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// Package awslogs provides the logdriver for forwarding container logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs
package awslogs // import ""

import (

    smithymiddleware ""
    smithyhttp ""

const (
    name                   = "awslogs"
    regionKey              = "awslogs-region"
    endpointKey            = "awslogs-endpoint"
    regionEnvKey           = "AWS_REGION"
    logGroupKey            = "awslogs-group"
    logStreamKey           = "awslogs-stream"
    logCreateGroupKey      = "awslogs-create-group"
    logCreateStreamKey     = "awslogs-create-stream"
    tagKey                 = "tag"
    datetimeFormatKey      = "awslogs-datetime-format"
    multilinePatternKey    = "awslogs-multiline-pattern"
    credentialsEndpointKey = "awslogs-credentials-endpoint" //nolint:gosec // G101: Potential hardcoded credentials
    forceFlushIntervalKey  = "awslogs-force-flush-interval-seconds"
    maxBufferedEventsKey   = "awslogs-max-buffered-events"
    logFormatKey           = "awslogs-format"

    defaultForceFlushInterval = 5 * time.Second
    defaultMaxBufferedEvents  = 4096

    // See:
    perEventBytes          = 26
    maximumBytesPerPut     = 1048576
    maximumLogEventsPerPut = 10000

    // See:
    // Because the events are interpreted as UTF-8 encoded Unicode, invalid UTF-8 byte sequences are replaced with the
    // Unicode replacement character (U+FFFD), which is a 3-byte sequence in UTF-8.  To compensate for that and to avoid
    // splitting valid UTF-8 characters into invalid byte sequences, we calculate the length of each event assuming that
    // this replacement happens.
    maximumBytesPerEvent = 262144 - perEventBytes

    credentialsEndpoint = "" //nolint:gosec // G101: Potential hardcoded credentials

    // See:
    logsFormatHeader = "x-amzn-logs-format"
    jsonEmfLogFormat = "json/emf"

type logStream struct {
    logStreamName      string
    logGroupName       string
    logCreateGroup     bool
    logCreateStream    bool
    forceFlushInterval time.Duration
    multilinePattern   *regexp.Regexp
    client             api
    messages           chan *logger.Message
    lock               sync.RWMutex
    closed             bool
    sequenceToken      *string

type logStreamConfig struct {
    logStreamName      string
    logGroupName       string
    logCreateGroup     bool
    logCreateStream    bool
    forceFlushInterval time.Duration
    maxBufferedEvents  int
    multilinePattern   *regexp.Regexp

var _ logger.SizedLogger = &logStream{}

type api interface {
    CreateLogGroup(context.Context, *cloudwatchlogs.CreateLogGroupInput, ...func(*cloudwatchlogs.Options)) (*cloudwatchlogs.CreateLogGroupOutput, error)
    CreateLogStream(context.Context, *cloudwatchlogs.CreateLogStreamInput, ...func(*cloudwatchlogs.Options)) (*cloudwatchlogs.CreateLogStreamOutput, error)
    PutLogEvents(context.Context, *cloudwatchlogs.PutLogEventsInput, ...func(*cloudwatchlogs.Options)) (*cloudwatchlogs.PutLogEventsOutput, error)

type regionFinder interface {
    GetRegion(context.Context, *imds.GetRegionInput, ...func(*imds.Options)) (*imds.GetRegionOutput, error)

type wrappedEvent struct {
    inputLogEvent types.InputLogEvent
    insertOrder   int
type byTimestamp []wrappedEvent

// init registers the awslogs driver
func init() {
    if err := logger.RegisterLogDriver(name, New); err != nil {
    if err := logger.RegisterLogOptValidator(name, ValidateLogOpt); err != nil {

// eventBatch holds the events that are batched for submission and the
// associated data about it.
// Warning: this type is not threadsafe and must not be used
// concurrently. This type is expected to be consumed in a single go
// routine and never concurrently.
type eventBatch struct {
    batch []wrappedEvent
    bytes int

// New creates an awslogs logger using the configuration passed in on the
// context.  Supported context configuration variables are awslogs-region,
// awslogs-endpoint, awslogs-group, awslogs-stream, awslogs-create-group,
// awslogs-multiline-pattern and awslogs-datetime-format.
// When available, configuration is also taken from environment variables
// file (~/.aws/credentials), and the EC2 Instance Metadata Service.
func New(info logger.Info) (logger.Logger, error) {
    containerStreamConfig, err := newStreamConfig(info)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    client, err := newAWSLogsClient(info)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    logNonBlocking := info.Config["mode"] == "non-blocking"

    containerStream := &logStream{
        logStreamName:      containerStreamConfig.logStreamName,
        logGroupName:       containerStreamConfig.logGroupName,
        logCreateGroup:     containerStreamConfig.logCreateGroup,
        logCreateStream:    containerStreamConfig.logCreateStream,
        forceFlushInterval: containerStreamConfig.forceFlushInterval,
        multilinePattern:   containerStreamConfig.multilinePattern,
        client:             client,
        messages:           make(chan *logger.Message, containerStreamConfig.maxBufferedEvents),

    creationDone := make(chan bool)
    if logNonBlocking {
        go func() {
            backoff := 1
            maxBackoff := 32
            for {
                // If logger is closed we are done
                if containerStream.closed {
                err := containerStream.create()
                if err == nil {

                time.Sleep(time.Duration(backoff) * time.Second)
                if backoff < maxBackoff {
                    backoff *= 2
                    WithField("container-id", info.ContainerID).
                    WithField("container-name", info.ContainerName).
                    Error("Error while trying to initialize awslogs. Retrying in: ", backoff, " seconds")
    } else {
        if err = containerStream.create(); err != nil {
            return nil, err
    go containerStream.collectBatch(creationDone)

    return containerStream, nil

// Parses most of the awslogs- options and prepares a config object to be used for newing the actual stream
// It has been formed out to ease Utest of the New above
func newStreamConfig(info logger.Info) (*logStreamConfig, error) {
    logGroupName := info.Config[logGroupKey]
    logStreamName, err := loggerutils.ParseLogTag(info, "{{.FullID}}")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    logCreateGroup := false
    if info.Config[logCreateGroupKey] != "" {
        logCreateGroup, err = strconv.ParseBool(info.Config[logCreateGroupKey])
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    forceFlushInterval := defaultForceFlushInterval
    if info.Config[forceFlushIntervalKey] != "" {
        forceFlushIntervalAsInt, err := strconv.Atoi(info.Config[forceFlushIntervalKey])
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        forceFlushInterval = time.Duration(forceFlushIntervalAsInt) * time.Second

    maxBufferedEvents := int(defaultMaxBufferedEvents)
    if info.Config[maxBufferedEventsKey] != "" {
        maxBufferedEvents, err = strconv.Atoi(info.Config[maxBufferedEventsKey])
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    if info.Config[logStreamKey] != "" {
        logStreamName = info.Config[logStreamKey]
    logCreateStream := true
    if info.Config[logCreateStreamKey] != "" {
        logCreateStream, err = strconv.ParseBool(info.Config[logCreateStreamKey])
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    multilinePattern, err := parseMultilineOptions(info)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    containerStreamConfig := &logStreamConfig{
        logStreamName:      logStreamName,
        logGroupName:       logGroupName,
        logCreateGroup:     logCreateGroup,
        logCreateStream:    logCreateStream,
        forceFlushInterval: forceFlushInterval,
        maxBufferedEvents:  maxBufferedEvents,
        multilinePattern:   multilinePattern,

    return containerStreamConfig, nil

// Parses awslogs-multiline-pattern and awslogs-datetime-format options
// If awslogs-datetime-format is present, convert the format from strftime
// to regexp and return.
// If awslogs-multiline-pattern is present, compile regexp and return
func parseMultilineOptions(info logger.Info) (*regexp.Regexp, error) {
    dateTimeFormat := info.Config[datetimeFormatKey]
    multilinePatternKey := info.Config[multilinePatternKey]
    // strftime input is parsed into a regular expression
    if dateTimeFormat != "" {
        // %. matches each strftime format sequence and ReplaceAllStringFunc
        // looks up each format sequence in the conversion table strftimeToRegex
        // to replace with a defined regular expression
        r := regexp.MustCompile("%.")
        multilinePatternKey = r.ReplaceAllStringFunc(dateTimeFormat, func(s string) string {
            return strftimeToRegex[s]
    if multilinePatternKey != "" {
        multilinePattern, err := regexp.Compile(multilinePatternKey)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "awslogs could not parse multiline pattern key %q", multilinePatternKey)
        return multilinePattern, nil
    return nil, nil

// Maps strftime format strings to regex
var strftimeToRegex = map[string]string{
    /*weekdayShort          */ `%a`: `(?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)`,
    /*weekdayFull           */ `%A`: `(?:Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday)`,
    /*weekdayZeroIndex      */ `%w`: `[0-6]`,
    /*dayZeroPadded         */ `%d`: `(?:0[1-9]|[1,2][0-9]|3[0,1])`,
    /*monthShort            */ `%b`: `(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)`,
    /*monthFull             */ `%B`: `(?:January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December)`,
    /*monthZeroPadded       */ `%m`: `(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])`,
    /*yearCentury           */ `%Y`: `\d{4}`,
    /*yearZeroPadded        */ `%y`: `\d{2}`,
    /*hour24ZeroPadded      */ `%H`: `(?:[0,1][0-9]|2[0-3])`,
    /*hour12ZeroPadded      */ `%I`: `(?:0[0-9]|1[0-2])`,
    /*AM or PM              */ `%p`: "[A,P]M",
    /*minuteZeroPadded      */ `%M`: `[0-5][0-9]`,
    /*secondZeroPadded      */ `%S`: `[0-5][0-9]`,
    /*microsecondZeroPadded */ `%f`: `\d{6}`,
    /*utcOffset             */ `%z`: `[+-]\d{4}`,
    /*tzName                */ `%Z`: `[A-Z]{1,4}T`,
    /*dayOfYearZeroPadded   */ `%j`: `(?:0[0-9][1-9]|[1,2][0-9][0-9]|3[0-5][0-9]|36[0-6])`,
    /*milliseconds          */ `%L`: `\.\d{3}`,

// newRegionFinder is a variable such that the implementation
// can be swapped out for unit tests.
var newRegionFinder = func(ctx context.Context) (regionFinder, error) {
    cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(ctx) // default config, because we don't yet know the region
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    client := imds.NewFromConfig(cfg)
    return client, nil

// newSDKEndpoint is a variable such that the implementation
// can be swapped out for unit tests.
var newSDKEndpoint = credentialsEndpoint

// newAWSLogsClient creates the service client for Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
// Customizations to the default client from the SDK include a Docker-specific
// User-Agent string and automatic region detection using the EC2 Instance
// Metadata Service when region is otherwise unspecified.
func newAWSLogsClient(info logger.Info, configOpts ...func(*config.LoadOptions) error) (*cloudwatchlogs.Client, error) {
    ctx := context.TODO()
    var region, endpoint *string
    if os.Getenv(regionEnvKey) != "" {
        region = aws.String(os.Getenv(regionEnvKey))
    if info.Config[regionKey] != "" {
        region = aws.String(info.Config[regionKey])
    if info.Config[endpointKey] != "" {
        endpoint = aws.String(info.Config[endpointKey])
    if region == nil || *region == "" {
        log.G(ctx).Info("Trying to get region from IMDS")
        regFinder, err := newRegionFinder(context.TODO())
        if err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("could not create regionFinder")
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not create regionFinder")

        r, err := regFinder.GetRegion(context.TODO(), &imds.GetRegionInput{})
        if err != nil {
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("Could not get region from IMDS, environment, or log option")
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot determine region for awslogs driver")
        region = &r.Region

    configOpts = append(configOpts, config.WithRegion(*region))

    if uri, ok := info.Config[credentialsEndpointKey]; ok {
        log.G(ctx).Debugf("Trying to get credentials from awslogs-credentials-endpoint")

        endpoint := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", newSDKEndpoint, uri)
        configOpts = append(configOpts, config.WithCredentialsProvider(endpointcreds.New(endpoint)))

    cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO(), configOpts...)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("Could not initialize AWS SDK config")
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not initialize AWS SDK config")

        "region": *region,
    }).Debug("Created awslogs client")

    var clientOpts []func(*cloudwatchlogs.Options)

    if info.Config[logFormatKey] != "" {
        logFormatMiddleware := smithymiddleware.BuildMiddlewareFunc("logFormat", func(
            ctx context.Context, in smithymiddleware.BuildInput, next smithymiddleware.BuildHandler,
        ) (
            out smithymiddleware.BuildOutput, metadata smithymiddleware.Metadata, err error,
        ) {
            switch v := in.Request.(type) {
            case *smithyhttp.Request:
                v.Header.Add(logsFormatHeader, jsonEmfLogFormat)
            return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in)
        clientOpts = append(
            cloudwatchlogs.WithAPIOptions(func(stack *smithymiddleware.Stack) error {
                return stack.Build.Add(logFormatMiddleware, smithymiddleware.Before)

    clientOpts = append(
        cloudwatchlogs.WithAPIOptions(middleware.AddUserAgentKeyValue("Docker", dockerversion.Version)),
        func(o *cloudwatchlogs.Options) {
            o.BaseEndpoint = endpoint

    client := cloudwatchlogs.NewFromConfig(cfg, clientOpts...)

    return client, nil

// Name returns the name of the awslogs logging driver
func (l *logStream) Name() string {
    return name

// BufSize returns the maximum bytes CloudWatch can handle.
func (l *logStream) BufSize() int {
    return maximumBytesPerEvent

// Log submits messages for logging by an instance of the awslogs logging driver
func (l *logStream) Log(msg *logger.Message) error {
    defer l.lock.RUnlock()
    if l.closed {
        return errors.New("awslogs is closed")
    l.messages <- msg
    return nil

// Close closes the instance of the awslogs logging driver
func (l *logStream) Close() error {
    defer l.lock.Unlock()
    if !l.closed {
    l.closed = true
    return nil

// create creates log group and log stream for the instance of the awslogs logging driver
func (l *logStream) create() error {
    err := l.createLogStream()
    if err == nil {
        return nil

    var apiErr *types.ResourceNotFoundException
    if errors.As(err, &apiErr) && l.logCreateGroup {
        if err := l.createLogGroup(); err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create Cloudwatch log group")
        err = l.createLogStream()
        if err == nil {
            return nil
    return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create Cloudwatch log stream")

// createLogGroup creates a log group for the instance of the awslogs logging driver
func (l *logStream) createLogGroup() error {
    if _, err := l.client.CreateLogGroup(context.TODO(), &cloudwatchlogs.CreateLogGroupInput{
        LogGroupName: aws.String(l.logGroupName),
    }); err != nil {
        var apiErr smithy.APIError
        if errors.As(err, &apiErr) {
            fields := log.Fields{
                "errorCode":      apiErr.ErrorCode(),
                "message":        apiErr.ErrorMessage(),
                "logGroupName":   l.logGroupName,
                "logCreateGroup": l.logCreateGroup,
            if _, ok := apiErr.(*types.ResourceAlreadyExistsException); ok {
                // Allow creation to succeed
                log.G(context.TODO()).WithFields(fields).Info("Log group already exists")
                return nil
            log.G(context.TODO()).WithFields(fields).Error("Failed to create log group")
        return err
    return nil

// createLogStream creates a log stream for the instance of the awslogs logging driver
func (l *logStream) createLogStream() error {
    // Directly return if we do not want to create log stream.
    if !l.logCreateStream {
            "logGroupName":    l.logGroupName,
            "logStreamName":   l.logStreamName,
            "logCreateStream": l.logCreateStream,
        }).Info("Skipping creating log stream")
        return nil

    input := &cloudwatchlogs.CreateLogStreamInput{
        LogGroupName:  aws.String(l.logGroupName),
        LogStreamName: aws.String(l.logStreamName),

    _, err := l.client.CreateLogStream(context.TODO(), input)
    if err != nil {
        var apiErr smithy.APIError
        if errors.As(err, &apiErr) {
            fields := log.Fields{
                "errorCode":     apiErr.ErrorCode(),
                "message":       apiErr.ErrorMessage(),
                "logGroupName":  l.logGroupName,
                "logStreamName": l.logStreamName,
            if _, ok := apiErr.(*types.ResourceAlreadyExistsException); ok {
                // Allow creation to succeed
                log.G(context.TODO()).WithFields(fields).Info("Log stream already exists")
                return nil
            log.G(context.TODO()).WithFields(fields).Error("Failed to create log stream")
    return err

// newTicker is used for time-based batching.  newTicker is a variable such
// that the implementation can be swapped out for unit tests.
var newTicker = func(freq time.Duration) *time.Ticker {
    return time.NewTicker(freq)

// collectBatch executes as a goroutine to perform batching of log events for
// submission to the log stream.  If the awslogs-multiline-pattern or
// awslogs-datetime-format options have been configured, multiline processing
// is enabled, where log messages are stored in an event buffer until a multiline
// pattern match is found, at which point the messages in the event buffer are
// pushed to CloudWatch logs as a single log event.  Multiline messages are processed
// according to the maximumBytesPerPut constraint, and the implementation only
// allows for messages to be buffered for a maximum of 2*l.forceFlushInterval
// seconds.  If no forceFlushInterval is specified for the log stream, then the default
// of 5 seconds will be used resulting in a maximum of 10 seconds buffer time for multiline
// messages. When events are ready to be processed for submission to CloudWatch
// Logs, the processEvents method is called.  If a multiline pattern is not
// configured, log events are submitted to the processEvents method immediately.
func (l *logStream) collectBatch(created chan bool) {
    // Wait for the logstream/group to be created
    flushInterval := l.forceFlushInterval
    if flushInterval <= 0 {
        flushInterval = defaultForceFlushInterval
    ticker := newTicker(flushInterval)
    var eventBuffer []byte
    var eventBufferTimestamp int64
    batch := newEventBatch()
    for {
        select {
        case t := <-ticker.C:
            // If event buffer is older than batch publish frequency flush the event buffer
            if eventBufferTimestamp > 0 && len(eventBuffer) > 0 {
                eventBufferAge := t.UnixNano()/int64(time.Millisecond) - eventBufferTimestamp
                eventBufferExpired := eventBufferAge >= int64(flushInterval)/int64(time.Millisecond)
                eventBufferNegative := eventBufferAge < 0
                if eventBufferExpired || eventBufferNegative {
                    l.processEvent(batch, eventBuffer, eventBufferTimestamp)
                    eventBuffer = eventBuffer[:0]
        case msg, more := <-l.messages:
            if !more {
                // Flush event buffer and release resources
                l.processEvent(batch, eventBuffer, eventBufferTimestamp)
            if eventBufferTimestamp == 0 {
                eventBufferTimestamp = msg.Timestamp.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
            line := msg.Line
            if l.multilinePattern != nil {
                lineEffectiveLen := effectiveLen(string(line))
                if l.multilinePattern.Match(line) || effectiveLen(string(eventBuffer))+lineEffectiveLen > maximumBytesPerEvent {
                    // This is a new log event or we will exceed max bytes per event
                    // so flush the current eventBuffer to events and reset timestamp
                    l.processEvent(batch, eventBuffer, eventBufferTimestamp)
                    eventBufferTimestamp = msg.Timestamp.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
                    eventBuffer = eventBuffer[:0]
                // Append newline if event is less than max event size
                if lineEffectiveLen < maximumBytesPerEvent {
                    line = append(line, "\n"...)
                eventBuffer = append(eventBuffer, line...)
            } else {
                l.processEvent(batch, line, msg.Timestamp.UnixNano()/int64(time.Millisecond))

// processEvent processes log events that are ready for submission to CloudWatch
// logs.  Batching is performed on time- and size-bases.  Time-based batching occurs
// at the interval defined by awslogs-force-flush-interval-seconds (defaults to 5 seconds).
// Size-based batching is performed on the maximum number of events per batch
// (defined in maximumLogEventsPerPut) and the maximum number of total bytes in a
// batch (defined in maximumBytesPerPut).  Log messages are split by the maximum
// bytes per event (defined in maximumBytesPerEvent).  There is a fixed per-event
// byte overhead (defined in perEventBytes) which is accounted for in split- and
// batch-calculations.  Because the events are interpreted as UTF-8 encoded
// Unicode, invalid UTF-8 byte sequences are replaced with the Unicode
// replacement character (U+FFFD), which is a 3-byte sequence in UTF-8.  To
// compensate for that and to avoid splitting valid UTF-8 characters into
// invalid byte sequences, we calculate the length of each event assuming that
// this replacement happens.
func (l *logStream) processEvent(batch *eventBatch, bytes []byte, timestamp int64) {
    for len(bytes) > 0 {
        // Split line length so it does not exceed the maximum
        splitOffset, lineBytes := findValidSplit(string(bytes), maximumBytesPerEvent)
        line := bytes[:splitOffset]
        event := wrappedEvent{
            inputLogEvent: types.InputLogEvent{
                Message:   aws.String(string(line)),
                Timestamp: aws.Int64(timestamp),
            insertOrder: batch.count(),

        added := batch.add(event, lineBytes)
        if added {
            bytes = bytes[splitOffset:]
        } else {

// effectiveLen counts the effective number of bytes in the string, after
// UTF-8 normalization.  UTF-8 normalization includes replacing bytes that do
// not constitute valid UTF-8 encoded Unicode codepoints with the Unicode
// replacement codepoint U+FFFD (a 3-byte UTF-8 sequence, represented in Go as
// utf8.RuneError)
func effectiveLen(line string) int {
    effectiveBytes := 0
    for _, rune := range line {
        effectiveBytes += utf8.RuneLen(rune)
    return effectiveBytes

// findValidSplit finds the byte offset to split a string without breaking valid
// Unicode codepoints given a maximum number of total bytes.  findValidSplit
// returns the byte offset for splitting a string or []byte, as well as the
// effective number of bytes if the string were normalized to replace invalid
// UTF-8 encoded bytes with the Unicode replacement character (a 3-byte UTF-8
// sequence, represented in Go as utf8.RuneError)
func findValidSplit(line string, maxBytes int) (splitOffset, effectiveBytes int) {
    for offset, rune := range line {
        splitOffset = offset
        if effectiveBytes+utf8.RuneLen(rune) > maxBytes {
            return splitOffset, effectiveBytes
        effectiveBytes += utf8.RuneLen(rune)
    splitOffset = len(line)

// publishBatch calls PutLogEvents for a given set of InputLogEvents,
// accounting for sequencing requirements (each request must reference the
// sequence token returned by the previous request).
func (l *logStream) publishBatch(batch *eventBatch) {
    if batch.isEmpty() {
    cwEvents := unwrapEvents(

    nextSequenceToken, err := l.putLogEvents(cwEvents, l.sequenceToken)
    if err != nil {
        if apiErr := (*types.DataAlreadyAcceptedException)(nil); errors.As(err, &apiErr) {
            // already submitted, just grab the correct sequence token
            nextSequenceToken = apiErr.ExpectedSequenceToken
                "errorCode":     apiErr.ErrorCode(),
                "message":       apiErr.ErrorMessage(),
                "logGroupName":  l.logGroupName,
                "logStreamName": l.logStreamName,
            }).Info("Data already accepted, ignoring error")
            err = nil
        } else if apiErr := (*types.InvalidSequenceTokenException)(nil); errors.As(err, &apiErr) {
            nextSequenceToken, err = l.putLogEvents(cwEvents, apiErr.ExpectedSequenceToken)
    if err != nil {
    } else {
        l.sequenceToken = nextSequenceToken

// putLogEvents wraps the PutLogEvents API
func (l *logStream) putLogEvents(events []types.InputLogEvent, sequenceToken *string) (*string, error) {
    input := &cloudwatchlogs.PutLogEventsInput{
        LogEvents:     events,
        SequenceToken: sequenceToken,
        LogGroupName:  aws.String(l.logGroupName),
        LogStreamName: aws.String(l.logStreamName),
    resp, err := l.client.PutLogEvents(context.TODO(), input)
    if err != nil {
        var apiErr smithy.APIError
        if errors.As(err, &apiErr) {
                "errorCode":     apiErr.ErrorCode(),
                "message":       apiErr.ErrorMessage(),
                "logGroupName":  l.logGroupName,
                "logStreamName": l.logStreamName,
            }).Error("Failed to put log events")
        return nil, err
    return resp.NextSequenceToken, nil

// ValidateLogOpt looks for awslogs-specific log options awslogs-region, awslogs-endpoint
// awslogs-group, awslogs-stream, awslogs-create-group, awslogs-datetime-format,
// awslogs-multiline-pattern
func ValidateLogOpt(cfg map[string]string) error {
    for key := range cfg {
        switch key {
        case logGroupKey:
        case logStreamKey:
        case logCreateGroupKey:
        case regionKey:
        case endpointKey:
        case tagKey:
        case datetimeFormatKey:
        case multilinePatternKey:
        case credentialsEndpointKey:
        case forceFlushIntervalKey:
        case maxBufferedEventsKey:
        case logFormatKey:
            return fmt.Errorf("unknown log opt '%s' for %s log driver", key, name)
    if cfg[logGroupKey] == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("must specify a value for log opt '%s'", logGroupKey)
    if cfg[logCreateGroupKey] != "" {
        if _, err := strconv.ParseBool(cfg[logCreateGroupKey]); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("must specify valid value for log opt '%s': %v", logCreateGroupKey, err)
    if cfg[forceFlushIntervalKey] != "" {
        if value, err := strconv.Atoi(cfg[forceFlushIntervalKey]); err != nil || value <= 0 {
            return fmt.Errorf("must specify a positive integer for log opt '%s': %v", forceFlushIntervalKey, cfg[forceFlushIntervalKey])
    if cfg[maxBufferedEventsKey] != "" {
        if value, err := strconv.Atoi(cfg[maxBufferedEventsKey]); err != nil || value <= 0 {
            return fmt.Errorf("must specify a positive integer for log opt '%s': %v", maxBufferedEventsKey, cfg[maxBufferedEventsKey])
    _, datetimeFormatKeyExists := cfg[datetimeFormatKey]
    _, multilinePatternKeyExists := cfg[multilinePatternKey]
    if datetimeFormatKeyExists && multilinePatternKeyExists {
        return fmt.Errorf("you cannot configure log opt '%s' and '%s' at the same time", datetimeFormatKey, multilinePatternKey)

    if cfg[logFormatKey] != "" {
        // For now, only the "json/emf" log format is supported
        if cfg[logFormatKey] != jsonEmfLogFormat {
            return fmt.Errorf("unsupported log format '%s'", cfg[logFormatKey])
        if datetimeFormatKeyExists || multilinePatternKeyExists {
            return fmt.Errorf("you cannot configure log opt '%s' or '%s' when log opt '%s' is set to '%s'", datetimeFormatKey, multilinePatternKey, logFormatKey, jsonEmfLogFormat)

    return nil

// Len returns the length of a byTimestamp slice.  Len is required by the
// sort.Interface interface.
func (slice byTimestamp) Len() int {
    return len(slice)

// Less compares two values in a byTimestamp slice by Timestamp.  Less is
// required by the sort.Interface interface.
func (slice byTimestamp) Less(i, j int) bool {
    iTimestamp, jTimestamp := int64(0), int64(0)
    if slice != nil && slice[i].inputLogEvent.Timestamp != nil {
        iTimestamp = *slice[i].inputLogEvent.Timestamp
    if slice != nil && slice[j].inputLogEvent.Timestamp != nil {
        jTimestamp = *slice[j].inputLogEvent.Timestamp
    if iTimestamp == jTimestamp {
        return slice[i].insertOrder < slice[j].insertOrder
    return iTimestamp < jTimestamp

// Swap swaps two values in a byTimestamp slice with each other.  Swap is
// required by the sort.Interface interface.
func (slice byTimestamp) Swap(i, j int) {
    slice[i], slice[j] = slice[j], slice[i]

func unwrapEvents(events []wrappedEvent) []types.InputLogEvent {
    cwEvents := make([]types.InputLogEvent, len(events))
    for i, input := range events {
        cwEvents[i] = input.inputLogEvent
    return cwEvents

func newEventBatch() *eventBatch {
    return &eventBatch{
        batch: make([]wrappedEvent, 0),
        bytes: 0,

// events returns a slice of wrappedEvents sorted in order of their
// timestamps and then by their insertion order (see `byTimestamp`).
// Warning: this method is not threadsafe and must not be used
// concurrently.
func (b *eventBatch) events() []wrappedEvent {
    return b.batch

// add adds an event to the batch of events accounting for the
// necessary overhead for an event to be logged. An error will be
// returned if the event cannot be added to the batch due to service
// limits.
// Warning: this method is not threadsafe and must not be used
// concurrently.
func (b *eventBatch) add(event wrappedEvent, size int) bool {
    addBytes := size + perEventBytes

    // verify we are still within service limits
    switch {
    case len(b.batch)+1 > maximumLogEventsPerPut:
        return false
    case b.bytes+addBytes > maximumBytesPerPut:
        return false

    b.bytes += addBytes
    b.batch = append(b.batch, event)

    return true

// count is the number of batched events.  Warning: this method
// is not threadsafe and must not be used concurrently.
func (b *eventBatch) count() int {
    return len(b.batch)

// size is the total number of bytes that the batch represents.
// Warning: this method is not threadsafe and must not be used
// concurrently.
func (b *eventBatch) size() int {
    return b.bytes

func (b *eventBatch) isEmpty() bool {
    zeroEvents := b.count() == 0
    zeroSize := b.size() == 0
    return zeroEvents && zeroSize

// reset prepares the batch for reuse.
func (b *eventBatch) reset() {
    b.bytes = 0
    b.batch = b.batch[:0]