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import { map, has } from 'lodash';
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import u from 'unist-builder';

 * This plugin doesn't actually transform Remark (MDAST) nodes to Rehype
 * (HAST) nodes, but rather, it prepares an MDAST shortcode node for HAST
 * conversion by replacing the shortcode text with stringified HTML for
 * previewing the shortcode output.
export default function remarkToRehypeShortcodes({ plugins, getAsset }) {
  return transform;

  function transform(root) {
    const transformedChildren = map(root.children, processShortcodes);
    return { ...root, children: transformedChildren };

   * Mapping function to transform nodes that contain shortcodes.
  function processShortcodes(node) {
     * If the node doesn't contain shortcode data, return the original node.
    if (!has(node, ['data', 'shortcode'])) return node;

     * Get shortcode data from the node, and retrieve the matching plugin by
     * key.
    const { shortcode, shortcodeData } =;
    const plugin = plugins.get(shortcode);

     * Run the shortcode plugin's `toPreview` method, which will return either
     * an HTML string or a React component. If a React component is returned,
     * render it to an HTML string.
    const value = plugin.toPreview(shortcodeData, getAsset);
    const valueHtml = typeof value === 'string' ? value : renderToString(value);

     * Return a new 'html' type node containing the shortcode preview markup.
    const textNode = u('html', valueHtml);
    const children = [ textNode ];
    return { ...node, children };