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package container

import ""

// ResizeOptions holds parameters to resize a TTY.
// It can be used to resize container TTYs and
// exec process TTYs too.
type ResizeOptions struct {
    Height uint
    Width  uint

// AttachOptions holds parameters to attach to a container.
type AttachOptions struct {
    Stream     bool
    Stdin      bool
    Stdout     bool
    Stderr     bool
    DetachKeys string
    Logs       bool

// CommitOptions holds parameters to commit changes into a container.
type CommitOptions struct {
    Reference string
    Comment   string
    Author    string
    Changes   []string
    Pause     bool
    Config    *Config

// RemoveOptions holds parameters to remove containers.
type RemoveOptions struct {
    RemoveVolumes bool
    RemoveLinks   bool
    Force         bool

// StartOptions holds parameters to start containers.
type StartOptions struct {
    CheckpointID  string
    CheckpointDir string

// ListOptions holds parameters to list containers with.
type ListOptions struct {
    Size    bool
    All     bool
    Latest  bool
    Since   string
    Before  string
    Limit   int
    Filters filters.Args

// LogsOptions holds parameters to filter logs with.
type LogsOptions struct {
    ShowStdout bool
    ShowStderr bool
    Since      string
    Until      string
    Timestamps bool
    Follow     bool
    Tail       string
    Details    bool