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package network // import ""

import (


const (
    // NetworkDefault is a platform-independent alias to choose the platform-specific default network stack.
    NetworkDefault = "default"
    // NetworkHost is the name of the predefined network used when the NetworkMode host is selected (only available on Linux)
    NetworkHost = "host"
    // NetworkNone is the name of the predefined network used when the NetworkMode none is selected (available on both Linux and Windows)
    NetworkNone = "none"
    // NetworkBridge is the name of the default network on Linux
    NetworkBridge = "bridge"
    // NetworkNat is the name of the default network on Windows
    NetworkNat = "nat"

// CreateRequest is the request message sent to the server for network create call.
type CreateRequest struct {
    Name string // Name is the requested name of the network.

    // Deprecated: CheckDuplicate is deprecated since API v1.44, but it defaults to true when sent by the client
    // package to older daemons.
    CheckDuplicate *bool `json:",omitempty"`

// CreateOptions holds options to create a network.
type CreateOptions struct {
    Driver     string            // Driver is the driver-name used to create the network (e.g. `bridge`, `overlay`)
    Scope      string            // Scope describes the level at which the network exists (e.g. `swarm` for cluster-wide or `local` for machine level).
    EnableIPv6 *bool             `json:",omitempty"` // EnableIPv6 represents whether to enable IPv6.
    IPAM       *IPAM             // IPAM is the network's IP Address Management.
    Internal   bool              // Internal represents if the network is used internal only.
    Attachable bool              // Attachable represents if the global scope is manually attachable by regular containers from workers in swarm mode.
    Ingress    bool              // Ingress indicates the network is providing the routing-mesh for the swarm cluster.
    ConfigOnly bool              // ConfigOnly creates a config-only network. Config-only networks are place-holder networks for network configurations to be used by other networks. ConfigOnly networks cannot be used directly to run containers or services.
    ConfigFrom *ConfigReference  // ConfigFrom specifies the source which will provide the configuration for this network. The specified network must be a config-only network; see [CreateOptions.ConfigOnly].
    Options    map[string]string // Options specifies the network-specific options to use for when creating the network.
    Labels     map[string]string // Labels holds metadata specific to the network being created.

// ListOptions holds parameters to filter the list of networks with.
type ListOptions struct {
    Filters filters.Args

// InspectOptions holds parameters to inspect network.
type InspectOptions struct {
    Scope   string
    Verbose bool

// ConnectOptions represents the data to be used to connect a container to the
// network.
type ConnectOptions struct {
    Container      string
    EndpointConfig *EndpointSettings `json:",omitempty"`

// DisconnectOptions represents the data to be used to disconnect a container
// from the network.
type DisconnectOptions struct {
    Container string
    Force     bool

// Inspect is the body of the "get network" http response message.
type Inspect struct {
    Name       string                      // Name is the name of the network
    ID         string                      `json:"Id"` // ID uniquely identifies a network on a single machine
    Created    time.Time                   // Created is the time the network created
    Scope      string                      // Scope describes the level at which the network exists (e.g. `swarm` for cluster-wide or `local` for machine level)
    Driver     string                      // Driver is the Driver name used to create the network (e.g. `bridge`, `overlay`)
    EnableIPv6 bool                        // EnableIPv6 represents whether to enable IPv6
    IPAM       IPAM                        // IPAM is the network's IP Address Management
    Internal   bool                        // Internal represents if the network is used internal only
    Attachable bool                        // Attachable represents if the global scope is manually attachable by regular containers from workers in swarm mode.
    Ingress    bool                        // Ingress indicates the network is providing the routing-mesh for the swarm cluster.
    ConfigFrom ConfigReference             // ConfigFrom specifies the source which will provide the configuration for this network.
    ConfigOnly bool                        // ConfigOnly networks are place-holder networks for network configurations to be used by other networks. ConfigOnly networks cannot be used directly to run containers or services.
    Containers map[string]EndpointResource // Containers contains endpoints belonging to the network
    Options    map[string]string           // Options holds the network specific options to use for when creating the network
    Labels     map[string]string           // Labels holds metadata specific to the network being created
    Peers      []PeerInfo                  `json:",omitempty"` // List of peer nodes for an overlay network
    Services   map[string]ServiceInfo      `json:",omitempty"`

// Summary is used as response when listing networks. It currently is an alias
// for [Inspect], but may diverge in the future, as not all information may
// be included when listing networks.
type Summary = Inspect

// Address represents an IP address
type Address struct {
    Addr      string
    PrefixLen int

// PeerInfo represents one peer of an overlay network
type PeerInfo struct {
    Name string
    IP   string

// Task carries the information about one backend task
type Task struct {
    Name       string
    EndpointID string
    EndpointIP string
    Info       map[string]string

// ServiceInfo represents service parameters with the list of service's tasks
type ServiceInfo struct {
    VIP          string
    Ports        []string
    LocalLBIndex int
    Tasks        []Task

// EndpointResource contains network resources allocated and used for a
// container in a network.
type EndpointResource struct {
    Name        string
    EndpointID  string
    MacAddress  string
    IPv4Address string
    IPv6Address string

// NetworkingConfig represents the container's networking configuration for each of its interfaces
// Carries the networking configs specified in the `docker run` and `docker network connect` commands
type NetworkingConfig struct {
    EndpointsConfig map[string]*EndpointSettings // Endpoint configs for each connecting network

// ConfigReference specifies the source which provides a network's configuration
type ConfigReference struct {
    Network string

var acceptedFilters = map[string]bool{
    "dangling": true,
    "driver":   true,
    "id":       true,
    "label":    true,
    "name":     true,
    "scope":    true,
    "type":     true,

// ValidateFilters validates the list of filter args with the available filters.
func ValidateFilters(filter filters.Args) error {
    return filter.Validate(acceptedFilters)

// PruneReport contains the response for Engine API:
// POST "/networks/prune"
type PruneReport struct {
    NetworksDeleted []string