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// Package fluentd provides the log driver for forwarding server logs
// to fluentd endpoints.
package fluentd // import ""

import (

    units ""

type fluentd struct {
    tag           string
    containerID   string
    containerName string
    writer        *fluent.Fluent
    extra         map[string]string

type location struct {
    protocol string
    host     string
    port     int
    path     string

const (
    name = "fluentd"

    defaultBufferLimit = 1024 * 1024
    defaultHost        = ""
    defaultPort        = 24224
    defaultProtocol    = "tcp"

    // logger tries to reconnect 2**32 - 1 times
    // failed (and panic) after 204 years [ 1.5 ** (2**32 - 1) - 1 seconds]
    defaultMaxRetries = math.MaxInt32
    defaultRetryWait  = 1000

    minReconnectInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond
    maxReconnectInterval = 10 * time.Second

    addressKey                = "fluentd-address"
    asyncKey                  = "fluentd-async"
    asyncConnectKey           = "fluentd-async-connect" // deprecated option (use fluent-async instead)
    asyncReconnectIntervalKey = "fluentd-async-reconnect-interval"
    bufferLimitKey            = "fluentd-buffer-limit"
    maxRetriesKey             = "fluentd-max-retries"
    requestAckKey             = "fluentd-request-ack"
    retryWaitKey              = "fluentd-retry-wait"
    subSecondPrecisionKey     = "fluentd-sub-second-precision"

func init() {
    if err := logger.RegisterLogDriver(name, New); err != nil {
    if err := logger.RegisterLogOptValidator(name, ValidateLogOpt); err != nil {

// New creates a fluentd logger using the configuration passed in on
// the context. The supported context configuration variable is
// fluentd-address.
func New(info logger.Info) (logger.Logger, error) {
    fluentConfig, err := parseConfig(info.Config)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errdefs.InvalidParameter(err)

    tag, err := loggerutils.ParseLogTag(info, loggerutils.DefaultTemplate)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errdefs.InvalidParameter(err)

    extra, err := info.ExtraAttributes(nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errdefs.InvalidParameter(err)

    log.G(context.TODO()).WithField("container", info.ContainerID).WithField("config", fluentConfig).
        Debug("logging driver fluentd configured")

    log, err := fluent.New(fluentConfig)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &fluentd{
        tag:           tag,
        containerID:   info.ContainerID,
        containerName: info.ContainerName,
        writer:        log,
        extra:         extra,
    }, nil

func (f *fluentd) Log(msg *logger.Message) error {
    data := map[string]string{
        "container_id":   f.containerID,
        "container_name": f.containerName,
        "source":         msg.Source,
        "log":            string(msg.Line),
    for k, v := range f.extra {
        data[k] = v
    if msg.PLogMetaData != nil {
        data["partial_message"] = "true"
        data["partial_id"] = msg.PLogMetaData.ID
        data["partial_ordinal"] = strconv.Itoa(msg.PLogMetaData.Ordinal)
        data["partial_last"] = strconv.FormatBool(msg.PLogMetaData.Last)

    ts := msg.Timestamp
    // fluent-logger-golang buffers logs from failures and disconnections,
    // and these are transferred again automatically.
    return f.writer.PostWithTime(f.tag, ts, data)

func (f *fluentd) Close() error {
    return f.writer.Close()

func (f *fluentd) Name() string {
    return name

// ValidateLogOpt looks for fluentd specific log option fluentd-address.
func ValidateLogOpt(cfg map[string]string) error {
    for key := range cfg {
        switch key {
        case "env":
        case "env-regex":
        case "labels":
        case "labels-regex":
        case "tag":

        case addressKey:
        case asyncKey:
        case asyncConnectKey:
        case asyncReconnectIntervalKey:
        case bufferLimitKey:
        case maxRetriesKey:
        case requestAckKey:
        case retryWaitKey:
        case subSecondPrecisionKey:
            // Accepted
            return errors.Errorf("unknown log opt '%s' for fluentd log driver", key)

    _, err := parseConfig(cfg)
    return err

func parseConfig(cfg map[string]string) (fluent.Config, error) {
    var config fluent.Config

    loc, err := parseAddress(cfg[addressKey])
    if err != nil {
        return config, errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid fluentd-address (%s)", cfg[addressKey])

    bufferLimit := defaultBufferLimit
    if cfg[bufferLimitKey] != "" {
        bl64, err := units.RAMInBytes(cfg[bufferLimitKey])
        if err != nil {
            return config, err
        bufferLimit = int(bl64)

    retryWait := defaultRetryWait
    if cfg[retryWaitKey] != "" {
        rwd, err := time.ParseDuration(cfg[retryWaitKey])
        if err != nil {
            return config, err
        retryWait = int(rwd.Seconds() * 1000)

    maxRetries := defaultMaxRetries
    if cfg[maxRetriesKey] != "" {
        mr64, err := strconv.ParseUint(cfg[maxRetriesKey], 10, strconv.IntSize)
        if err != nil {
            return config, err
        maxRetries = int(mr64)

    if cfg[asyncKey] != "" && cfg[asyncConnectKey] != "" {
        return config, errors.Errorf("conflicting options: cannot specify both '%s' and '%s", asyncKey, asyncConnectKey)

    async := false
    if cfg[asyncKey] != "" {
        if async, err = strconv.ParseBool(cfg[asyncKey]); err != nil {
            return config, err

    // TODO fluentd-async-connect is deprecated in driver v1.4.0. Remove after two stable releases
    asyncConnect := false
    if cfg[asyncConnectKey] != "" {
        if asyncConnect, err = strconv.ParseBool(cfg[asyncConnectKey]); err != nil {
            return config, err

    asyncReconnectInterval := 0
    if cfg[asyncReconnectIntervalKey] != "" {
        interval, err := time.ParseDuration(cfg[asyncReconnectIntervalKey])
        if err != nil {
            return config, errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid value for %s", asyncReconnectIntervalKey)
        if interval != 0 && (interval < minReconnectInterval || interval > maxReconnectInterval) {
            return config, errors.Errorf("invalid value for %s: value (%q) must be between %s and %s",
                asyncReconnectIntervalKey, interval, minReconnectInterval, maxReconnectInterval)
        asyncReconnectInterval = int(interval.Milliseconds())

    subSecondPrecision := false
    if cfg[subSecondPrecisionKey] != "" {
        if subSecondPrecision, err = strconv.ParseBool(cfg[subSecondPrecisionKey]); err != nil {
            return config, err

    requestAck := false
    if cfg[requestAckKey] != "" {
        if requestAck, err = strconv.ParseBool(cfg[requestAckKey]); err != nil {
            return config, err

    config = fluent.Config{
        FluentPort:             loc.port,
        FluentHost:   ,
        FluentNetwork:          loc.protocol,
        FluentSocketPath:       loc.path,
        BufferLimit:            bufferLimit,
        RetryWait:              retryWait,
        MaxRetry:               maxRetries,
        Async:                  async,
        AsyncConnect:           asyncConnect,
        AsyncReconnectInterval: asyncReconnectInterval,
        SubSecondPrecision:     subSecondPrecision,
        RequestAck:             requestAck,
        ForceStopAsyncSend:     async || asyncConnect,

    return config, nil

func parseAddress(address string) (*location, error) {
    if address == "" {
        return &location{
            protocol: defaultProtocol,
            host:     defaultHost,
            port:     defaultPort,
            path:     "",
        }, nil

    if !strings.Contains(address, "://") {
        address = defaultProtocol + "://" + address

    addr, err := url.Parse(address)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    switch addr.Scheme {
    case "unix":
        if strings.TrimLeft(addr.Path, "/") == "" {
            return nil, errors.New("path is empty")
        return &location{protocol: addr.Scheme, path: addr.Path}, nil
    case "tcp", "tls":
        // continue processing below
        return nil, errors.Errorf("unsupported scheme: '%s'", addr.Scheme)

    if addr.Path != "" {
        return nil, errors.New("should not contain a path element")

    host := defaultHost
    port := defaultPort

    if h := addr.Hostname(); h != "" {
        host = h
    if p := addr.Port(); p != "" {
        // Port numbers are 16 bit:
        portNum, err := strconv.ParseUint(p, 10, 16)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "invalid port")
        port = int(portNum)
    return &location{
        protocol: addr.Scheme,
        host:     host,
        port:     port,
        path:     "",
    }, nil