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package swarm // import ""

// Node represents a node.
type Node struct {
    ID string
    // Spec defines the desired state of the node as specified by the user.
    // The system will honor this and will *never* modify it.
    Spec NodeSpec `json:",omitempty"`
    // Description encapsulates the properties of the Node as reported by the
    // agent.
    Description NodeDescription `json:",omitempty"`
    // Status provides the current status of the node, as seen by the manager.
    Status NodeStatus `json:",omitempty"`
    // ManagerStatus provides the current status of the node's manager
    // component, if the node is a manager.
    ManagerStatus *ManagerStatus `json:",omitempty"`

// NodeSpec represents the spec of a node.
type NodeSpec struct {
    Role         NodeRole         `json:",omitempty"`
    Availability NodeAvailability `json:",omitempty"`

// NodeRole represents the role of a node.
type NodeRole string

const (
    // NodeRoleWorker WORKER
    NodeRoleWorker NodeRole = "worker"
    // NodeRoleManager MANAGER
    NodeRoleManager NodeRole = "manager"

// NodeAvailability represents the availability of a node.
type NodeAvailability string

const (
    // NodeAvailabilityActive ACTIVE
    NodeAvailabilityActive NodeAvailability = "active"
    // NodeAvailabilityPause PAUSE
    NodeAvailabilityPause NodeAvailability = "pause"
    // NodeAvailabilityDrain DRAIN
    NodeAvailabilityDrain NodeAvailability = "drain"

// NodeDescription represents the description of a node.
type NodeDescription struct {
    Hostname  string            `json:",omitempty"`
    Platform  Platform          `json:",omitempty"`
    Resources Resources         `json:",omitempty"`
    Engine    EngineDescription `json:",omitempty"`
    TLSInfo   TLSInfo           `json:",omitempty"`
    CSIInfo   []NodeCSIInfo     `json:",omitempty"`

// Platform represents the platform (Arch/OS).
type Platform struct {
    Architecture string `json:",omitempty"`
    OS           string `json:",omitempty"`

// EngineDescription represents the description of an engine.
type EngineDescription struct {
    EngineVersion string              `json:",omitempty"`
    Labels        map[string]string   `json:",omitempty"`
    Plugins       []PluginDescription `json:",omitempty"`

// NodeCSIInfo represents information about a CSI plugin available on the node
type NodeCSIInfo struct {
    // PluginName is the name of the CSI plugin.
    PluginName string `json:",omitempty"`
    // NodeID is the ID of the node as reported by the CSI plugin. This is
    // different from the swarm node ID.
    NodeID string `json:",omitempty"`
    // MaxVolumesPerNode is the maximum number of volumes that may be published
    // to this node
    MaxVolumesPerNode int64 `json:",omitempty"`
    // AccessibleTopology indicates the location of this node in the CSI
    // plugin's topology
    AccessibleTopology *Topology `json:",omitempty"`

// PluginDescription represents the description of an engine plugin.
type PluginDescription struct {
    Type string `json:",omitempty"`
    Name string `json:",omitempty"`

// NodeStatus represents the status of a node.
type NodeStatus struct {
    State   NodeState `json:",omitempty"`
    Message string    `json:",omitempty"`
    Addr    string    `json:",omitempty"`

// Reachability represents the reachability of a node.
type Reachability string

const (
    // ReachabilityUnknown UNKNOWN
    ReachabilityUnknown Reachability = "unknown"
    // ReachabilityUnreachable UNREACHABLE
    ReachabilityUnreachable Reachability = "unreachable"
    // ReachabilityReachable REACHABLE
    ReachabilityReachable Reachability = "reachable"

// ManagerStatus represents the status of a manager.
type ManagerStatus struct {
    Leader       bool         `json:",omitempty"`
    Reachability Reachability `json:",omitempty"`
    Addr         string       `json:",omitempty"`

// NodeState represents the state of a node.
type NodeState string

const (
    // NodeStateUnknown UNKNOWN
    NodeStateUnknown NodeState = "unknown"
    // NodeStateDown DOWN
    NodeStateDown NodeState = "down"
    // NodeStateReady READY
    NodeStateReady NodeState = "ready"
    // NodeStateDisconnected DISCONNECTED
    NodeStateDisconnected NodeState = "disconnected"

// Topology defines the CSI topology of this node. This type is a duplicate of
// Because the type definition
// is so simple and to avoid complicated structure or circular imports, we just
// duplicate it here. See that type for full documentation
type Topology struct {
    Segments map[string]string `json:",omitempty"`