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<h1 align="center"><img src="" alt="Dolittle"></h1>

<h4 align="center">
    <a href="">Documentation</a> |
    <a href="">Tutorial</a> |
    <a href="">Runtime</a> |
    <a href="">JavaScript SDK</a>


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    <a href=""><img src="" alt="Latest Nuget package"></a>
    <a href=""><img src="" alt="Build status"></a>
    <a href=""><img src="" alt="CodeQL status"></a>

Dolittle is a decentralized, distributed, event-driven microservice platform built to harness the power of events.

This is our C# SDK, install it with:
dotnet add package Dolittle.SDK 

# Get Started
- Try our [tutorial](
- Check out our [documentation](

## Building
dotnet build

## Visual Studio

You can open the `.sln` file in the root of the repository and just build directly.

## VSCode

We have readymade tasks for VSCode. Press `F1` and type `Run Tasks` and select `Tasks: Run Tasks` to see the tasks.
They are folder sensitive and will look for the nearest `.csproj` file based on the file you have open.
If it doesn't find it, it will pick the `.sln` file instead.

## More

Go to our [documentation site]( and learn more about the project and how to get started.
Samples can be found in [dolittle-samples](
Our entropy projects are in [dolittle-entropy](

# Issues and Contributing
Issues and contributions are always welcome!

To learn how to contribute, please read our [contributing]( guide.