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// Package backend includes types to send information to server backends.
package backend // import ""

import (

    ocispec ""

// ContainerCreateConfig is the parameter set to ContainerCreate()
type ContainerCreateConfig struct {
    Name                        string
    Config                      *container.Config
    HostConfig                  *container.HostConfig
    NetworkingConfig            *network.NetworkingConfig
    Platform                    *ocispec.Platform
    DefaultReadOnlyNonRecursive bool

// ContainerRmConfig holds arguments for the container remove
// operation. This struct is used to tell the backend what operations
// to perform.
type ContainerRmConfig struct {
    ForceRemove, RemoveVolume, RemoveLink bool

// ContainerAttachConfig holds the streams to use when connecting to a container to view logs.
type ContainerAttachConfig struct {
    GetStreams func(multiplexed bool, cancel func()) (io.ReadCloser, io.Writer, io.Writer, error)
    UseStdin   bool
    UseStdout  bool
    UseStderr  bool
    Logs       bool
    Stream     bool
    DetachKeys string
    // Used to signify that streams must be multiplexed by producer as endpoint can't manage multiple streams.
    // This is typically set by HTTP endpoint, while websocket can transport raw streams
    MuxStreams bool

// PartialLogMetaData provides meta data for a partial log message. Messages
// exceeding a predefined size are split into chunks with this metadata. The
// expectation is for the logger endpoints to assemble the chunks using this
// metadata.
type PartialLogMetaData struct {
    Last    bool   // true if this message is last of a partial
    ID      string // identifies group of messages comprising a single record
    Ordinal int    // ordering of message in partial group

// LogMessage is datastructure that represents piece of output produced by some
// container.  The Line member is a slice of an array whose contents can be
// changed after a log driver's Log() method returns.
type LogMessage struct {
    Line         []byte
    Source       string
    Timestamp    time.Time
    Attrs        []LogAttr
    PLogMetaData *PartialLogMetaData

    // Err is an error associated with a message. Completeness of a message
    // with Err is not expected, tho it may be partially complete (fields may
    // be missing, gibberish, or nil)
    Err error

// LogAttr is used to hold the extra attributes available in the log message.
type LogAttr struct {
    Key   string
    Value string

// LogSelector is a list of services and tasks that should be returned as part
// of a log stream. It is similar to swarmapi.LogSelector, with the difference
// that the names don't have to be resolved to IDs; this is mostly to avoid
// accidents later where a swarmapi LogSelector might have been incorrectly
// used verbatim (and to avoid the handler having to import swarmapi types)
type LogSelector struct {
    Services []string
    Tasks    []string

// ContainerStatsConfig holds information for configuring the runtime
// behavior of a backend.ContainerStats() call.
type ContainerStatsConfig struct {
    Stream    bool
    OneShot   bool
    OutStream func() io.Writer

// ExecStartConfig holds the options to start container's exec.
type ExecStartConfig struct {
    Stdin       io.Reader
    Stdout      io.Writer
    Stderr      io.Writer
    ConsoleSize *[2]uint `json:",omitempty"`

// ExecInspect holds information about a running process started
// with docker exec.
type ExecInspect struct {
    ID            string
    Running       bool
    ExitCode      *int
    ProcessConfig *ExecProcessConfig
    OpenStdin     bool
    OpenStderr    bool
    OpenStdout    bool
    CanRemove     bool
    ContainerID   string
    DetachKeys    []byte
    Pid           int

// ExecProcessConfig holds information about the exec process
// running on the host.
type ExecProcessConfig struct {
    Tty        bool     `json:"tty"`
    Entrypoint string   `json:"entrypoint"`
    Arguments  []string `json:"arguments"`
    Privileged *bool    `json:"privileged,omitempty"`
    User       string   `json:"user,omitempty"`

// CreateImageConfig is the configuration for creating an image from a
// container.
type CreateImageConfig struct {
    Tag     reference.NamedTagged
    Pause   bool
    Author  string
    Comment string
    Config  *container.Config
    Changes []string

// GetImageOpts holds parameters to retrieve image information
// from the backend.
type GetImageOpts struct {
    Platform *ocispec.Platform
    Details  bool

// CommitConfig is the configuration for creating an image as part of a build.
type CommitConfig struct {
    Author              string
    Comment             string
    Config              *container.Config
    ContainerConfig     *container.Config
    ContainerID         string
    ContainerMountLabel string
    ContainerOS         string
    ParentImageID       string

// PluginRmConfig holds arguments for plugin remove.
type PluginRmConfig struct {
    ForceRemove bool

// PluginEnableConfig holds arguments for plugin enable
type PluginEnableConfig struct {
    Timeout int

// PluginDisableConfig holds arguments for plugin disable.
type PluginDisableConfig struct {
    ForceDisable bool

// NetworkListConfig stores the options available for listing networks
type NetworkListConfig struct {
    // TODO(@cpuguy83): naming is hard, this is pulled from what was being used in the router before moving here
    Detailed bool
    Verbose  bool