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package auxprogress

import (
    ocispec ""

// ManifestPushedInsteadOfIndex is a note that is sent when a manifest is pushed
// instead of an index.  It is sent when the pushed image is an multi-platform
// index, but the whole index couldn't be pushed.
type ManifestPushedInsteadOfIndex struct {
    ManifestPushedInsteadOfIndex bool `json:"manifestPushedInsteadOfIndex"` // Always true

    // OriginalIndex is the descriptor of the original image index.
    OriginalIndex ocispec.Descriptor `json:"originalIndex"`

    // SelectedManifest is the descriptor of the manifest that was pushed instead.
    SelectedManifest ocispec.Descriptor `json:"selectedManifest"`

// ContentMissing is a note that is sent when push fails because the content is missing.
type ContentMissing struct {
    ContentMissing bool `json:"contentMissing"` // Always true

    // Desc is the descriptor of the root object that was attempted to be pushed.
    Desc ocispec.Descriptor `json:"desc"`