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# Challonge API PHP7 wrapper

> Version pre-v0.4

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# Table of Contents

1. [Introduction](#introduction)
2. [ChallongeAPI](#challongeapi)
    1. [Initializing the library](#initializing-the-library)
    2. [Using the library](#using-the-library)
    3. [Taking advantage of objects](#taking-advantage-of-objects)

# Introduction

This is Challonge API wrapper for PHP7!

With easy usage and clean code.

# ChallongeAPI

## Initializing the library

Initializing the library is easy, it just needs `array` of settings. Mainly, your `SET_API_KEY`. Take a look:

use ChallongeAPI\ChallongeAPI;

$api = new ChallongeAPI([
    //  Your Challonge API key, you can get one at

**Available library settings**:

| Name | Value | Description |
| ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| `SET_API_KEY` | `string` | ___Required___. Your Challonge API key, you can get one at |
| `SET_VERIFY_SSL` | `bool` | Useful when debuging on localhost, cURL might throw SSL verification errors. _Should not be used in production_.

## Using the library

Working with Challonge API was never easier!

// Fetches all tournaments created on your account

// Fetches all tournaments created by organization 'csgo' (

## Taking advantage of objects

// Fetches all tournaments created on your account
$list = $api->tList();

//  Outputs name of all tournaments on your account
foreach ($list->getTournaments() as $tournament)
    echo $tournament->name . "<br>";

//  Finds tournament by it's ID in the list
$tournament = $list->getTournamentById(123456789);
echo $tournament->name . "<br>";

//  Finds tournament by it's URL name in the list
$tournament = $list->getTournamentByUrl('best_tournament');
echo $tournament->name . "<br>";