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package container

// ExecOptions is a small subset of the Config struct that holds the configuration
// for the exec feature of docker.
type ExecOptions struct {
    User         string   // User that will run the command
    Privileged   bool     // Is the container in privileged mode
    Tty          bool     // Attach standard streams to a tty.
    ConsoleSize  *[2]uint `json:",omitempty"` // Initial console size [height, width]
    AttachStdin  bool     // Attach the standard input, makes possible user interaction
    AttachStderr bool     // Attach the standard error
    AttachStdout bool     // Attach the standard output
    Detach       bool     // Execute in detach mode
    DetachKeys   string   // Escape keys for detach
    Env          []string // Environment variables
    WorkingDir   string   // Working directory
    Cmd          []string // Execution commands and args

// ExecStartOptions is a temp struct used by execStart
// Config fields is part of ExecConfig in runconfig package
type ExecStartOptions struct {
    // ExecStart will first check if it's detached
    Detach bool
    // Check if there's a tty
    Tty bool
    // Terminal size [height, width], unused if Tty == false
    ConsoleSize *[2]uint `json:",omitempty"`

// ExecAttachOptions is a temp struct used by execAttach.
// TODO(thaJeztah): make this a separate type; ContainerExecAttach does not use the Detach option, and cannot run detached.
type ExecAttachOptions = ExecStartOptions

// ExecInspect holds information returned by exec inspect.
type ExecInspect struct {
    ExecID      string `json:"ID"`
    ContainerID string
    Running     bool
    ExitCode    int
    Pid         int