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package swarm // import ""

import (


// DNSConfig specifies DNS related configurations in resolver configuration file (resolv.conf)
// Detailed documentation is available in:
// `nameserver`, `search`, `options` have been supported.
// TODO: `domain` is not supported yet.
type DNSConfig struct {
    // Nameservers specifies the IP addresses of the name servers
    Nameservers []string `json:",omitempty"`
    // Search specifies the search list for host-name lookup
    Search []string `json:",omitempty"`
    // Options allows certain internal resolver variables to be modified
    Options []string `json:",omitempty"`

// SELinuxContext contains the SELinux labels of the container.
type SELinuxContext struct {
    Disable bool

    User  string
    Role  string
    Type  string
    Level string

// SeccompMode is the type used for the enumeration of possible seccomp modes
// in SeccompOpts
type SeccompMode string

const (
    SeccompModeDefault    SeccompMode = "default"
    SeccompModeUnconfined SeccompMode = "unconfined"
    SeccompModeCustom     SeccompMode = "custom"

// SeccompOpts defines the options for configuring seccomp on a swarm-managed
// container.
type SeccompOpts struct {
    // Mode is the SeccompMode used for the container.
    Mode SeccompMode `json:",omitempty"`
    // Profile is the custom seccomp profile as a json object to be used with
    // the container. Mode should be set to SeccompModeCustom when using a
    // custom profile in this manner.
    Profile []byte `json:",omitempty"`

// AppArmorMode is type used for the enumeration of possible AppArmor modes in
// AppArmorOpts
type AppArmorMode string

const (
    AppArmorModeDefault  AppArmorMode = "default"
    AppArmorModeDisabled AppArmorMode = "disabled"

// AppArmorOpts defines the options for configuring AppArmor on a swarm-managed
// container.  Currently, custom AppArmor profiles are not supported.
type AppArmorOpts struct {
    Mode AppArmorMode `json:",omitempty"`

// CredentialSpec for managed service account (Windows only)
type CredentialSpec struct {
    Config   string
    File     string
    Registry string

// Privileges defines the security options for the container.
type Privileges struct {
    CredentialSpec  *CredentialSpec
    SELinuxContext  *SELinuxContext
    Seccomp         *SeccompOpts  `json:",omitempty"`
    AppArmor        *AppArmorOpts `json:",omitempty"`
    NoNewPrivileges bool

// ContainerSpec represents the spec of a container.
type ContainerSpec struct {
    Image           string                  `json:",omitempty"`
    Labels          map[string]string       `json:",omitempty"`
    Command         []string                `json:",omitempty"`
    Args            []string                `json:",omitempty"`
    Hostname        string                  `json:",omitempty"`
    Env             []string                `json:",omitempty"`
    Dir             string                  `json:",omitempty"`
    User            string                  `json:",omitempty"`
    Groups          []string                `json:",omitempty"`
    Privileges      *Privileges             `json:",omitempty"`
    Init            *bool                   `json:",omitempty"`
    StopSignal      string                  `json:",omitempty"`
    TTY             bool                    `json:",omitempty"`
    OpenStdin       bool                    `json:",omitempty"`
    ReadOnly        bool                    `json:",omitempty"`
    Mounts          []mount.Mount           `json:",omitempty"`
    StopGracePeriod *time.Duration          `json:",omitempty"`
    Healthcheck     *container.HealthConfig `json:",omitempty"`
    // The format of extra hosts on swarmkit is specified in:
    //    IP_address canonical_hostname [aliases...]
    Hosts          []string            `json:",omitempty"`
    DNSConfig      *DNSConfig          `json:",omitempty"`
    Secrets        []*SecretReference  `json:",omitempty"`
    Configs        []*ConfigReference  `json:",omitempty"`
    Isolation      container.Isolation `json:",omitempty"`
    Sysctls        map[string]string   `json:",omitempty"`
    CapabilityAdd  []string            `json:",omitempty"`
    CapabilityDrop []string            `json:",omitempty"`
    Ulimits        []*container.Ulimit `json:",omitempty"`
    OomScoreAdj    int64               `json:",omitempty"`