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Test Coverage
# Contributing

We love pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree
to abide by the [code of conduct](

Fork, then clone the repo:

    git clone

### Docker Setup

Build the container image with: `docker build --pull -t doorkeeper:test .`
Run the tests with: `docker run -it --rm doorkeeper:test`

### Local Setup

* Set up Ruby dependencies via Bundler

      bundle install

* Make sure the tests pass:

      rake spec

* Make your changes.
* Write tests.
* Follow our [style guides](.rubocop.yml).
* Make the tests pass:

      rake spec

* Add notes about your changes to the `` file.

* Write a [good commit message][commit].
* Push to your fork.
* [Submit a pull request][pr].


* If [Hound] catches style violations, fix them. If our bot suggested changes — please add them.


* Wait for us. We try to at least comment on pull requests within one business day.
* We may suggest changes.
* Please, squash your commits to a single one if you introduced a new changes or pushed more than
one commit. Let's keep the history clean.

Thank you for your contribution! :handshake: