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Test Coverage
package swarm

import (

    swarmtypes ""

// NoTasksForService verifies that there are no more tasks for the given service
func NoTasksForService(ctx context.Context, client client.ServiceAPIClient, serviceID string) func(log poll.LogT) poll.Result {
    return func(log poll.LogT) poll.Result {
        tasks, err := client.TaskList(ctx, types.TaskListOptions{
            Filters: filters.NewArgs(
                filters.Arg("service", serviceID),
        if err == nil {
            if len(tasks) == 0 {
                return poll.Success()
            if len(tasks) > 0 {
                return poll.Continue("task count for service %s at %d waiting for 0", serviceID, len(tasks))
            return poll.Continue("waiting for tasks for service %s to be deleted", serviceID)
        // TODO we should not use an error as indication that the tasks are gone. There may be other reasons for an error to occur.
        return poll.Success()

// NoTasks verifies that all tasks are gone
func NoTasks(ctx context.Context, client client.ServiceAPIClient) func(log poll.LogT) poll.Result {
    return func(log poll.LogT) poll.Result {
        tasks, err := client.TaskList(ctx, types.TaskListOptions{})
        switch {
        case err != nil:
            return poll.Error(err)
        case len(tasks) == 0:
            return poll.Success()
            return poll.Continue("waiting for all tasks to be removed: task count at %d", len(tasks))

// RunningTasksCount verifies there are `instances` tasks running for `serviceID`
func RunningTasksCount(ctx context.Context, client client.ServiceAPIClient, serviceID string, instances uint64) func(log poll.LogT) poll.Result {
    return func(log poll.LogT) poll.Result {
        filter := filters.NewArgs()
        filter.Add("service", serviceID)
        tasks, err := client.TaskList(ctx, types.TaskListOptions{
            Filters: filter,
        var running int
        var taskError string
        for _, task := range tasks {
            switch task.Status.State {
            case swarmtypes.TaskStateRunning:
            case swarmtypes.TaskStateFailed:
                if task.Status.Err != "" {
                    taskError = task.Status.Err

        switch {
        case err != nil:
            return poll.Error(err)
        case running > int(instances):
            return poll.Continue("waiting for tasks to terminate")
        case running < int(instances) && taskError != "":
            return poll.Continue("waiting for tasks to enter run state. task failed with error: %s", taskError)
        case running == int(instances):
            return poll.Success()
            return poll.Continue("running task count at %d waiting for %d (total tasks: %d)", running, instances, len(tasks))

// JobComplete is a poll function for determining that a ReplicatedJob is
// completed additionally, while polling, it verifies that the job never
// exceeds MaxConcurrent running tasks
func JobComplete(ctx context.Context, client client.CommonAPIClient, service swarmtypes.Service) func(log poll.LogT) poll.Result {
    filter := filters.NewArgs(filters.Arg("service", service.ID))

    var jobIteration swarmtypes.Version
    if service.JobStatus != nil {
        jobIteration = service.JobStatus.JobIteration

    maxConcurrent := int(*service.Spec.Mode.ReplicatedJob.MaxConcurrent)
    totalCompletions := int(*service.Spec.Mode.ReplicatedJob.TotalCompletions)
    previousResult := ""

    return func(log poll.LogT) poll.Result {
        tasks, err := client.TaskList(ctx, types.TaskListOptions{
            Filters: filter,
        if err != nil {

        var running int
        var completed int

        var runningSlot []int
        var runningID []string

        for _, task := range tasks {
            // make sure the task has the same job iteration
            if task.JobIteration == nil || task.JobIteration.Index != jobIteration.Index {
            switch task.Status.State {
            case swarmtypes.TaskStateRunning:
                runningSlot = append(runningSlot, task.Slot)
                runningID = append(runningID, task.ID)
            case swarmtypes.TaskStateComplete:

        switch {
        case running > maxConcurrent:
            return poll.Error(fmt.Errorf(
                "number of running tasks (%v) exceeds max (%v)", running, maxConcurrent,
        case (completed + running) > totalCompletions:
            return poll.Error(fmt.Errorf(
                "number of tasks exceeds total (%v), %v running and %v completed",
                totalCompletions, running, completed,
        case completed == totalCompletions && running == 0:
            return poll.Success()
            newRes := fmt.Sprintf(
                "Completed: %2d Running: %v\n\t%v",
                completed, runningSlot, runningID,
            if newRes == previousResult {
            } else {
                previousResult = newRes

            return poll.Continue(
                "Job not yet finished, %v completed and %v running out of %v total",
                completed, running, totalCompletions,