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package main

import (


const (
    // DefaultCaFile is the default filename for the CA pem file
    DefaultCaFile = "ca.pem"
    // DefaultKeyFile is the default filename for the key pem file
    DefaultKeyFile = "key.pem"
    // DefaultCertFile is the default filename for the cert pem file
    DefaultCertFile = "cert.pem"
    // FlagTLSVerify is the flag name for the TLS verification option
    FlagTLSVerify = "tlsverify"
    // FlagTLS is the flag name for the TLS option
    FlagTLS = "tls"
    // DefaultTLSValue is the default value used for setting the tls option for tcp connections
    DefaultTLSValue = false

var (
    // The configDir (and "DOCKER_CONFIG" environment variable) is now only used
    // for the default location for TLS certificates to secure the daemon API.
    // It is a leftover from when the "docker" and "dockerd" CLI shared the
    // same binary, allowing the DOCKER_CONFIG environment variable to set
    // the location for certificates to be used by both.
    // We need to change this, as there's various issues:
    //   - DOCKER_CONFIG only affects TLS certificates, but does not change the
    //     location for the actual *daemon configuration* (which defaults to
    //     "/etc/docker/daemon.json").
    //   - If no value is set, configDir uses "~/.docker/" as default, but does
    //     not take $XDG_CONFIG_HOME into account (it uses pkg/homedir.Get, which
    //     is not XDG_CONFIG_HOME-aware).
    //   - Using the home directory can be problematic in cases where the CLI and
    //     daemon actually live on the same host; if DOCKER_CONFIG is set to set
    //     the "docker" CLI configuration path (and if the daemon shares that
    //     environment variable, e.g. "sudo -E dockerd"), the daemon may create
    //     the "~/.docker/" directory, but now the directory may be owned by "root".
    // We should:
    //   - deprecate DOCKER_CONFIG for the daemon
    //   - decide where the TLS certs should live by default ("/etc/docker/"?)
    //   - look at "when" (and when _not_) XDG_CONFIG_HOME should be used. Its
    //     needed for rootless, but perhaps could be used for non-rootless(?)
    //   - When changing  the location for TLS config, (ideally) they should
    //     live in a directory separate from "non-sensitive" (configuration-)
    //     files, so that general configuration can be shared (dotfiles repo
    //     etc) separate from "sensitive" config (TLS certificates).
    // TODO(thaJeztah): deprecate DOCKER_CONFIG and re-design daemon config locations. See
    configDir       = os.Getenv("DOCKER_CONFIG")
    configFileDir   = ".docker"
    dockerCertPath  = os.Getenv("DOCKER_CERT_PATH")
    dockerTLSVerify = os.Getenv("DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY") != ""

type daemonOptions struct {
    configFile   string
    daemonConfig *config.Config
    flags        *pflag.FlagSet
    Debug        bool
    Hosts        []string
    LogLevel     string
    LogFormat    string
    TLS          bool
    TLSVerify    bool
    TLSOptions   *tlsconfig.Options
    Validate     bool

// defaultCertPath uses $DOCKER_CONFIG or ~/.docker, and does not look up
// $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. See the comment on configDir above for further details.
func defaultCertPath() string {
    if configDir == "" {
        // Set the default path if DOCKER_CONFIG is not set.
        configDir = filepath.Join(homedir.Get(), configFileDir)
    return configDir

// newDaemonOptions returns a new daemonFlags
func newDaemonOptions(config *config.Config) *daemonOptions {
    return &daemonOptions{
        daemonConfig: config,
        configFile:   getDefaultDaemonConfigFile(),

// installFlags adds flags for the common options on the FlagSet
func (o *daemonOptions) installFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
    if dockerCertPath == "" {
        dockerCertPath = defaultCertPath()

    flags.BoolVarP(&o.Debug, "debug", "D", false, "Enable debug mode")
    flags.BoolVar(&o.Validate, "validate", false, "Validate daemon configuration and exit")
    flags.StringVarP(&o.LogLevel, "log-level", "l", "info", `Set the logging level ("debug"|"info"|"warn"|"error"|"fatal")`)
    flags.StringVar(&o.LogFormat, "log-format", string(log.TextFormat), fmt.Sprintf(`Set the logging format ("%s"|"%s")`, log.TextFormat, log.JSONFormat))
    flags.BoolVar(&o.TLS, FlagTLS, DefaultTLSValue, "Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify")
    flags.BoolVar(&o.TLSVerify, FlagTLSVerify, dockerTLSVerify || DefaultTLSValue, "Use TLS and verify the remote")

    // TODO(thaJeztah): set default TLSOptions in config.New()
    o.TLSOptions = &tlsconfig.Options{}
    tlsOptions := o.TLSOptions
    flags.StringVar(&tlsOptions.CAFile, "tlscacert", filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, DefaultCaFile), "Trust certs signed only by this CA")
    flags.StringVar(&tlsOptions.CertFile, "tlscert", filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, DefaultCertFile), "Path to TLS certificate file")
    flags.StringVar(&tlsOptions.KeyFile, "tlskey", filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, DefaultKeyFile), "Path to TLS key file")

    hostOpt := opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("hosts", &o.Hosts, opts.ValidateHost)
    flags.VarP(hostOpt, "host", "H", "Daemon socket(s) to connect to")

// setDefaultOptions sets default values for options after flag parsing is
// complete
func (o *daemonOptions) setDefaultOptions() {
    // Regardless of whether the user sets it to true or false, if they
    // specify --tlsverify at all then we need to turn on TLS
    // TLSVerify can be true even if not set due to DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY env var, so we need
    // to check that here as well
    if o.flags.Changed(FlagTLSVerify) || o.TLSVerify {
        o.TLS = true

    if o.TLS && !o.flags.Changed(FlagTLSVerify) {
        // Enable tls verification unless explicitly disabled
        o.TLSVerify = true

    if !o.TLS {
        o.TLSOptions = nil
    } else {
        o.TLSOptions.InsecureSkipVerify = !o.TLSVerify

        // Reset CertFile and KeyFile to empty string if the user did not specify
        // the respective flags and the respective default files were not found.
        if !o.flags.Changed("tlscert") {
            if _, err := os.Stat(o.TLSOptions.CertFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
                o.TLSOptions.CertFile = ""
        if !o.flags.Changed("tlskey") {
            if _, err := os.Stat(o.TLSOptions.KeyFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
                o.TLSOptions.KeyFile = ""