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package safepath

// ErrNotAccessible is returned by Join when the resulting path doesn't exist,
// is not accessible, or any of the path components was replaced with a symlink
// during the path traversal.
type ErrNotAccessible struct {
    Path  string
    Cause error

func (*ErrNotAccessible) NotFound() {}

func (e *ErrNotAccessible) Unwrap() error {
    return e.Cause

func (e *ErrNotAccessible) Error() string {
    msg := "cannot access path " + e.Path
    if e.Cause != nil {
        msg += ": " + e.Cause.Error()
    return msg

// ErrEscapesBase is returned by Join when the resulting concatenation would
// point outside of the specified base directory.
type ErrEscapesBase struct {
    Base, Subpath string

func (*ErrEscapesBase) InvalidParameter() {}

func (e *ErrEscapesBase) Error() string {
    msg := "path concatenation escapes the base directory"
    if e.Base != "" {
        msg += ", base: " + e.Base
    if e.Subpath != "" {
        msg += ", subpath: " + e.Subpath
    return msg