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Test Coverage
//go:build linux || freebsd

package netnsutils

import (


// OSContext is a handle to a test OS context.
type OSContext struct {
    origNS, newNS netns.NsHandle

    tid    int
    caller string // The file:line where SetupTestOSContextEx was called, for interpolating into error messages.

// SetupTestOSContext joins the current goroutine to a new network namespace,
// and returns its associated teardown function.
// Example usage:
//    defer SetupTestOSContext(t)()
func SetupTestOSContext(t *testing.T) func() {
    c := SetupTestOSContextEx(t)
    return func() { c.Cleanup(t) }

// SetupTestOSContextEx joins the current goroutine to a new network namespace.
// Compared to [SetupTestOSContext], this function allows goroutines to be
// spawned which are associated with the same OS context via the returned
// OSContext value.
// Example usage:
//    c := SetupTestOSContext(t)
//    defer c.Cleanup(t)
func SetupTestOSContextEx(t *testing.T) *OSContext {
    origNS, err := netns.Get()
    if err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("Failed to open initial netns: %v", err)

    c := OSContext{
        tid:    unix.Gettid(),
        origNS: origNS,
    c.newNS, err = netns.New()
    if err != nil {
        // netns.New() is not atomic: it could have encountered an error
        // after unsharing the current thread's network namespace.
        t.Fatalf("Failed to enter netns: %v", err)

    // Since we are switching to a new test namespace make
    // sure to re-initialize initNs context

    nl := ns.NlHandle()
    lo, err := nl.LinkByName("lo")
    if err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("Failed to get handle to loopback interface 'lo' in new netns: %v", err)
    if err := nl.LinkSetUp(lo); err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("Failed to enable loopback interface in new netns: %v", err)

    _, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(0)
    if ok {
        c.caller = file + ":" + strconv.Itoa(line)

    return &c

// Cleanup tears down the OS context. It must be called from the same goroutine
// as the [SetupTestOSContextEx] call which returned c.
// Explicit cleanup is required as (*testing.T).Cleanup() makes no guarantees
// about which goroutine the cleanup functions are invoked on.
func (c *OSContext) Cleanup(t *testing.T) {
    if unix.Gettid() != c.tid {
        t.Fatalf("c.Cleanup() must be called from the same goroutine as SetupTestOSContextEx() (%s)", c.caller)
    if err := c.newNS.Close(); err != nil {
        t.Logf("Warning: netns closing failed (%v)", err)

func (c *OSContext) restore(t *testing.T) {
    if err := netns.Set(c.origNS); err != nil {
        t.Logf("Warning: failed to restore thread netns (%v)", err)
    } else {

    if err := c.origNS.Close(); err != nil {
        t.Logf("Warning: netns closing failed (%v)", err)

// Set sets the OS context of the calling goroutine to c and returns a teardown
// function to restore the calling goroutine's OS context and release resources.
// The teardown function accepts an optional Logger argument.
// This is a lower-level interface which is less ergonomic than c.Go() but more
// composable with other goroutine-spawning utilities such as [sync.WaitGroup]
// or [].
// Example usage:
//    func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
//        osctx := testutils.SetupTestOSContextEx(t)
//        defer osctx.Cleanup(t)
//        var eg errgroup.Group
//        eg.Go(func() error {
//            teardown, err := osctx.Set()
//            if err != nil {
//                return err
//            }
//            defer teardown(t)
//            // ...
//        })
//        if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
//            t.Fatalf("%+v", err)
//        }
//    }
func (c *OSContext) Set() (func(testutils.Logger), error) {
    orig, err := netns.Get()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to open initial netns for goroutine")
    if err := errors.WithStack(netns.Set(c.newNS)); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set goroutine network namespace")

    tid := unix.Gettid()
    _, file, line, callerOK := runtime.Caller(0)

    return func(log testutils.Logger) {
        if unix.Gettid() != tid {
            msg := "teardown function must be called from the same goroutine as c.Set()"
            if callerOK {
                msg += fmt.Sprintf(" (%s:%d)", file, line)

        if err := netns.Set(orig); err != nil && log != nil {
            log.Logf("Warning: failed to restore goroutine thread netns (%v)", err)
        } else {

        if err := orig.Close(); err != nil && log != nil {
            log.Logf("Warning: netns closing failed (%v)", err)
    }, nil

// Go starts running fn in a new goroutine inside the test OS context.
func (c *OSContext) Go(t *testing.T, fn func()) {
    errCh := make(chan error, 1)
    go func() {
        teardown, err := c.Set()
        if err != nil {
            errCh <- err
        defer teardown(t)

    if err := <-errCh; err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("%+v", err)