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package system

import (

// Info contains response of Engine API:
// GET "/info"
type Info struct {
    ID                 string
    Containers         int
    ContainersRunning  int
    ContainersPaused   int
    ContainersStopped  int
    Images             int
    Driver             string
    DriverStatus       [][2]string
    SystemStatus       [][2]string `json:",omitempty"` // SystemStatus is only propagated by the Swarm standalone API
    Plugins            PluginsInfo
    MemoryLimit        bool
    SwapLimit          bool
    KernelMemory       bool `json:",omitempty"` // Deprecated: kernel 5.4 deprecated kmem.limit_in_bytes
    KernelMemoryTCP    bool `json:",omitempty"` // KernelMemoryTCP is not supported on cgroups v2.
    CPUCfsPeriod       bool `json:"CpuCfsPeriod"`
    CPUCfsQuota        bool `json:"CpuCfsQuota"`
    CPUShares          bool
    CPUSet             bool
    PidsLimit          bool
    IPv4Forwarding     bool
    BridgeNfIptables   bool
    BridgeNfIP6tables  bool `json:"BridgeNfIp6tables"`
    Debug              bool
    NFd                int
    OomKillDisable     bool
    NGoroutines        int
    SystemTime         string
    LoggingDriver      string
    CgroupDriver       string
    CgroupVersion      string `json:",omitempty"`
    NEventsListener    int
    KernelVersion      string
    OperatingSystem    string
    OSVersion          string
    OSType             string
    Architecture       string
    IndexServerAddress string
    RegistryConfig     *registry.ServiceConfig
    NCPU               int
    MemTotal           int64
    GenericResources   []swarm.GenericResource
    DockerRootDir      string
    HTTPProxy          string `json:"HttpProxy"`
    HTTPSProxy         string `json:"HttpsProxy"`
    NoProxy            string
    Name               string
    Labels             []string
    ExperimentalBuild  bool
    ServerVersion      string
    Runtimes           map[string]RuntimeWithStatus
    DefaultRuntime     string
    Swarm              swarm.Info
    // LiveRestoreEnabled determines whether containers should be kept
    // running when the daemon is shutdown or upon daemon start if
    // running containers are detected
    LiveRestoreEnabled  bool
    Isolation           container.Isolation
    InitBinary          string
    ContainerdCommit    Commit
    RuncCommit          Commit
    InitCommit          Commit
    SecurityOptions     []string
    ProductLicense      string               `json:",omitempty"`
    DefaultAddressPools []NetworkAddressPool `json:",omitempty"`
    CDISpecDirs         []string

    Containerd *ContainerdInfo `json:",omitempty"`

    // Legacy API fields for older API versions.

    // Warnings contains a slice of warnings that occurred  while collecting
    // system information. These warnings are intended to be informational
    // messages for the user, and are not intended to be parsed / used for
    // other purposes, as they do not have a fixed format.
    Warnings []string

// ContainerdInfo holds information about the containerd instance used by the daemon.
type ContainerdInfo struct {
    // Address is the path to the containerd socket.
    Address string `json:",omitempty"`
    // Namespaces is the containerd namespaces used by the daemon.
    Namespaces ContainerdNamespaces

// ContainerdNamespaces reflects the containerd namespaces used by the daemon.
// These namespaces can be configured in the daemon configuration, and are
// considered to be used exclusively by the daemon,
// As these namespaces are considered to be exclusively accessed
// by the daemon, it is not recommended to change these values,
// or to change them to a value that is used by other systems,
// such as cri-containerd.
type ContainerdNamespaces struct {
    // Containers holds the default containerd namespace used for
    // containers managed by the daemon.
    // The default namespace for containers is "moby", but will be
    // suffixed with the `<uid>.<gid>` of the remapped `root` if
    // user-namespaces are enabled and the containerd image-store
    // is used.
    Containers string

    // Plugins holds the default containerd namespace used for
    // plugins managed by the daemon.
    // The default namespace for plugins is "moby", but will be
    // suffixed with the `<uid>.<gid>` of the remapped `root` if
    // user-namespaces are enabled and the containerd image-store
    // is used.
    Plugins string

type legacyFields struct {
    ExecutionDriver string `json:",omitempty"` // Deprecated: deprecated since API v1.25, but returned for older versions.

// PluginsInfo is a temp struct holding Plugins name
// registered with docker daemon. It is used by [Info] struct
type PluginsInfo struct {
    // List of Volume plugins registered
    Volume []string
    // List of Network plugins registered
    Network []string
    // List of Authorization plugins registered
    Authorization []string
    // List of Log plugins registered
    Log []string

// Commit holds the Git-commit (SHA1) that a binary was built from, as reported
// in the version-string of external tools, such as containerd, or runC.
type Commit struct {
    ID       string // ID is the actual commit ID of external tool.
    Expected string // Expected is the commit ID of external tool expected by dockerd as set at build time.

// NetworkAddressPool is a temp struct used by [Info] struct.
type NetworkAddressPool struct {
    Base string
    Size int