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Test Coverage
package images // import ""

import (

    cerrdefs ""
    ocispec ""

// ErrImageDoesNotExist is error returned when no image can be found for a reference.
type ErrImageDoesNotExist struct {
    Ref reference.Reference

func (e ErrImageDoesNotExist) Error() string {
    ref := e.Ref
    if named, ok := ref.(reference.Named); ok {
        ref = reference.TagNameOnly(named)
    return fmt.Sprintf("No such image: %s", reference.FamiliarString(ref))

// NotFound implements the NotFound interface
func (e ErrImageDoesNotExist) NotFound() {}

type manifestList struct {
    Manifests []ocispec.Descriptor `json:"manifests"`

type manifest struct {
    Config ocispec.Descriptor `json:"config"`

func (i *ImageService) PrepareSnapshot(ctx context.Context, id string, parentImage string, platform *ocispec.Platform, setupInit func(string) error) error {
    // Only makes sense when containerd image store is used
    panic("not implemented")

func (i *ImageService) manifestMatchesPlatform(ctx context.Context, img *image.Image, platform ocispec.Platform) (bool, error) {
    ls, err := i.leases.ListResources(ctx, leases.Lease{ID: imageKey(img.ID().String())})
    if err != nil {
        if cerrdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
            return false, nil
            "error":           err,
            "image":           img.ID,
            "desiredPlatform": platforms.Format(platform),
        }).Error("Error looking up image leases")
        return false, err

    // Note we are comparing against manifest lists here, which we expect to always have a CPU variant set (where applicable).
    // So there is no need for the fallback matcher here.
    comparer := platforms.Only(platform)

    var (
        ml manifestList
        m  manifest

    makeRdr := func(ra content.ReaderAt) io.Reader {
        return io.LimitReader(io.NewSectionReader(ra, 0, ra.Size()), 1e6)

    for _, r := range ls {
        logger := log.G(ctx).WithFields(log.Fields{
            "image":           img.ID,
            "desiredPlatform": platforms.Format(platform),
            "resourceID":      r.ID,
            "resourceType":    r.Type,
        logger.Debug("Checking lease resource for platform match")
        if r.Type != "content" {

        ra, err := i.content.ReaderAt(ctx, ocispec.Descriptor{Digest: digest.Digest(r.ID)})
        if err != nil {
            if cerrdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
            logger.WithError(err).Error("Error looking up referenced manifest list for image")

        data, err := io.ReadAll(makeRdr(ra))

        if err != nil {
            logger.WithError(err).Error("Error reading manifest list for image")

        ml.Manifests = nil

        if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &ml); err != nil {
            logger.WithError(err).Error("Error unmarshalling content")

        for _, md := range ml.Manifests {
            switch md.MediaType {
            case ocispec.MediaTypeImageManifest, images.MediaTypeDockerSchema2Manifest:

            p := ocispec.Platform{
                Architecture: md.Platform.Architecture,
                OS:           md.Platform.OS,
                Variant:      md.Platform.Variant,
            if !comparer.Match(p) {
                logger.WithField("otherPlatform", platforms.Format(p)).Debug("Manifest is not a match")

            // Here we have a platform match for the referenced manifest, let's make sure the manifest is actually for the image config we are using.

            ra, err := i.content.ReaderAt(ctx, ocispec.Descriptor{Digest: md.Digest})
            if err != nil {
                logger.WithField("otherDigest", md.Digest).WithError(err).Error("Could not get reader for manifest")

            data, err := io.ReadAll(makeRdr(ra))
            if err != nil {
                logger.WithError(err).Error("Error reading manifest for image")

            if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &m); err != nil {
                logger.WithError(err).Error("Error desserializing manifest")

            if m.Config.Digest == img.ID().Digest() {
                logger.WithField("manifestDigest", md.Digest).Debug("Found matching manifest for image")
                return true, nil

            logger.WithField("otherDigest", md.Digest).Debug("Skipping non-matching manifest")

    return false, nil

// GetImage returns an image corresponding to the image referred to by refOrID.
func (i *ImageService) GetImage(ctx context.Context, refOrID string, options backend.GetImageOpts) (*image.Image, error) {
    img, err := i.getImage(ctx, refOrID, options)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if options.Details {
        var size int64
        var layerMetadata map[string]string
        layerID := img.RootFS.ChainID()
        if layerID != "" {
            l, err := i.layerStore.Get(layerID)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            defer layer.ReleaseAndLog(i.layerStore, l)
            size = l.Size()
            layerMetadata, err = l.Metadata()
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

        lastUpdated, err := i.imageStore.GetLastUpdated(img.ID())
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        img.Details = &image.Details{
            References:  i.referenceStore.References(img.ID().Digest()),
            Size:        size,
            Metadata:    layerMetadata,
            Driver:      i.layerStore.DriverName(),
            LastUpdated: lastUpdated,
    return img, nil

func (i *ImageService) GetImageManifest(ctx context.Context, refOrID string, options backend.GetImageOpts) (*ocispec.Descriptor, error) {
    panic("not implemented")

func (i *ImageService) getImage(ctx context.Context, refOrID string, options backend.GetImageOpts) (retImg *image.Image, retErr error) {
    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil || retImg == nil || options.Platform == nil {

        imgPlat := ocispec.Platform{
            OS:           retImg.OS,
            Architecture: retImg.Architecture,
            Variant:      retImg.Variant,
        p := *options.Platform
        // Note that `platforms.Only` will fuzzy match this for us
        // For example: an armv6 image will run just fine on an armv7 CPU, without emulation or anything.
        if OnlyPlatformWithFallback(p).Match(imgPlat) {
        // In some cases the image config can actually be wrong (e.g. classic `docker build` may not handle `--platform` correctly)
        // So we'll look up the manifest list that corresponds to this image to check if at least the manifest list says it is the correct image.
        var matches bool
        matches, retErr = i.manifestMatchesPlatform(ctx, retImg, p)
        if matches || retErr != nil {

        // This allows us to tell clients that we don't have the image they asked for
        // Where this gets hairy is the image store does not currently support multi-arch images, e.g.:
        //   An image `foo` may have a multi-arch manifest, but the image store only fetches the image for a specific platform
        //   The image store does not store the manifest list and image tags are assigned to architecture specific images.
        //   So we can have a `foo` image that is amd64 but the user requested armv7. If the user looks at the list of images.
        //   This may be confusing.
        //   The alternative to this is to return an errdefs.Conflict error with a helpful message, but clients will not be
        //   able to automatically tell what causes the conflict.
        retErr = errdefs.NotFound(errors.Errorf("image with reference %s was found but does not match the specified platform: wanted %s, actual: %s", refOrID, platforms.Format(p), platforms.Format(imgPlat)))
    ref, err := reference.ParseAnyReference(refOrID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errdefs.InvalidParameter(err)
    namedRef, ok := ref.(reference.Named)
    if !ok {
        digested, ok := ref.(reference.Digested)
        if !ok {
            return nil, ErrImageDoesNotExist{Ref: ref}
        if img, err := i.imageStore.Get(image.ID(digested.Digest())); err == nil {
            return img, nil
        return nil, ErrImageDoesNotExist{Ref: ref}

    if dgst, err := i.referenceStore.Get(namedRef); err == nil {
        // Search the image stores to get the operating system, defaulting to host OS.
        if img, err := i.imageStore.Get(image.ID(dgst)); err == nil {
            return img, nil

    // Search based on ID
    if id, err := i.imageStore.Search(refOrID); err == nil {
        img, err := i.imageStore.Get(id)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, ErrImageDoesNotExist{Ref: ref}
        return img, nil

    return nil, ErrImageDoesNotExist{Ref: ref}

// OnlyPlatformWithFallback uses `platforms.Only` with a fallback to handle the case where the platform
// being matched does not have a CPU variant.
// The reason for this is that CPU variant is not even if the official image config spec as of this writing.
// See:
// Since Docker tends to compare platforms from the image config, we need to handle this case.
func OnlyPlatformWithFallback(p ocispec.Platform) platforms.Matcher {
    return &onlyFallbackMatcher{only: platforms.Only(p), p: platforms.Normalize(p)}

type onlyFallbackMatcher struct {
    only platforms.Matcher
    p    ocispec.Platform

func (m *onlyFallbackMatcher) Match(other ocispec.Platform) bool {
    if m.only.Match(other) {
        // It matches, no reason to fallback
        return true
    if other.Variant != "" {
        // If there is a variant then this fallback does not apply, and there is no match
        return false
    otherN := platforms.Normalize(other)
    otherN.Variant = "" // normalization adds a default variant... which is the whole problem with `platforms.Only`

    return m.p.OS == otherN.OS &&
        m.p.Architecture == otherN.Architecture