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// Cascading Stylesheet loader which is responsible for loading any CSS files for the library. A lot of browser quirks
// to deal with here. @reference
var stylesheet = {};

// Attempt to load a stylesheet onto the page.
stylesheet.boot = function(module, url, callbackSuccess, callbackFailed) {
    // If the stylesheet is already loaded on the page, don't attempt to reload it.
    var factory = stylesheet.check(module, url, false);

    // Check if our module has already been loaded.
    if (factory) {
        return callbackSuccess(module, url, factory, true);

    // If our library failed to load, we'll call upon this function.
    var failed = function() {
        return callbackFailed(module, url);

    // Whether a callback comes back as an error/success, they're not always trustworthy.
    // We need to manually check to make sure that our libraries were loaded properly.
    var check = function() {
        // Attempt to fetch the factory for our module.
        factory = stylesheet.check(module, url);

        // If the factory is empty, then it failed to load! Invoke the failure callback.
        if (!factory) {
            return failed();

        // We passed the checks, invoke the success callback.
        return callbackSuccess(module, url, factory);

    // Spawn a new element on the page contained our URL with our callbacks.
    return stylesheet.element(url, check, failed);

// Check to see if a module has already been loaded on the page. This `Function` will return `Boolean`, `true` being
// that a module has already been loaded and `false` being that it hasn't.
stylesheet.check = function(module, url, fallback) {
    // See if the module itself has been flagged as loaded.
    if (module.loader.loaded === true) {
        return true;

    // If the user added their own custom checking function, invoke it now to preform the check.
    if (me.isFunction(module.check)) {
        return module.check();

    // This has been disabled due to a variety of timing factors with different browsers.
    // @reference

    // If globals are enabled, and we have exports for the module, check the DOM to see if they're defined.
    //if (me.config.settings.globals === true && module.exports.length && !me.isPrefixed(url, stylesheet.check.ignore)) {
    //    return stylesheet.check.exports(module.exports);

    // By default just return true, as this function was hit from a success callback.
    return me.isDefined(fallback) ? fallback : true;

// Bypass checking if a URL starts with any of the following values. This is due to CORS issues with the browsers when
// a CSS file is loaded from an external source.
stylesheet.check.ignore = ['//', 'http://', 'https://'];

// Check for the instance of our library based on the exports given. If the instance of our library exists it'll be
// returned, otherwise this function will return `null. The `Function` basically checks the `window` variable for a
// subkey which are the exports that are specified in the paramter.
stylesheet.check.exports = function(exports) {
    // If our `exports` parameter is not an `Array`, cast it to one.
    if (!me.isaArray(exports)) {
        exports = [exports];

    // Storage for our factory value.
    var factory = null;

    // If we have no exports, return `null`.
    if (!exports.length) {
        return factory;

    // Case all of our exports to lowercase as some browsers automatically change them.
    var normalized = [];

    me.each(exports, function(exportName) {

    // Swap our exports `Array` out with out normalized lowercase `Array`.
    exports = normalized;

    // If the `global.document` doesn't contain the key `styleSheets`, return `null`.
    if (!me.isDefined(global.document.styleSheets)) {
        return factory;

    // Loop through each of the documents stylesheets.
    me.each(global.document.styleSheets, function(sheet) {
        // If the sheet is `0`, skip it.
        if (sheet === 0) {
            return true;

        // Loop through the following keys in `global.document.stylesheets`.
        me.each(['cssRules', 'rules'], function(key) {

            // This has to be wrapped in a `try catch` due to some browsers throwing a CORS exception if the stylesheet is
            //loaded via an external domain.
            try {
                // If `sheet.rules` exists, scan it for our export.
                if (me.isDefined(sheet[key])) {
                    factory = stylesheet.scan(sheet[key], exports);

                    // If we found our rule, halt the loop.
                    if (factory) {
                        return false;
            } catch (exception) {
                me.log(2, 'loader', 'stylesheet', '`fallback.loader.css.check.exports` threw an exception.', exception);

        // If we found our selector, halt the loop!
        if (factory) {
            return false;

    // Return whether or not our stylesheet was loaded.
    return factory;

// Spawn a new element on the page with our URL.
// @reference
stylesheet.element = function(url, success, failed) {
    // Create a new script element instance.
    var element = global.document.createElement('link');

    // Explicitly set async behavior.
    element.async = element.defer = true;

    // The browser supports it, enable crossorigin.
    element.crossorigin = true;

    // Set the actual URL that we're going to request to load for our library.
    element.href = url;

    // If we get an error callback, bypass any checking and just fail.
    element.onerror = failed;

    // Do our checks and throw our callback.
    element.onload = success;

    // Special event handler for certain versions of IE. @ie
    me.loader.onReadyStateChange(element, success);

    // Set the type, some legacy browsers require this attribute be present.
    element.rel = 'stylesheet';

    // Load our URL on the page.
    return me.head.appendChild(element);

// Scan through the documents stylesheets searching for a specific selector.
stylesheet.scan = function(ruleset, selectors) {
    // Store whether or not we found our selector.
    var found = false;

    // Loop through the rules.
    for (var index in ruleset) {
        if (ruleset[index]) {
            var rule = ruleset[index];

            // See if we find a match for one of our selectors.
            if (me.indexOf(selectors, String(rule.selectorText).toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
                // Flag that we found our selector.
                found = true;

                // Halt the loop.

    // Return our search status.
    return found;

// Reference the module within the `loader`.
me.loader.css = stylesheet;