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package main

import (

    containerddefaults ""
    apiserver ""
    buildbackend ""
    checkpointrouter ""
    distributionrouter ""
    grpcrouter ""
    pluginrouter ""
    sessionrouter ""
    swarmrouter ""
    systemrouter ""
    buildkit ""
    dopts ""
    swarmapi ""
    sdktrace ""

// daemonCLI represents the daemon CLI.
type daemonCLI struct {
    configFile *string
    flags      *pflag.FlagSet

    d               *daemon.Daemon
    authzMiddleware *authorization.Middleware // authzMiddleware enables to dynamically reload the authorization plugins

    stopOnce     sync.Once
    apiShutdown  chan struct{}
    apiTLSConfig *tls.Config

// newDaemonCLI returns a daemon CLI with the given options.
func newDaemonCLI(opts *daemonOptions) (*daemonCLI, error) {
    cfg, err := loadDaemonCliConfig(opts)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    tlsConfig, err := newAPIServerTLSConfig(cfg)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &daemonCLI{
        Config:       cfg,
        configFile:   &opts.configFile,
        flags:        opts.flags,
        apiShutdown:  make(chan struct{}),
        apiTLSConfig: tlsConfig,
    }, nil

func (cli *daemonCLI) start(ctx context.Context) (err error) {

    log.G(ctx).Info("Starting up")

    if cli.Config.Debug {

    if cli.Config.Experimental {
        log.G(ctx).Warn("Running experimental build")

    if cli.Config.IsRootless() {
        log.G(ctx).Warn("Running in rootless mode. This mode has feature limitations.")
    if rootless.RunningWithRootlessKit() {
        log.G(ctx).Info("Running with RootlessKit integration")
        if !cli.Config.IsRootless() {
            return fmt.Errorf("rootless mode needs to be enabled for running with RootlessKit")

    // return human-friendly error before creating files
    if runtime.GOOS == "linux" && os.Geteuid() != 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("dockerd needs to be started with root privileges. To run dockerd in rootless mode as an unprivileged user, see")

    if err := setDefaultUmask(); err != nil {
        return err

    // Create the daemon root before we create ANY other files (PID, or migrate keys)
    // to ensure the appropriate ACL is set (particularly relevant on Windows)
    if err := daemon.CreateDaemonRoot(cli.Config); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := system.MkdirAll(cli.Config.ExecRoot, 0o700); err != nil {
        return err

    potentiallyUnderRuntimeDir := []string{cli.Config.ExecRoot}

    if cli.Pidfile != "" {
        if err = system.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(cli.Pidfile), 0o755); err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create pidfile directory")
        if err = pidfile.Write(cli.Pidfile, os.Getpid()); err != nil {
            return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to start daemon, ensure docker is not running or delete %s", cli.Pidfile)
        potentiallyUnderRuntimeDir = append(potentiallyUnderRuntimeDir, cli.Pidfile)
        defer func() {
            if err := os.Remove(cli.Pidfile); err != nil {

    if cli.Config.IsRootless() {
        // Set sticky bit if XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set && the file is actually under XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
        if _, err := homedir.StickRuntimeDirContents(potentiallyUnderRuntimeDir); err != nil {
            // StickRuntimeDirContents returns nil error if XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is just unset
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Warn("cannot set sticky bit on files under XDG_RUNTIME_DIR")

    lss, hosts, err := loadListeners(cli.Config, cli.apiTLSConfig)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to load listeners")

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    waitForContainerDShutdown, err := cli.initContainerd(ctx)
    if waitForContainerDShutdown != nil {
        defer waitForContainerDShutdown(10 * time.Second)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer cancel()

    httpServer := &http.Server{
        ReadHeaderTimeout: 5 * time.Minute, // "G112: Potential Slowloris Attack (gosec)"; not a real concern for our use, so setting a long timeout.
    apiShutdownCtx, apiShutdownCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    apiShutdownDone := make(chan struct{})
    go func() {
        // Block until cli.stop() has been called.
        // It may have already been called, and that's okay.
        // Any httpServer.Serve() calls made after
        // httpServer.Shutdown() will return immediately,
        // which is what we want.
        err := httpServer.Shutdown(apiShutdownCtx)
        if err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("Error shutting down http server")
    defer func() {
        select {
        case <-cli.apiShutdown:
            // cli.stop() has been called and the daemon has completed
            // shutting down. Give the HTTP server a little more time to
            // finish handling any outstanding requests if needed.
            tmr := time.AfterFunc(5*time.Second, apiShutdownCancel)
            defer tmr.Stop()
            // cli.start() has returned without cli.stop() being called,
            // e.g. because the daemon failed to start.
            // Stop the HTTP server with no grace period.
            if closeErr := httpServer.Close(); closeErr != nil {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(closeErr).Error("Error closing http server")

    // Notify that the API is active, but before daemon is set up.

    const otelServiceNameEnv = "OTEL_SERVICE_NAME"
    if _, ok := os.LookupEnv(otelServiceNameEnv); !ok {
        os.Setenv(otelServiceNameEnv, filepath.Base(os.Args[0]))

    otel.SetTextMapPropagator(propagation.NewCompositeTextMapPropagator(propagation.TraceContext{}, propagation.Baggage{}))

    // Initialize the trace recorder for buildkit.
    detect.Recorder = detect.NewTraceRecorder()

    tp := newTracerProvider(ctx)

    pluginStore := plugin.NewStore()

    var apiServer apiserver.Server
    cli.authzMiddleware, err = initMiddlewares(ctx, &apiServer, cli.Config, pluginStore)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to start API server")

    d, err := daemon.NewDaemon(ctx, cli.Config, pluginStore, cli.authzMiddleware)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to start daemon")


    // validate after NewDaemon has restored enabled plugins. Don't change order.
    if err := validateAuthzPlugins(cli.Config.AuthorizationPlugins, pluginStore); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to validate authorization plugin")

    // Note that CDI is not inherently linux-specific, there are some linux-specific assumptions / implementations in the code that
    // queries the properties of device on the host as well as performs the injection of device nodes and their access permissions into the OCI spec.
    // In order to lift this restriction the following would have to be addressed:
    // - Support needs to be added to the cdi package for injecting Windows devices:
    // - The DeviceRequests API must be extended to non-linux platforms.
    if runtime.GOOS == "linux" && cli.Config.Features["cdi"] {

    cli.d = d

    if err := startMetricsServer(cli.Config.MetricsAddress); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to start metrics server")

    c, err := createAndStartCluster(cli, d)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).Fatalf("Error starting cluster component: %v", err)

    // Restart all autostart containers which has a swarm endpoint
    // and is not yet running now that we have successfully
    // initialized the cluster.

    log.G(ctx).Info("Daemon has completed initialization")

    routerCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
    defer cancel()

    // Get a the current daemon config, because the daemon sets up config
    // during initialization. We cannot user the cli.Config for that reason,
    // as that only holds the config that was set by the user.
    // FIXME(thaJeztah): better separate runtime and config data?
    daemonCfg := d.Config()
    routerOpts, err := newRouterOptions(routerCtx, &daemonCfg, d, c)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    httpServer.Handler = apiServer.CreateMux(routerOpts.Build()...)

    go d.ProcessClusterNotifications(ctx, c.GetWatchStream())


    // after the daemon is done setting up we can notify systemd api

    // Daemon is fully initialized. Start handling API traffic
    // and wait for serve API to complete.
    var (
        apiWG  sync.WaitGroup
        errAPI = make(chan error, 1)
    for _, ls := range lss {
        go func(ls net.Listener) {
            defer apiWG.Done()
            log.G(ctx).Infof("API listen on %s", ls.Addr())
            if err := httpServer.Serve(ls); err != http.ErrServerClosed {
                    "error":    err,
                    "listener": ls.Addr(),
                }).Error("ServeAPI error")

                select {
                case errAPI <- err:


    // notify systemd that we're shutting down
    shutdownDaemon(ctx, d)

    if err := routerOpts.buildkit.Close(); err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("Failed to close buildkit")

    // Stop notification processing and any background processes

    if err, ok := <-errAPI; ok {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "shutting down due to ServeAPI error")

    if err := tp.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("Failed to shutdown OTEL tracing")

    log.G(ctx).Info("Daemon shutdown complete")
    return nil

// The buildkit "detect" package uses grpc as the default proto, which is in conformance with the old spec.
// For a little while now http/protobuf is the default spec, so this function sets the protocol to http/protobuf when the env var is unset
// so that the detect package will use http/protobuf as a default.
// TODO: This can be removed after buildkit is updated to use http/protobuf as the default.
func setOTLPProtoDefault() {
    const (
        protoEnv   = "OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL"

        defaultProto = "http/protobuf"

    if os.Getenv(protoEnv) == "" {
        if os.Getenv(tracesEnv) == "" {
            os.Setenv(tracesEnv, defaultProto)
        if os.Getenv(metricsEnv) == "" {
            os.Setenv(metricsEnv, defaultProto)

func newTracerProvider(ctx context.Context) *sdktrace.TracerProvider {
    opts := []sdktrace.TracerProviderOption{

    if exp, err := detect.NewSpanExporter(ctx); err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Warn("Failed to initialize tracing, skipping")
    } else if !detect.IsNoneSpanExporter(exp) {
        opts = append(opts, sdktrace.WithBatcher(exp))
    return sdktrace.NewTracerProvider(opts...)

type routerOptions struct {
    sessionManager *session.Manager
    buildBackend   *buildbackend.Backend
    features       func() map[string]bool
    buildkit       *buildkit.Builder
    daemon         *daemon.Daemon
    cluster        *cluster.Cluster

func newRouterOptions(ctx context.Context, config *config.Config, d *daemon.Daemon, c *cluster.Cluster) (routerOptions, error) {
    sm, err := session.NewManager()
    if err != nil {
        return routerOptions{}, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create sessionmanager")

    manager, err := dockerfile.NewBuildManager(d.BuilderBackend(), d.IdentityMapping())
    if err != nil {
        return routerOptions{}, err
    cgroupParent := newCgroupParent(config)

    bk, err := buildkit.New(ctx, buildkit.Opt{
        SessionManager:      sm,
        Root:                filepath.Join(config.Root, "buildkit"),
        EngineID:            d.ID(),
        Dist:                d.DistributionServices(),
        ImageTagger:         d.ImageService(),
        NetworkController:   d.NetworkController(),
        DefaultCgroupParent: cgroupParent,
        RegistryHosts:       d.RegistryHosts,
        BuilderConfig:       config.Builder,
        Rootless:            daemon.Rootless(config),
        IdentityMapping:     d.IdentityMapping(),
        DNSConfig:           config.DNSConfig,
        ApparmorProfile:     daemon.DefaultApparmorProfile(),
        UseSnapshotter:      d.UsesSnapshotter(),
        Snapshotter:         d.ImageService().StorageDriver(),
        ContainerdAddress:   config.ContainerdAddr,
        ContainerdNamespace: config.ContainerdNamespace,
        Callbacks: exporter.BuildkitCallbacks{
            Exported: d.ImageExportedByBuildkit,
            Named:    d.ImageNamedByBuildkit,
    if err != nil {
        return routerOptions{}, err

    bb, err := buildbackend.NewBackend(d.ImageService(), manager, bk, d.EventsService)
    if err != nil {
        return routerOptions{}, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create buildmanager")

    return routerOptions{
        sessionManager: sm,
        buildBackend:   bb,
        features:       d.Features,
        buildkit:       bk,
        daemon:         d,
        cluster:        c,
    }, nil

func (cli *daemonCLI) reloadConfig() {
    ctx := context.TODO()
    reload := func(c *config.Config) {
        if err := validateAuthzPlugins(c.AuthorizationPlugins, cli.d.PluginStore); err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).Fatalf("Error validating authorization plugin: %v", err)

        if err := cli.d.Reload(c); err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).Errorf("Error reconfiguring the daemon: %v", err)

        // Apply our own configuration only after the daemon reload has succeeded. We
        // don't want to partially apply the config if the daemon is unhappy with it.


        if c.IsValueSet("debug") {
            debugEnabled := debug.IsEnabled()
            switch {
            case debugEnabled && !c.Debug: // disable debug
            case c.Debug && !debugEnabled: // enable debug

    if err := config.Reload(*cli.configFile, cli.flags, reload); err != nil {

func (cli *daemonCLI) stop() {
    // Signal that the API server should shut down as soon as possible.
    // This construct is used rather than directly shutting down the HTTP
    // server to avoid any issues if this method is called before the server
    // has been instantiated in cli.start(). If this method is called first,
    // the HTTP server will be shut down immediately upon instantiation.
    cli.stopOnce.Do(func() {

// shutdownDaemon just wraps daemon.Shutdown() to handle a timeout in case
// d.Shutdown() is waiting too long to kill container or worst it's
// blocked there
func shutdownDaemon(ctx context.Context, d *daemon.Daemon) {
    var cancel context.CancelFunc
    if timeout := d.ShutdownTimeout(); timeout >= 0 {
        ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Duration(timeout)*time.Second)
    } else {
        ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)

    go func() {
        defer cancel()

    if errors.Is(ctx.Err(), context.DeadlineExceeded) {
        log.G(ctx).Error("Force shutdown daemon")
    } else {
        log.G(ctx).Debug("Clean shutdown succeeded")

func loadDaemonCliConfig(opts *daemonOptions) (*config.Config, error) {
    if !opts.flags.Parsed() {
        return nil, errors.New(`cannot load CLI config before flags are parsed`)

    conf := opts.daemonConfig
    flags := opts.flags
    conf.Debug = opts.Debug
    conf.Hosts = opts.Hosts
    conf.LogLevel = opts.LogLevel
    conf.LogFormat = log.OutputFormat(opts.LogFormat)

    // The DOCKER_MIN_API_VERSION env-var allows overriding the minimum API
    // version provided by the daemon within constraints of the minimum and
    // maximum (current) supported API versions.
    // API versions older than [config.defaultMinAPIVersion] are deprecated and
    // to be removed in a future release. The "DOCKER_MIN_API_VERSION" env-var
    // should only be used for exceptional cases.
    if ver := os.Getenv("DOCKER_MIN_API_VERSION"); ver != "" {
        if err := config.ValidateMinAPIVersion(ver); err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "invalid DOCKER_MIN_API_VERSION")
        conf.MinAPIVersion = ver

    if flags.Changed(FlagTLS) {
        conf.TLS = &opts.TLS
    if flags.Changed(FlagTLSVerify) {
        conf.TLSVerify = &opts.TLSVerify
        v := true
        conf.TLS = &v

    if opts.TLSOptions != nil {
        conf.TLSOptions = config.TLSOptions{
            CAFile:   opts.TLSOptions.CAFile,
            CertFile: opts.TLSOptions.CertFile,
            KeyFile:  opts.TLSOptions.KeyFile,
    } else {
        conf.TLSOptions = config.TLSOptions{}

    if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && opts.configFile == "" {
        // On Windows, the location of the config-file is relative to the
        // daemon's data-root, which is configurable, so we cannot use a
        // fixed default location. Instead, we set the location here.
        // FIXME(thaJeztah): find a better default on Windows that does not depend on "daemon.json" or the --data-root option.
        opts.configFile = filepath.Join(conf.Root, "config", "daemon.json")

    if opts.configFile != "" {
        c, err := config.MergeDaemonConfigurations(conf, flags, opts.configFile)
        if err != nil {
            if flags.Changed("config-file") || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
                return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to configure the Docker daemon with file %s", opts.configFile)

        // the merged configuration can be nil if the config file didn't exist.
        // leave the current configuration as it is if when that happens.
        if c != nil {
            conf = c

    if err := normalizeHosts(conf); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if err := config.Validate(conf); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Check if duplicate label-keys with different values are found
    newLabels, err := config.GetConflictFreeLabels(conf.Labels)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    conf.Labels = newLabels

    // Regardless of whether the user sets it to true or false, if they
    // specify TLSVerify at all then we need to turn on TLS
    if conf.IsValueSet(FlagTLSVerify) {
        v := true
        conf.TLS = &v

    if conf.TLSVerify == nil && conf.TLS != nil {
        conf.TLSVerify = conf.TLS

    err = validateCPURealtimeOptions(conf)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if conf.CDISpecDirs == nil {
        // If the CDISpecDirs is not set at this stage, we set it to the default.
        conf.CDISpecDirs = append([]string(nil), cdi.DefaultSpecDirs...)
    } else if len(conf.CDISpecDirs) == 1 && conf.CDISpecDirs[0] == "" {
        // If CDISpecDirs is set to an empty string, we clear it to ensure that CDI is disabled.
        conf.CDISpecDirs = nil
    if !conf.Features["cdi"] {
        // If the CDI feature is not enabled, we clear the CDISpecDirs to ensure that CDI is disabled.
        conf.CDISpecDirs = nil

    if err := setPlatformOptions(conf); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return conf, nil

// normalizeHosts normalizes the configured config.Hosts and remove duplicates.
// It returns an error if it fails to parse a host.
func normalizeHosts(config *config.Config) error {
    if len(config.Hosts) == 0 {
        // if no hosts are configured, create a single entry slice, so that the
        // default is used.
        // TODO(thaJeztah) implement a cleaner way for this; this depends on a
        //                 side-effect of how we parse empty/partial hosts.
        config.Hosts = make([]string, 1)
    hosts := make([]string, 0, len(config.Hosts))
    seen := make(map[string]struct{}, len(config.Hosts))

    useTLS := DefaultTLSValue
    if config.TLS != nil {
        useTLS = *config.TLS

    for _, h := range config.Hosts {
        host, err := dopts.ParseHost(useTLS, honorXDG, h)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if _, ok := seen[host]; ok {
        seen[host] = struct{}{}
        hosts = append(hosts, host)
    config.Hosts = hosts
    return nil

func (opts routerOptions) Build() []router.Router {
    decoder := runconfig.ContainerDecoder{
        GetSysInfo: func() *sysinfo.SysInfo {
            return opts.daemon.RawSysInfo()

    routers := []router.Router{
        // we need to add the checkpoint router before the container router or the DELETE gets masked
        checkpointrouter.NewRouter(opts.daemon, decoder),
        container.NewRouter(opts.daemon, decoder, opts.daemon.RawSysInfo().CgroupUnified),
        systemrouter.NewRouter(opts.daemon, opts.cluster, opts.buildkit, opts.daemon.Features),
        volume.NewRouter(opts.daemon.VolumesService(), opts.cluster),
        build.NewRouter(opts.buildBackend, opts.daemon),

    if opts.buildBackend != nil {
        routers = append(routers, grpcrouter.NewRouter(opts.buildBackend))

    if opts.daemon.NetworkControllerEnabled() {
        routers = append(routers, network.NewRouter(opts.daemon, opts.cluster))

    if opts.daemon.HasExperimental() {
        for _, r := range routers {
            for _, route := range r.Routes() {
                if experimental, ok := route.(router.ExperimentalRoute); ok {

    return routers

func initMiddlewares(_ context.Context, s *apiserver.Server, cfg *config.Config, pluginStore plugingetter.PluginGetter) (*authorization.Middleware, error) {
    exp := middleware.NewExperimentalMiddleware(cfg.Experimental)

    vm, err := middleware.NewVersionMiddleware(dockerversion.Version, api.DefaultVersion, cfg.MinAPIVersion)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    authzMiddleware := authorization.NewMiddleware(cfg.AuthorizationPlugins, pluginStore)
    return authzMiddleware, nil

func (cli *daemonCLI) getContainerdDaemonOpts() ([]supervisor.DaemonOpt, error) {
    var opts []supervisor.DaemonOpt
    if cli.Debug {
        opts = append(opts, supervisor.WithLogLevel("debug"))
    } else {
        opts = append(opts, supervisor.WithLogLevel(cli.LogLevel))

    if logFormat := cli.Config.LogFormat; logFormat != "" {
        opts = append(opts, supervisor.WithLogFormat(logFormat))

    if !cli.CriContainerd {
        // CRI support in the managed daemon is currently opt-in.
        // It's disabled by default, originally because it was listening on
        // a TCP connection at, which was considered a security
        // risk, and could conflict with user's container ports.
        // Current versions of containerd started now listen on localhost on
        // an ephemeral port instead, but could still conflict with container
        // ports, and running kubernetes using the static binaries is not a
        // common scenario, so we (for now) continue disabling it by default.
        // Also see
        opts = append(opts, supervisor.WithCRIDisabled())

    return opts, nil

func newAPIServerTLSConfig(config *config.Config) (*tls.Config, error) {
    var tlsConfig *tls.Config
    if config.TLS != nil && *config.TLS {
        var (
            clientAuth tls.ClientAuthType
            err        error
        if config.TLSVerify == nil || *config.TLSVerify {
            // server requires and verifies client's certificate
            clientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
        tlsConfig, err = tlsconfig.Server(tlsconfig.Options{
            CAFile:             config.TLSOptions.CAFile,
            CertFile:           config.TLSOptions.CertFile,
            KeyFile:            config.TLSOptions.KeyFile,
            ExclusiveRootPools: true,
            ClientAuth:         clientAuth,
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "invalid TLS configuration")

    return tlsConfig, nil

// checkTLSAuthOK checks basically for an explicitly disabled TLS/TLSVerify
// Going forward we do not want to support a scenario where dockerd listens
// on TCP without either TLS client auth (or an explicit opt-in to disable it)
func checkTLSAuthOK(c *config.Config) bool {
    if c.TLS == nil {
        // Either TLS is enabled by default, in which case TLS verification should be enabled by default, or explicitly disabled
        // Or TLS is disabled by default... in any of these cases, we can just take the default value as to how to proceed
        return DefaultTLSValue

    if !*c.TLS {
        // TLS is explicitly disabled, which is supported
        return true

    if c.TLSVerify == nil {
        // this actually shouldn't happen since we set TLSVerify on the config object anyway
        // But in case it does get here, be cautious and assume this is not supported.
        return false

    // Either TLSVerify is explicitly enabled or disabled, both cases are supported
    return true

func loadListeners(cfg *config.Config, tlsConfig *tls.Config) ([]net.Listener, []string, error) {
    ctx := context.TODO()

    if len(cfg.Hosts) == 0 {
        return nil, nil, errors.New("no hosts configured")
    var (
        hosts []string
        lss   []net.Listener

    for i := 0; i < len(cfg.Hosts); i++ {
        protoAddr := cfg.Hosts[i]
        proto, addr, ok := strings.Cut(protoAddr, "://")
        if !ok {
            return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("bad format %s, expected PROTO://ADDR", protoAddr)

        // It's a bad idea to bind to TCP without tlsverify.
        authEnabled := tlsConfig != nil && tlsConfig.ClientAuth == tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
        if proto == "tcp" && !authEnabled {
            log.G(ctx).WithField("host", protoAddr).Warn("Binding to IP address without --tlsverify is insecure and gives root access on this machine to everyone who has access to your network.")
            log.G(ctx).WithField("host", protoAddr).Warn("Binding to an IP address, even on localhost, can also give access to scripts run in a browser. Be safe out there!")
            log.G(ctx).WithField("host", protoAddr).Warn("[DEPRECATION NOTICE] In future versions this will be a hard failure preventing the daemon from starting! Learn more at:")

            // If TLSVerify is explicitly set to false we'll take that as "Please let me shoot myself in the foot"
            // We do not want to continue to support a default mode where tls verification is disabled, so we do some extra warnings here and eventually remove support
            if !checkTLSAuthOK(cfg) {
                ipAddr, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error parsing tcp address")

                // shortcut all this extra stuff for literal "localhost"
                // -H supports specifying hostnames, since we want to bypass this on loopback interfaces we'll look it up here.
                if ipAddr != "localhost" {
                    ip := net.ParseIP(ipAddr)
                    if ip == nil {
                        ipA, err := net.ResolveIPAddr("ip", ipAddr)
                        if err != nil {
                            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).WithField("host", ipAddr).Error("Error looking up specified host address")
                        if ipA != nil {
                            ip = ipA.IP
                    if ip == nil || !ip.IsLoopback() {
                        log.G(ctx).WithField("host", protoAddr).Warn("Binding to an IP address without --tlsverify is deprecated. Startup is intentionally being slowed down to show this message")
                        log.G(ctx).WithField("host", protoAddr).Warn("Please consider generating tls certificates with client validation to prevent exposing unauthenticated root access to your network")
                        log.G(ctx).WithField("host", protoAddr).Warnf("You can override this by explicitly specifying '--%s=false' or '--%s=false'", FlagTLS, FlagTLSVerify)
                        log.G(ctx).WithField("host", protoAddr).Warnf("Support for listening on TCP without authentication or explicit intent to run without authentication will be removed in the next release")

                        time.Sleep(15 * time.Second)
        // If we're binding to a TCP port, make sure that a container doesn't try to use it.
        if proto == "tcp" {
            if err := allocateDaemonPort(addr); err != nil {
                return nil, nil, err
        ls, err := listeners.Init(proto, addr, cfg.SocketGroup, tlsConfig)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
        log.G(ctx).Debugf("Listener created for HTTP on %s (%s)", proto, addr)
        hosts = append(hosts, addr)
        lss = append(lss, ls...)

    return lss, hosts, nil

func createAndStartCluster(cli *daemonCLI, d *daemon.Daemon) (*cluster.Cluster, error) {
    name, _ := os.Hostname()

    // Use a buffered channel to pass changes from store watch API to daemon
    // A buffer allows store watch API and daemon processing to not wait for each other
    watchStream := make(chan *swarmapi.WatchMessage, 32)

    c, err := cluster.New(cluster.Config{
        Root:                   cli.Config.Root,
        Name:                   name,
        Backend:                d,
        VolumeBackend:          d.VolumesService(),
        ImageBackend:           d.ImageBackend(),
        PluginBackend:          d.PluginManager(),
        NetworkSubnetsProvider: d,
        DefaultAdvertiseAddr:   cli.Config.SwarmDefaultAdvertiseAddr,
        RaftHeartbeatTick:      cli.Config.SwarmRaftHeartbeatTick,
        RaftElectionTick:       cli.Config.SwarmRaftElectionTick,
        RuntimeRoot:            cli.getSwarmRunRoot(),
        WatchStream:            watchStream,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    err = c.Start()

    return c, err

// validates that the plugins requested with the --authorization-plugin flag are valid AuthzDriver
// plugins present on the host and available to the daemon
func validateAuthzPlugins(requestedPlugins []string, pg plugingetter.PluginGetter) error {
    for _, reqPlugin := range requestedPlugins {
        if _, err := pg.Get(reqPlugin, authorization.AuthZApiImplements, plugingetter.Lookup); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

func systemContainerdRunning(honorXDG bool) (string, bool, error) {
    addr := containerddefaults.DefaultAddress
    if honorXDG {
        runtimeDir, err := homedir.GetRuntimeDir()
        if err != nil {
            return "", false, err
        addr = filepath.Join(runtimeDir, "containerd", "containerd.sock")
    _, err := os.Lstat(addr)
    return addr, err == nil, nil

// configureDaemonLogs sets the logging level and formatting. It expects
// the passed configuration to already be validated, and ignores invalid options.
func configureDaemonLogs(conf *config.Config) {
    switch conf.LogFormat {
    case log.JSONFormat:
        if err := log.SetFormat(log.JSONFormat); err != nil {
    case log.TextFormat, "":
        if err := log.SetFormat(log.TextFormat); err != nil {
        if conf.RawLogs {
            // FIXME(thaJeztah): this needs a better solution: containerd doesn't allow disabling colors, and this code is depending on internal knowledge of "log.SetFormat"
            if l, ok := log.L.Logger.Formatter.(*logrus.TextFormatter); ok {
                l.DisableColors = true
        panic("unsupported log format " + conf.LogFormat)

    logLevel := conf.LogLevel
    if logLevel == "" {
        logLevel = "info"
    if err := log.SetLevel(logLevel); err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Warn("configure log level")

func configureProxyEnv(conf *config.Config) {
    if p := conf.HTTPProxy; p != "" {
        overrideProxyEnv("HTTP_PROXY", p)
        overrideProxyEnv("http_proxy", p)
    if p := conf.HTTPSProxy; p != "" {
        overrideProxyEnv("HTTPS_PROXY", p)
        overrideProxyEnv("https_proxy", p)
    if p := conf.NoProxy; p != "" {
        overrideProxyEnv("NO_PROXY", p)
        overrideProxyEnv("no_proxy", p)

func overrideProxyEnv(name, val string) {
    if oldVal := os.Getenv(name); oldVal != "" && oldVal != val {
            "name":      name,
            "old-value": config.MaskCredentials(oldVal),
            "new-value": config.MaskCredentials(val),
        }).Warn("overriding existing proxy variable with value from configuration")
    _ = os.Setenv(name, val)