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import DomHelper from "./dom-component.js";
import defaults from "./defaults.js";

const d = document;

export default class SelectInput extends DomHelper {
    constructor(element, options = {}) {
        super(element, options, defaults);
        let current = options.current ? this._convertItem(options.current) : null;

        this.options.items = this._convertItems(options.items);
        this.current = current ? this.findItem(this._getItemProp(current)) : null;

        // Cached search result
        this.__found = null;

        if (this.options.sort) this._sortItems();



        if (current) {

     * Bind all (delegated) DOM events
     * @private
    _bindEvents() {
        let closeOnEvent = e => {
            if ((e.key === 'Escape' || e.keyCode === 27) || !this.dom.el.contains( {

        this.on('input', this._search);
        this.on('click', this._handleClick);
        this.on('keyup', this._handleKey);
        this.on('focusin', () => (this._renderListItems().toggle(true)), this.dom.input);

        // Close the list on `Escape` or on a click outside the main element
        this.on('keyup', closeOnEvent, d);
        this.on('click', closeOnEvent, d);

     * Store the deletion callback
     * @param {Function} fn
     * @return SelectInput
    onDelete(fn) {
        this.options.onDelete = fn;
        return this;

     * Store the creation callback
     * @param {Function} fn
     * @return SelectInput
    onCreate(fn) {
        this.options.onCreate = fn;
        return this;

     * Show/hide the dropdown
     * @param {Boolean} show
     * @return DomHelper
    toggle(show = false) {
        this.dom.el.firstElementChild.classList[show ? 'remove' : 'add']('si-hide');
        if (!show) this.dom.input.blur();
        return this;

     * Get all items in the list
     * @return {Object[]}
    getItems() {
        return this.options.items;

     * Return the current field value object
     * @return {{value: String|Number}|null}
    getCurrent() {
        let current = Object.assign({}, this.current);
        delete current._lc_value;
        delete current._lc_text;
        return current;

     * Clear the current value
     * @return void
     * @private
    clearCurrent() {
        this.current = null;
        this.dom.input.value = '';

     * Find an item in the list
     * @param {EventTarget|HTMLElement|String|Number} value
     * @return {{}}
    findItem(value) {
        value = value.nodeName ? value.dataset.value : value;
        return this.options.items.find(item => this._getItemProp(item) == value);

     * Set the current value by its string
     * @param {String|undefined} value
     * @return SelectInput
    setCurrent(value) {
        this._setCurrent(value ? this.findItem(value) : null);
        return this;

     * Set the current value of the field
     * @param {EventTarget|null} el
     * @param {Object|null} item
     * @return SelectInput
     * @private
    _setCurrent(item, el = null) {
        if (item) {
            this.current = item;
            this._setSelected(item, el);
        } else {
            this.current = null;
        return this;

     * Set the HTML input field
     * @param {Object} item
     * @return void
     * @private
    _setInputValue(item) {
        this.dom.input.value = item ? this._getItemProp(item, 'text').toString() : '';

     * Updated selected item in the html list
     * @param {Object} item
     * @param {EventTarget|HTMLElement|null} el
     * @private
    _setSelected(item, el = null) {
        el = el ? el : this.dom.list.querySelector(`li[data-value="${this._getItemProp(item)}"]`);
        if (el) el.classList.add('si-current');

     * Remove the classname of current `<li>`
     * @private
    _clearSelected() {
        let current = this.dom.list.querySelector('.si-current');
        if (current) current.classList.remove('si-current');

     * Make an array of objects
     * @param {Array} items
     * @return {Object[]}
     * @private
    _convertItems(items = []) {
        return => this._convertItem(item))

     * Normalize an item as an usable object
     * @param {String|Number|{value: String|Number, _lc_value: String, _lc_text: String}} item
     * @return {{value: String|Number, _lc_value: String, _lc_text: String}}
     * @private
    _convertItem(item) {
        let opt = this.options;
        item = typeof item !== 'object' ? {[opt.valueKey]: item, [opt.textKey]: item} : item;
        item._lc_value = this._makeSearchString(this._getItemProp(item));
        item._lc_text = this._makeSearchString(this._getItemProp(item, 'text'));
        return item;

     * Format all searchable strings
     * @param {String} value
     * @return {String}
     * @private
    _makeSearchString(value) {
        return value.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '-');

     * Return the value of one of the custom named properties
     * @param {Object} item
     * @param {String} prop
     * @return {String|Number}
     * @private
    _getItemProp(item, prop = 'value') {
        return item ? item[this.options[`${prop}Key`]] : null;

     * Create the HTML upon instantiation
     * @return {Node}
     * @private
    _renderInit() {
        let wrap = d.createElement('div');

        wrap.className = 'si-wrap si-hide';

        this.dom.input = wrap.appendChild(this._renderInput()).firstChild;
        this.dom.list = wrap.appendChild(this._renderList()).firstChild;

        return this.dom.el.appendChild(wrap);

     * Create the input element
     * @return {HTMLDivElement}
     * @private
    _renderInput() {
        let wrap = d.createElement('div'),
            el = d.createElement('input');
        wrap.className = 'si-input';
        el.type = 'text';
        el.autocomplete = 'false';
        el.spellcheck = false;
        el.placeholder = this.options.placeHolder;
        return wrap;

     * Create the list element
     * @return {HTMLDivElement}
     * @private
    _renderList() {
        let wrap = d.createElement('div'),
            el = d.createElement('ul'),
            maxHeight = this.options.maxHeight;

        wrap.className = 'si-list';
        if (maxHeight) = maxHeight + 'px';

        return wrap;

     * Create the list items
     * @param {Object[]} items
     * @return {String}
     * @private
    _createListItems(items = []) {
        let list = '',
            opt = this.options,
            currentValue = this._getItemProp(this.current),
            selected = '',
            button = opt.allowRemove ? this._createRemovalButton() : '',
            value = '',
            text = '';

        items.forEach(item => {
            value = this._getItemProp(item);
            text = this._getItemProp(item, 'text');
            selected = currentValue && value == currentValue ? ' si-current' : '';
            list += `<li class="si-item${selected}" data-value="${value}">${text + button}</li>`;

        return list;

     * Insert the set of li's in the DOM
     * @param html
     * @return SelectInput
     * @private
    _renderListItems(html = '') {
        this.dom.list.innerHTML = html || this._createListItems(this.options.items);
        return this;

     * Item removal button template
     * @return {String}
     * @private
    _createRemovalButton() {
        return `<button type="button" class="si-removal">${this.options.removalIcon}</button>`;

     * Search and update the list upon typing
     * @param {KeyboardEvent} e
     * @private
    _search(e) {
        let options = this.options,
            term =,
            termLc = this._makeSearchString(term),
            list = this._searchItem(termLc),
            html = list || options.allowAdd ? this._createListItems(list) : '',
            first = list[0],
            len = list.length;

        if (len === 1) {
            this.__found = first;

        if (len !== 1 || !term) {
            this.__found = null;

        if (options.allowAdd && term && (!first || termLc !== first._lc_text && termLc !== first._lc_value)) {
            html += this._proposeItem(term)
        } else if (!options.allowAdd) {
            html += this._notFoundItem(term);


     * Filter the list of available items
     * @param {String} str
     * @return {[]}
     * @private
    _searchItem(str) {
        return this.options.items.filter(item => {
            return item._lc_value.indexOf(str) !== -1 || item._lc_text.indexOf(str) !== -1;

     * Create the item creation list item
     * @param {String} term
     * @return {String}
     * @private
    _proposeItem(term) {
        let proposal = this.options.proposal.replace('{X}', `<span>${term}</span>`);
        return `<li class="si-item si-append si-proposal" data-term="${term}">${proposal}</li>`

     * Create a 'not found' message as a list item
     * @param {String} term
     * @return {String}
     * @private
    _notFoundItem(term) {
        let txt = this.options.notFound.replace('{X}', `<span>${term}</span>`);
        return `<li class="si-item si-append si-not-found">${txt}</li>`

     * Decide what to do when user clicks inside the component
     * @param {MouseEvent} e
     * @private
    _handleClick(e) {
        let el =,
            classList = el.classList;

        if (this.options.allowAdd && classList.contains('si-proposal')) {
            if (this._tryCreateItem(el.dataset.term)) {
                this.toggle()._trigger('created', this.current);

        if (classList.contains('si-item')) {
            this._setCurrent(this.findItem(el), el)
                ._trigger('selected', this.current);

        if (this.options.allowRemove && classList.contains('si-removal')) {
            el = el.parentNode;
            if (this._fireCallback('onDelete', this.findItem(el))) {
                this._trigger('removed', this._sliceItem(el));

     * The `onCreate` and `onDelete` callbacks allow to prevent their respective actions
     * @param {String} name
     * @param {Object} item
     * @return {Boolean}
     * @private
    _fireCallback(name, item) {
        if (typeof this.options[name] === 'function') {
            return this.options[name](item);
        return true;

     * Handle `Enter` when there is a value in the field
     * @param {KeyboardEvent} e
     * @private
    _handleKey(e) {
        let value =,
            item = this.__found,

        if (!!value && (e.keyCode !== 13 || e.key !== 'Enter')) {

        if (!item && value && this.options.allowAdd) {
            event = this._tryCreateItem(value) ? 'created' : null;
        } else if (item) {
            event = 'selected';

        if (event) this.toggle()._trigger(event, this.current);

     * If the value doesn't exist and the callback returns true, create and set as current
     * @param value
     * @return {boolean}
     * @private
    _tryCreateItem(value) {
        let item = this._convertItem(value.trim());
        if (!this.findItem(value) && this._fireCallback('onCreate', item)) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Insert a new item in the list
     * @param {{value: String|Number, _lc_value: String, _lc_text: String}} item
     * @return {{value: String|Number, _lc_value: String, _lc_text: String}}
     * @private
    _insertItem(item) {
        if (this.options.sort) this._sortItems();
        return item;

     * Rearrange the list
     * @private
    _sortItems() {
        let order = this.options.order === 'desc' ? 1 : -1;
        this.options.items.sort((a, b) => {
            if (a._lc_text < b._lc_text) return -order;
            if (a._lc_text > b._lc_text) return order;
            return 0;

     * Remove an item from the list
     * @param {HTMLElement|Node} el
     * @return {{value: String|Number, _lc_value: String, _lc_text: String}}
     * @private
    _sliceItem(el) {
        let items = this.options.items,
            needle = el.dataset.value.toLowerCase(),
            current = this.current,
        item = items.splice(items.findIndex(item => item._lc_value === needle), 1).shift();
        if (current && item._lc_value === current._lc_value) this.clearCurrent();
        return item;