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import { get, isEmpty, isArray } from 'lodash';
import u from 'unist-builder';

 * Map of MDAST node types to Slate node types.
const typeMap = {
  root: 'root',
  paragraph: 'paragraph',
  blockquote: 'quote',
  code: 'code',
  listItem: 'list-item',
  table: 'table',
  tableRow: 'table-row',
  tableCell: 'table-cell',
  thematicBreak: 'thematic-break',
  link: 'link',
  image: 'image',
  shortcode: 'shortcode',

 * Map of MDAST node types to Slate mark types.
const markMap = {
  strong: 'bold',
  emphasis: 'italic',
  delete: 'strikethrough',
  inlineCode: 'code',

 * Create a Slate Inline node.
function createBlock(type, nodes, props = {}) {
  if (!isArray(nodes)) {
    props = nodes;
    nodes = undefined;

  return { kind: 'block', type, nodes, ...props };

 * Create a Slate Block node.
function createInline(type, nodes, props = {}) {
  return { kind: 'inline', type, nodes, ...props };

 * Create a Slate Raw text node.
function createText(value, data) {
  const node = { kind: 'text', data };
  if (isArray(value)) {
    return { ...node, ranges: value };
  return {...node, text: value };

function convertMarkNode(node, parentMarks = []) {

   * Add the current node's mark type to the marks collected from parent
   * mark nodes, if any.
  const markType = markMap[node.type];
  const marks = markType ? [...parentMarks, { type: markMap[node.type] }] : parentMarks;

   * Set an array to collect sections of text.
  const ranges = [];

  node.children && node.children.forEach(childNode => {

     * If a text node is a direct child of the current node, it should be
     * set aside as a range, and all marks that have been collected in the
     * `marks` array should apply to that specific range.
    if (['html', 'text'].includes(childNode.type)) {
      ranges.push({ text: childNode.value, marks });

     * Any non-text child node should be processed as a parent node. The
     * recursive results should be pushed into the ranges array. This way,
     * every MDAST nested text structure becomes a flat array of ranges
     * that can serve as the value of a single Slate Raw text node.
    const nestedRanges = convertMarkNode(childNode, marks);

  return ranges;

 * Convert a single MDAST node to a Slate Raw node. Uses local node factories
 * that mimic the unist-builder function utilized in the slateRemark
 * transformer.
function convertNode(node, nodes) {

   * Unified/Remark processors use mutable operations, so we don't want to
   * change a node's type directly for conversion purposes, as that tends to
   * unexpected errors.
  const type = get(node, ['data', 'shortcode']) ? 'shortcode' : node.type;

  switch (type) {

     * General
     * Convert simple cases that only require a type and children, with no
     * additional properties.
    case 'root':
    case 'paragraph':
    case 'listItem':
    case 'blockquote':
    case 'tableRow':
    case 'tableCell': {
      return createBlock(typeMap[type], nodes);

     * Shortcodes
     * Shortcode nodes are represented as "void" blocks in the Slate AST. They
     * maintain the same data as MDAST shortcode nodes. Slate void blocks must
     * contain a blank text node.
    case 'shortcode': {
      const { data } = node;
      const nodes = [ createText('') ];
      return createBlock(typeMap[type], nodes, { data, isVoid: true });

     * Text
     * Text and HTML nodes are both used to render text, and should be treated
     * the same. HTML is treated as text because we never want to escape or
     * encode it.
    case 'text':
    case 'html': {
      return createText(node.value,;

     * Inline Code
     * Inline code nodes from an MDAST are represented in our Slate schema as
     * text nodes with a "code" mark. We manually create the "range" containing
     * the inline code value and a "code" mark, and place it in an array for use
     * as a Slate text node's children array.
    case 'inlineCode': {
      const range = {
        text: node.value,
        marks: [{ type: 'code' }],
      return createText([ range ]);

     * Marks
     * Marks are typically decorative sub-types that apply to text nodes. In an
     * MDAST, marks are nodes that can contain other nodes. This nested
     * hierarchy has to be flattened and split into distinct text nodes with
     * their own set of marks.
    case 'strong':
    case 'emphasis':
    case 'delete': {
      return createText(convertMarkNode(node));

     * Headings
     * MDAST headings use a single type with a separate "depth" property to
     * indicate the heading level, while the Slate schema uses a separate node
     * type for each heading level. Here we get the proper Slate node name based
     * on the MDAST node depth.
    case 'heading': {
      const depthMap = { 1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three', 4: 'four', 5: 'five', 6: 'six' };
      const slateType = `heading-${depthMap[node.depth]}`;
      return createBlock(slateType, nodes);

     * Code Blocks
     * MDAST code blocks are a distinct node type with a simple text value. We
     * convert that value into a nested child text node for Slate. We also carry
     * over the "lang" data property if it's defined.
    case 'code': {
      const data = { lang: node.lang };
      const text = createText(node.value);
      const nodes = [text];
      return createBlock(typeMap[type], nodes, { data });

     * Lists
     * MDAST has a single list type and an "ordered" property. We derive that
     * information into the Slate schema's distinct list node types. We also
     * include the "start" property, which indicates the number an ordered list
     * starts at, if defined.
    case 'list': {
      const slateType = node.ordered ? 'numbered-list' : 'bulleted-list';
      const data = { start: node.start };
      return createBlock(slateType, nodes, { data });

     * Breaks
     * MDAST soft break nodes represent a trailing double space or trailing
     * slash from a Markdown document. In Slate, these are simply transformed to
     * line breaks within a text node.
    case 'break': {
      return createText('\n');

     * Thematic Breaks
     * Thematic breaks are void nodes in the Slate schema.
    case 'thematicBreak': {
      return createBlock(typeMap[type], { isVoid: true });

     * Links
     * MDAST stores the link attributes directly on the node, while our Slate
     * schema references them in the data object.
    case 'link': {
      const { title, url } = node;
      const data = { title, url };
      return createInline(typeMap[type], nodes, { data });

     * Tables
     * Tables are parsed separately because they may include an "align"
     * property, which should be passed to the Slate node.
    case 'table': {
      const data = { align: node.align };
      return createBlock(typeMap[type], nodes, { data });

 * A Remark plugin for converting an MDAST to Slate Raw AST. Remark plugins
 * return a `transform` function that receives the MDAST as it's first argument.
export default function remarkToSlate() {
  function transform(node) {

     * Call `transform` recursively on child nodes.
     * If a node returns a falsey value, filter it out. Some nodes do not
     * translate from MDAST to Slate, such as definitions for link/image
     * references or footnotes.
    const children = !isEmpty(node.children) && => val);

     * Run individual nodes through the conversion factory.
    return convertNode(node, children);

  return transform;