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package dockerfile // import ""

// internals for handling commands. Covers many areas and a lot of
// non-contiguous functionality. Please read the comments.

import (

    networkSettings ""
    ocispec ""

func (b *Builder) getArchiver() *archive.Archiver {
    return chrootarchive.NewArchiver(b.idMapping)

func (b *Builder) commit(ctx context.Context, dispatchState *dispatchState, comment string) error {
    if b.disableCommit {
        return nil
    if !dispatchState.hasFromImage() {
        return errors.New("Please provide a source image with `from` prior to commit")

    runConfigWithCommentCmd := copyRunConfig(dispatchState.runConfig, withCmdComment(comment, dispatchState.operatingSystem))
    id, err := b.probeAndCreate(ctx, dispatchState, runConfigWithCommentCmd)
    if err != nil || id == "" {
        return err

    return b.commitContainer(ctx, dispatchState, id, runConfigWithCommentCmd)

func (b *Builder) commitContainer(ctx context.Context, dispatchState *dispatchState, id string, containerConfig *container.Config) error {
    if b.disableCommit {
        return nil

    commitCfg := backend.CommitConfig{
        Author: dispatchState.maintainer,
        // TODO: this copy should be done by Commit()
        Config:          copyRunConfig(dispatchState.runConfig),
        ContainerConfig: containerConfig,
        ContainerID:     id,

    imageID, err := b.docker.CommitBuildStep(ctx, commitCfg)
    dispatchState.imageID = string(imageID)
    return err

func (b *Builder) exportImage(ctx context.Context, state *dispatchState, layer builder.RWLayer, parent builder.Image, runConfig *container.Config) error {
    newLayer, err := layer.Commit()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    parentImage, ok := parent.(*image.Image)
    if !ok {
        return errors.Errorf("unexpected image type")

    platform := &ocispec.Platform{
        OS:           parentImage.OS,
        Architecture: parentImage.Architecture,
        Variant:      parentImage.Variant,

    // add an image mount without an image so the layer is properly unmounted
    // if there is an error before we can add the full mount with image
    b.imageSources.Add(newImageMount(nil, newLayer), platform)

    newImage := image.NewChildImage(parentImage, image.ChildConfig{
        Author:          state.maintainer,
        ContainerConfig: runConfig,
        DiffID:          newLayer.DiffID(),
        Config:          copyRunConfig(state.runConfig),
    }, parentImage.OS)

    // TODO: it seems strange to marshal this here instead of just passing in the
    // image struct
    config, err := newImage.MarshalJSON()
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to encode image config")

    // when writing the new image's manifest, we now need to pass in the new layer's digest.
    // before the containerd store work this was unnecessary since we get the layer id
    // from the image's RootFS ChainID -- see:
    // however, with the containerd store we can't do this. An alternative implementation here
    // without changing the signature would be to get the layer digest by walking the content store
    // and filtering the objects to find the layer with the DiffID we want, but that has performance
    // implications that should be called out/investigated
    exportedImage, err := b.docker.CreateImage(ctx, config, state.imageID, newLayer.ContentStoreDigest())
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to export image")

    state.imageID = exportedImage.ImageID()
    b.imageSources.Add(newImageMount(exportedImage, newLayer), platform)
    return nil

func (b *Builder) performCopy(ctx context.Context, req dispatchRequest, inst copyInstruction) error {
    state := req.state
    srcHash := getSourceHashFromInfos(inst.infos)

    var chownComment string
    if inst.chownStr != "" {
        chownComment = fmt.Sprintf("--chown=%s ", inst.chownStr)
    commentStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s%s in %s ", inst.cmdName, chownComment, srcHash, inst.dest)

    // TODO: should this have been using origPaths instead of srcHash in the comment?
    runConfigWithCommentCmd := copyRunConfig(state.runConfig, withCmdCommentString(commentStr, state.operatingSystem))
    hit, err := b.probeCache(state, runConfigWithCommentCmd)
    if err != nil || hit {
        return err

    imgMount, err := b.imageSources.Get(ctx, state.imageID, true, req.builder.platform)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get destination image %q", state.imageID)

    rwLayer, err := imgMount.NewRWLayer()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer rwLayer.Release()

    destInfo, err := createDestInfo(state.runConfig.WorkingDir, inst, rwLayer)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    identity := b.idMapping.RootPair()
    // if a chown was requested, perform the steps to get the uid, gid
    // translated (if necessary because of user namespaces), and replace
    // the root pair with the chown pair for copy operations
    if inst.chownStr != "" {
        identity, err = parseChownFlag(ctx, b, state, inst.chownStr, destInfo.root, b.idMapping)
        if err != nil {
            if b.options.Platform != "windows" {
                return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to convert uid/gid chown string to host mapping")

            return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to map container user account name to SID")

    for _, info := range inst.infos {
        opts := copyFileOptions{
            decompress: inst.allowLocalDecompression,
            archiver:   b.getArchiver(),
        if !inst.preserveOwnership {
            opts.identity = &identity
        if err := performCopyForInfo(destInfo, info, opts); err != nil {
            return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to copy files")
    return b.exportImage(ctx, state, rwLayer, imgMount.Image(), runConfigWithCommentCmd)

func createDestInfo(workingDir string, inst copyInstruction, rwLayer builder.RWLayer) (copyInfo, error) {
    // Twiddle the destination when it's a relative path - meaning, make it
    // relative to the WORKINGDIR
    dest, err := normalizeDest(workingDir, inst.dest)
    if err != nil {
        return copyInfo{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid %s", inst.cmdName)

    return copyInfo{root: rwLayer.Root(), path: dest}, nil

// For backwards compat, if there's just one info then use it as the
// cache look-up string, otherwise hash 'em all into one
func getSourceHashFromInfos(infos []copyInfo) string {
    if len(infos) == 1 {
        return infos[0].hash
    var hashs []string
    for _, info := range infos {
        hashs = append(hashs, info.hash)
    return hashStringSlice("multi", hashs)

func hashStringSlice(prefix string, slice []string) string {
    hasher := sha256.New()
    hasher.Write([]byte(strings.Join(slice, ",")))
    return prefix + ":" + hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))

type runConfigModifier func(*container.Config)

func withCmd(cmd []string) runConfigModifier {
    return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
        runConfig.Cmd = cmd

func withArgsEscaped(argsEscaped bool) runConfigModifier {
    return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
        runConfig.ArgsEscaped = argsEscaped

// withCmdComment sets Cmd to a nop comment string. See withCmdCommentString for
// why there are two almost identical versions of this.
func withCmdComment(comment string, platform string) runConfigModifier {
    return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
        runConfig.Cmd = append(getShell(runConfig, platform), "#(nop) ", comment)

// withCmdCommentString exists to maintain compatibility with older versions.
// A few instructions (workdir, copy, add) used a nop comment that is a single arg
// where as all the other instructions used a two arg comment string. This
// function implements the single arg version.
func withCmdCommentString(comment string, platform string) runConfigModifier {
    return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
        runConfig.Cmd = append(getShell(runConfig, platform), "#(nop) "+comment)

func withEnv(env []string) runConfigModifier {
    return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
        runConfig.Env = env

// withEntrypointOverride sets an entrypoint on runConfig if the command is
// not empty. The entrypoint is left unmodified if command is empty.
// The dockerfile RUN instruction expect to run without an entrypoint
// so the runConfig entrypoint needs to be modified accordingly. ContainerCreate
// will change a []string{""} entrypoint to nil, so we probe the cache with the
// nil entrypoint.
func withEntrypointOverride(cmd []string, entrypoint []string) runConfigModifier {
    return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
        if len(cmd) > 0 {
            runConfig.Entrypoint = entrypoint

// withoutHealthcheck disables healthcheck.
// The dockerfile RUN instruction expect to run without healthcheck
// so the runConfig Healthcheck needs to be disabled.
func withoutHealthcheck() runConfigModifier {
    return func(runConfig *container.Config) {
        runConfig.Healthcheck = &container.HealthConfig{
            Test: []string{"NONE"},

func copyRunConfig(runConfig *container.Config, modifiers ...runConfigModifier) *container.Config {
    cfgCopy := *runConfig
    cfgCopy.Cmd = copyStringSlice(runConfig.Cmd)
    cfgCopy.Env = copyStringSlice(runConfig.Env)
    cfgCopy.Entrypoint = copyStringSlice(runConfig.Entrypoint)
    cfgCopy.OnBuild = copyStringSlice(runConfig.OnBuild)
    cfgCopy.Shell = copyStringSlice(runConfig.Shell)

    if cfgCopy.Volumes != nil {
        cfgCopy.Volumes = make(map[string]struct{}, len(runConfig.Volumes))
        for k, v := range runConfig.Volumes {
            cfgCopy.Volumes[k] = v

    if cfgCopy.ExposedPorts != nil {
        cfgCopy.ExposedPorts = make(nat.PortSet, len(runConfig.ExposedPorts))
        for k, v := range runConfig.ExposedPorts {
            cfgCopy.ExposedPorts[k] = v

    if cfgCopy.Labels != nil {
        cfgCopy.Labels = make(map[string]string, len(runConfig.Labels))
        for k, v := range runConfig.Labels {
            cfgCopy.Labels[k] = v

    for _, modifier := range modifiers {
    return &cfgCopy

func copyStringSlice(orig []string) []string {
    if orig == nil {
        return nil
    return append([]string{}, orig...)

// getShell is a helper function which gets the right shell for prefixing the
// shell-form of RUN, ENTRYPOINT and CMD instructions
func getShell(c *container.Config, os string) []string {
    if 0 == len(c.Shell) {
        return append([]string{}, defaultShellForOS(os)[:]...)
    return append([]string{}, c.Shell[:]...)

func (b *Builder) probeCache(dispatchState *dispatchState, runConfig *container.Config) (bool, error) {
    cachedID, err := b.imageProber.Probe(dispatchState.imageID, runConfig, b.getPlatform(dispatchState))
    if cachedID == "" || err != nil {
        return false, err
    _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(b.Stdout, " ---> Using cache")

    dispatchState.imageID = cachedID
    return true, nil

var defaultLogConfig = container.LogConfig{Type: "none"}

func (b *Builder) probeAndCreate(ctx context.Context, dispatchState *dispatchState, runConfig *container.Config) (string, error) {
    if hit, err := b.probeCache(dispatchState, runConfig); err != nil || hit {
        return "", err
    return b.create(ctx, runConfig)

func (b *Builder) create(ctx context.Context, runConfig *container.Config) (string, error) {
    log.G(ctx).Debugf("[BUILDER] Command to be executed: %v", runConfig.Cmd)

    hostConfig := hostConfigFromOptions(b.options)
    ctr, err := b.containerManager.Create(ctx, runConfig, hostConfig)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    for _, warning := range ctr.Warnings {
        _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(b.Stdout, " ---> [Warning] %s\n", warning)
    _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(b.Stdout, " ---> Running in %s\n", stringid.TruncateID(ctr.ID))
    return ctr.ID, nil

func hostConfigFromOptions(options *types.ImageBuildOptions) *container.HostConfig {
    resources := container.Resources{
        CgroupParent: options.CgroupParent,
        CPUShares:    options.CPUShares,
        CPUPeriod:    options.CPUPeriod,
        CPUQuota:     options.CPUQuota,
        CpusetCpus:   options.CPUSetCPUs,
        CpusetMems:   options.CPUSetMems,
        Memory:       options.Memory,
        MemorySwap:   options.MemorySwap,
        Ulimits:      options.Ulimits,

    // We need to make sure no empty string or "default" NetworkMode is
    // provided to the daemon as it doesn't support them.
    // This is in line with what the ContainerCreate API endpoint does.
    networkMode := options.NetworkMode
    if networkMode == "" || networkMode == network.NetworkDefault {
        networkMode = networkSettings.DefaultNetwork

    hc := &container.HostConfig{
        SecurityOpt: options.SecurityOpt,
        Isolation:   options.Isolation,
        ShmSize:     options.ShmSize,
        Resources:   resources,
        NetworkMode: container.NetworkMode(networkMode),
        // Set a log config to override any default value set on the daemon
        LogConfig:  defaultLogConfig,
        ExtraHosts: options.ExtraHosts,
    return hc

func (b *Builder) getPlatform(state *dispatchState) ocispec.Platform {
    // May be nil if not explicitly set in API/dockerfile
    out := platforms.DefaultSpec()
    if b.platform != nil {
        out = *b.platform

    if state.operatingSystem != "" {
        out.OS = state.operatingSystem

    return out