
            let dotsCount = dotsSplit.length;
            if (dotsCount > 2) {
                datasetId = dotsSplit[dotsCount - 2];
            } else { //might be proxy "use"
                datasetId = dotsSplit[dotsCount - 1];
            if (fullStringId.toLowerCase().includes('.information_schema')) {
                if (dotsCount === 4) {
                    datasetId = dotsSplit[1];
                if (dotsCount === 3) {
                    datasetId = dotsSplit[0];
        datasetId = datasetId.replace(/`|\[|\]/g, '');
        return datasetId;

    private static isStandardSql = (idString: string) => {
        let isStandard, fullId, partialId, projectId = '';
        // This 'if' checks if the provided idString is of type standard and makes sure there is only one ':' in the expression (as in legacy syntax)
        const splitted = idString.split(/[:.]|:\./g);
        if (splitted.length > 3) {
            const __ret = SqlParser.try2findProjectId(idString, projectId);
            idString = __ret.idString;
            projectId = __ret.projectId;
        if ((idString.match(/:/g))) {
            // Regex that checks if the format of the id match legacy
            let matched = idString.match(/([\[]([^[]|[\[][\]])*[\]])|[:.]/g);
            if (matched && matched[0]) {
                if (matched[0] === ":" && matched[1] === ".") {
                    fullId = idString;//.replace(/:/, '.');
                } else {
                    fullId = projectId + matched[0].substring(1, idString.length - 1);
                isStandard = false;
            } else {
                SqlParser.errorMessage("First Regex", idString, "");
            // Same as the first only that here instead of ':' we are looking for '.' and we want to make sure there is more than 1 (as in standard syntax)
        } else if ((idString.match(/\./g) && idString.match(/\./g).length === 2)) {
            // Regex that checks if the format of the id match standard
            let matched = idString.match(/(`([^`]|``)*`)/g);// ? idString.match(/(`([^`]|``)*`)/g) : [idString];
            if (matched && matched[0]) {
                fullId = projectId + matched[0].substring(1, idString.length - 1);
                isStandard = true
            } else if (!matched && idString) {
                fullId = projectId + idString;
                isStandard = true;
            else {
                SqlParser.errorMessage("Second Regex", idString, "");
        else {//projectID.dataset
            // In case of id without projectId of proxy "use" project.dataset
            if (splitted.length === 2) {
                fullId = '';
                if (idString[0] === '[' && idString[idString.length - 1] === ']') {
                    isStandard = false;
                else if (idString[0] === '`' && idString[idString.length - 1] === '`') {
                    isStandard = true;
                partialId = idString.replace(/`|\[|\]/g, '')
        // Return values is flag the determine the type (standard or legacy) and id without staring/ ending chars (``, [])
        return {
            fullId: fullId,
            partialId: partialId

    private static try2findProjectId = (idString: string, projectId: string) => {
        let numOfInstances = 0;
        for (let i = idString.length; i > 0; i--) {
            const char = idString[i - 1];
            if (char === ':' || char === '.') {
                if (numOfInstances === 2) {
                    projectId = idString[0] === `\`` ? idString.substring(1, i - 1) : idString.substring(0, i - 1);
                    idString = idString.substring(i - 1, idString.length);
                    idString = idString[idString.length - 1] === '`' ? '`' + idString : idString;
                    idString = idString[idString.length - 1] === ']' ? '[' + idString : idString;
        return { idString, projectId };

    private static errorMessage = (location: string, idString: string, message: string) => {
        const MESSAGE = message ? message : `Id is not valid and not related to either legacy nor standard. id:`;
        throw (`${location} ${MESSAGE} ${idString}`);

    private static getProjectIdFromFullId = (fullStringId: string) => {
        if (fullStringId === undefined || fullStringId.length === 0) {
            return ''
        let projectFound;
        const splittedProject = fullStringId.split(/[.:]/g);
        if (splittedProject.length > 3) {
            let numOfInstances = 0;
            for (let i = fullStringId.length; i > 0; i--) {
                const char = fullStringId[i - 1];
                if (char === '.' || char === ':') {
                    if (numOfInstances === 2) {
                        projectFound = fullStringId.substring(0, i - 1).replace(/[[`]/g, '');
                        if (fullStringId.toLowerCase().includes('.information_schema')) {
                            projectFound = splittedProject[0];
        } else {
            if (!fullStringId.toLowerCase().includes('.information_schema')) {
                projectFound = splittedProject[0].replace(/[[`]/g, '');
        return projectFound;

    private static getTableId = (fullStringId: string) => {
        const tableIdObj = SqlParser.isStandardSql(fullStringId);
        let table = tableIdObj.fullId;
        if (tableIdObj.fullId && tableIdObj.fullId.toString().indexOf('.') > -1) {
            const splittedId = tableIdObj.fullId.split('.');
            if (tableIdObj.fullId.toLowerCase().includes('.information_schema')) {
                table = `${splittedId[splittedId.length - 2]}.${splittedId[splittedId.length - 1]}`;
            } else {
                table = splittedId[splittedId.length - 1];
        else if (tableIdObj.partialId && tableIdObj.partialId.indexOf('.') > -1) {
            const splittedId = tableIdObj.partialId.split('.');
            table = splittedId[splittedId.length - 1];
        return table;