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package dockerfile // import ""

import (


var pattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z]:\.$`)

// normalizeWorkdir normalizes a user requested working directory in a
// platform semantically consistent way.
func normalizeWorkdir(platform string, current string, requested string) (string, error) {
    if platform == "" {
        platform = "windows"
    if platform == "windows" {
        return normalizeWorkdirWindows(current, requested)
    return normalizeWorkdirUnix(current, requested)

// normalizeWorkdirUnix normalizes a user requested working directory in a
// platform semantically consistent way.
func normalizeWorkdirUnix(current string, requested string) (string, error) {
    if requested == "" {
        return "", errors.New("cannot normalize nothing")
    current = strings.ReplaceAll(current, string(os.PathSeparator), "/")
    requested = strings.ReplaceAll(requested, string(os.PathSeparator), "/")
    if !path.IsAbs(requested) {
        return path.Join(`/`, current, requested), nil
    return requested, nil

// normalizeWorkdirWindows normalizes a user requested working directory in a
// platform semantically consistent way.
func normalizeWorkdirWindows(current string, requested string) (string, error) {
    if requested == "" {
        return "", errors.New("cannot normalize nothing")

    // `filepath.Clean` will replace "" with "." so skip in that case
    if current != "" {
        current = filepath.Clean(current)
    if requested != "" {
        requested = filepath.Clean(requested)

    // If either current or requested in Windows is:
    // C:
    // C:.
    // then an error will be thrown as the definition for the above
    // refers to `current directory on drive C:`
    // Since filepath.Clean() will automatically normalize the above
    // to `C:.`, we only need to check the last format
    if pattern.MatchString(current) {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("%s is not a directory. If you are specifying a drive letter, please add a trailing '\\'", current)
    if pattern.MatchString(requested) {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("%s is not a directory. If you are specifying a drive letter, please add a trailing '\\'", requested)

    // Target semantics is C:\somefolder, specifically in the format:
    // UPPERCASEDriveLetter-Colon-Backslash-FolderName. We are already
    // guaranteed that `current`, if set, is consistent. This allows us to
    // cope correctly with any of the following in a Dockerfile:
    //    WORKDIR a                       --> C:\a
    //    WORKDIR c:\\foo                 --> C:\foo
    //    WORKDIR \\foo                   --> C:\foo
    //    WORKDIR /foo                    --> C:\foo
    //    WORKDIR c:\\foo \ WORKDIR bar   --> C:\foo --> C:\foo\bar
    //    WORKDIR C:/foo \ WORKDIR bar    --> C:\foo --> C:\foo\bar
    //    WORKDIR C:/foo \ WORKDIR \\bar  --> C:\foo --> C:\bar
    //    WORKDIR /foo \ WORKDIR c:/bar   --> C:\foo --> C:\bar
    if len(current) == 0 || system.IsAbs(requested) {
        if (requested[0] == os.PathSeparator) ||
            (len(requested) > 1 && string(requested[1]) != ":") ||
            (len(requested) == 1) {
            requested = filepath.Join(`C:\`, requested)
    } else {
        requested = filepath.Join(current, requested)
    // Upper-case drive letter
    return (strings.ToUpper(string(requested[0])) + requested[1:]), nil

// resolveCmdLine takes a command line arg set and optionally prepends a platform-specific
// shell in front of it. It returns either an array of arguments and an indication that
// the arguments are not yet escaped; Or, an array containing a single command line element
// along with an indication that the arguments are escaped so the runtime shouldn't escape.
// A better solution could be made, but it would be exceptionally invasive throughout
// many parts of the daemon which are coded assuming Linux args array only only, not taking
// account of Windows-natural command line semantics and it's argv handling. Put another way,
// while what is here is good-enough, it could be improved, but would be highly invasive.
// The commands when this function is called are RUN, ENTRYPOINT and CMD.
func resolveCmdLine(cmd instructions.ShellDependantCmdLine, runConfig *container.Config, os, command, original string) ([]string, bool) {
    // Make sure we return an empty array if there is no cmd.CmdLine
    if len(cmd.CmdLine) == 0 {
        return []string{}, runConfig.ArgsEscaped

    if os == "windows" { // ie WCOW
        if cmd.PrependShell {
            // WCOW shell-form. Return a single-element array containing the original command line prepended with the shell.
            // Also indicate that it has not been escaped (so will be passed through directly to HCS). Note that
            // we go back to the original un-parsed command line in the dockerfile line, strip off both the command part of
            // it (RUN/ENTRYPOINT/CMD), and also strip any leading white space. IOW, we deliberately ignore any prior parsing
            // so as to ensure it is treated exactly as a command line. For those interested, `RUN mkdir "c:/foo"` is a particularly
            // good example of why this is necessary if you fancy debugging how cmd.exe and its builtin mkdir works. (Windows
            // doesn't have a mkdir.exe, and I'm guessing cmd.exe has some very long unavoidable and unchangeable historical
            // design decisions over how both its built-in echo and mkdir are coded. Probably more too.)
            original = original[len(command):]               // Strip off the command
            original = strings.TrimLeft(original, " \t\v\n") // Strip of leading whitespace
            return []string{strings.Join(getShell(runConfig, os), " ") + " " + original}, true

        // WCOW JSON/"exec" form.
        return cmd.CmdLine, false

    // LCOW - use args as an array, same as LCOL.
    if cmd.PrependShell && cmd.CmdLine != nil {
        return append(getShell(runConfig, os), cmd.CmdLine...), false
    return cmd.CmdLine, false