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package swarm // import ""

import "time"

// Service represents a service.
type Service struct {
    ID string
    Spec         ServiceSpec   `json:",omitempty"`
    PreviousSpec *ServiceSpec  `json:",omitempty"`
    Endpoint     Endpoint      `json:",omitempty"`
    UpdateStatus *UpdateStatus `json:",omitempty"`

    // ServiceStatus is an optional, extra field indicating the number of
    // desired and running tasks. It is provided primarily as a shortcut to
    // calculating these values client-side, which otherwise would require
    // listing all tasks for a service, an operation that could be
    // computation and network expensive.
    ServiceStatus *ServiceStatus `json:",omitempty"`

    // JobStatus is the status of a Service which is in one of ReplicatedJob or
    // GlobalJob modes. It is absent on Replicated and Global services.
    JobStatus *JobStatus `json:",omitempty"`

// ServiceSpec represents the spec of a service.
type ServiceSpec struct {

    // TaskTemplate defines how the service should construct new tasks when
    // orchestrating this service.
    TaskTemplate   TaskSpec      `json:",omitempty"`
    Mode           ServiceMode   `json:",omitempty"`
    UpdateConfig   *UpdateConfig `json:",omitempty"`
    RollbackConfig *UpdateConfig `json:",omitempty"`

    // Networks specifies which networks the service should attach to.
    // Deprecated: This field is deprecated since v1.44. The Networks field in TaskSpec should be used instead.
    Networks     []NetworkAttachmentConfig `json:",omitempty"`
    EndpointSpec *EndpointSpec             `json:",omitempty"`

// ServiceMode represents the mode of a service.
type ServiceMode struct {
    Replicated    *ReplicatedService `json:",omitempty"`
    Global        *GlobalService     `json:",omitempty"`
    ReplicatedJob *ReplicatedJob     `json:",omitempty"`
    GlobalJob     *GlobalJob         `json:",omitempty"`

// UpdateState is the state of a service update.
type UpdateState string

const (
    // UpdateStateUpdating is the updating state.
    UpdateStateUpdating UpdateState = "updating"
    // UpdateStatePaused is the paused state.
    UpdateStatePaused UpdateState = "paused"
    // UpdateStateCompleted is the completed state.
    UpdateStateCompleted UpdateState = "completed"
    // UpdateStateRollbackStarted is the state with a rollback in progress.
    UpdateStateRollbackStarted UpdateState = "rollback_started"
    // UpdateStateRollbackPaused is the state with a rollback in progress.
    UpdateStateRollbackPaused UpdateState = "rollback_paused"
    // UpdateStateRollbackCompleted is the state with a rollback in progress.
    UpdateStateRollbackCompleted UpdateState = "rollback_completed"

// UpdateStatus reports the status of a service update.
type UpdateStatus struct {
    State       UpdateState `json:",omitempty"`
    StartedAt   *time.Time  `json:",omitempty"`
    CompletedAt *time.Time  `json:",omitempty"`
    Message     string      `json:",omitempty"`

// ReplicatedService is a kind of ServiceMode.
type ReplicatedService struct {
    Replicas *uint64 `json:",omitempty"`

// GlobalService is a kind of ServiceMode.
type GlobalService struct{}

// ReplicatedJob is the a type of Service which executes a defined Tasks
// in parallel until the specified number of Tasks have succeeded.
type ReplicatedJob struct {
    // MaxConcurrent indicates the maximum number of Tasks that should be
    // executing simultaneously for this job at any given time. There may be
    // fewer Tasks that MaxConcurrent executing simultaneously; for example, if
    // there are fewer than MaxConcurrent tasks needed to reach
    // TotalCompletions.
    // If this field is empty, it will default to a max concurrency of 1.
    MaxConcurrent *uint64 `json:",omitempty"`

    // TotalCompletions is the total number of Tasks desired to run to
    // completion.
    // If this field is empty, the value of MaxConcurrent will be used.
    TotalCompletions *uint64 `json:",omitempty"`

// GlobalJob is the type of a Service which executes a Task on every Node
// matching the Service's placement constraints. These tasks run to completion
// and then exit.
// This type is deliberately empty.
type GlobalJob struct{}

const (
    // UpdateFailureActionPause PAUSE
    UpdateFailureActionPause = "pause"
    // UpdateFailureActionContinue CONTINUE
    UpdateFailureActionContinue = "continue"
    // UpdateFailureActionRollback ROLLBACK
    UpdateFailureActionRollback = "rollback"

    // UpdateOrderStopFirst STOP_FIRST
    UpdateOrderStopFirst = "stop-first"
    // UpdateOrderStartFirst START_FIRST
    UpdateOrderStartFirst = "start-first"

// UpdateConfig represents the update configuration.
type UpdateConfig struct {
    // Maximum number of tasks to be updated in one iteration.
    // 0 means unlimited parallelism.
    Parallelism uint64

    // Amount of time between updates.
    Delay time.Duration `json:",omitempty"`

    // FailureAction is the action to take when an update failures.
    FailureAction string `json:",omitempty"`

    // Monitor indicates how long to monitor a task for failure after it is
    // created. If the task fails by ending up in one of the states
    // REJECTED, COMPLETED, or FAILED, within Monitor from its creation,
    // this counts as a failure. If it fails after Monitor, it does not
    // count as a failure. If Monitor is unspecified, a default value will
    // be used.
    Monitor time.Duration `json:",omitempty"`

    // MaxFailureRatio is the fraction of tasks that may fail during
    // an update before the failure action is invoked. Any task created by
    // the current update which ends up in one of the states REJECTED,
    // COMPLETED or FAILED within Monitor from its creation counts as a
    // failure. The number of failures is divided by the number of tasks
    // being updated, and if this fraction is greater than
    // MaxFailureRatio, the failure action is invoked.
    // If the failure action is CONTINUE, there is no effect.
    // If the failure action is PAUSE, no more tasks will be updated until
    // another update is started.
    MaxFailureRatio float32

    // Order indicates the order of operations when rolling out an updated
    // task. Either the old task is shut down before the new task is
    // started, or the new task is started before the old task is shut down.
    Order string

// ServiceStatus represents the number of running tasks in a service and the
// number of tasks desired to be running.
type ServiceStatus struct {
    // RunningTasks is the number of tasks for the service actually in the
    // Running state
    RunningTasks uint64

    // DesiredTasks is the number of tasks desired to be running by the
    // service. For replicated services, this is the replica count. For global
    // services, this is computed by taking the number of tasks with desired
    // state of not-Shutdown.
    DesiredTasks uint64

    // CompletedTasks is the number of tasks in the state Completed, if this
    // service is in ReplicatedJob or GlobalJob mode. This field must be
    // cross-referenced with the service type, because the default value of 0
    // may mean that a service is not in a job mode, or it may mean that the
    // job has yet to complete any tasks.
    CompletedTasks uint64

// JobStatus is the status of a job-type service.
type JobStatus struct {
    // JobIteration is a value increased each time a Job is executed,
    // successfully or otherwise. "Executed", in this case, means the job as a
    // whole has been started, not that an individual Task has been launched. A
    // job is "Executed" when its ServiceSpec is updated. JobIteration can be
    // used to disambiguate Tasks belonging to different executions of a job.
    // Though JobIteration will increase with each subsequent execution, it may
    // not necessarily increase by 1, and so JobIteration should not be used to
    // keep track of the number of times a job has been executed.
    JobIteration Version

    // LastExecution is the time that the job was last executed, as observed by
    // Swarm manager.
    LastExecution time.Time `json:",omitempty"`